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TUW: The Outpost


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Technical Post

OOC: With the completion of the beta test game, I am implementing a new parameter to character development and instituting a vocabulary change.

The term experience will be replaced with development. All rewards and mechanics are the same. This is only a vocabulary change.

For the new parameter, all players will need to choose a primary field of focus for their characters from the three core abilities of body, essence, and mind. Abilities and skills within the primary field will be developed on a point for point basis, while the other two fields will be developed on a two for one basis. This is to purposefully generate greater diversity and divergence in characters so that all are not jacks of all trades.

For example, a character with Body as its primary field can increase a Strength of 5 or Combat of 5 to 6 by the application of 5 developmental points. That same character would increase Confluence or Collegiate or Will or Commercial of 5 to 6 by the application of 10 developmental points.

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 261: Evening: Tracked

... Raven Elk nods to the others and drifts back from the group, gradually slanting northwards to get a closer look...
Vittero, who is already walking with an arrow knocked to his undrawn bow, lift his left hand so that Raven Elk can see. He does not turn to face his friend, alter his step, or say anything. He does, however, try to make his steps more quiet and listen more intently to his surroundings.

Taylar will play along with the ruse...
GM: Raven Elk drifts northward, trying to keep pace with the rest of the party while moving in a less detectable manner. When Taylar starts singing, the tracker begins moving more in an angular direction that will ensure a meeting with the crew and making more noise with its step. The step sound heavy and singular to Raven Elk.

As he approaches, Raven Elk suddenly sees his quarry at a much closer distance than expected. He can also see the party through the trees at about twice the distance from the very large brown bear in front of him. Despite its huge size, the brown coloration blends into the background of the forest so as to conceal the bear from casual notice. The bear shakes its head from side to side and begins to sling slather from its mouth. It is definitely preparing to attack.

Raven Elk realizes that if he attracts the bears attention, it will likely turn and attack him instead of the party, a singular fight he can expect to rapidly lose. It is a grave decision that confronts him.

OOC: Current Inventory:
  • francs: 121
Animal Parts:
  • Beetle Carapaces: 31
  • Large Beetle Carapaces: 11
  • Fisher Hides: 30% cover
  • Dove Feathers: 10 sets: {Health +1}
  • Rock Pigeon Feathers: 3 sets: {Health +1}
  • Boar Tusk: 2 pair: {Confluence +1}
  • Running Bird Tail Feathers: 6 sets: {Confluence +1}
  • Mourning Bird Tail Feathers: 1 set: {Persona +2}(-Persona x2)
  • Slate: 64: {Thump x2}
  • Flint: 10 {Heat x2}
  • Bloodstone: 1: {Confluence +1}
  • Sunstone: 8: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
  • Heartstone: 5: {Confluence +1}
  • Lodestone: 2 {shock x2}
  • Zinc Ingots: 19: {Health +1, Mend x2}
  • Tin Ingot: 13: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
  • Lead Ingot: 13: {Rend x2}
  • Iron Ingot: 20 {Confluence +1, Mend x2}
  • Chromium Ingot: 1: {Strength +1}
  • Calcium Ingot: 1: {Cohesion +1, Restore x2}
  • Toxic Leaves: 1 measure {Muddle x2}
Unknown Items:
  • Angry Spirit Dust:
[sblock=Character Data]
OOC: Vittero: full health
harnin arrows: 24 (23)
Taylar: full health
Maka: full health
harnin arrows: 26 (25)
Raven Elk: full health
Adisakti: full health
[sblock=Party Discovers]Slate Boulder: 76 stones worth, East Pass
Tin Vein: 43 stones worth, East Pass
Zinc Vein: 61 ingots worth, 7 days north East Pass
Keep of the Rising Sun[/sblock]
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Raven Elk, realizing the dire situation he and the party are in, slowly, cautiously, works his way around the trees using them as a screen in the hopes of eluding the bear. Normally, he would use one of the bird or animal calls they all knew to warn them, but he feared he may choose one the bear would prefer to eat over five young men. Plus, as much as it appeared to be slathering, though not uncommon for any bear, Raven Elk wanted to avoid a face to face confrontation with it if it were possibly rabid.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Not Lions, Not Tigers, Just a ...

Raven Elk, realizing the dire situation...
GM: As Raven Elk begins to move, the bear begins to pick up speed, abandoning stealth for haste in hopes of capturing that fat, deeply singing, ground bird. Unbeknownst to Raven Elk, the bruin bull is following its normal metabolic shift with the changing seasons, becoming more carnivorous in hopes of putting on more fat before the coming cold chill fills the environment. The smaller, less aggressive black bears are known to attack rodents, rabbits and other small varmints during the late harvest season. It stands to reason that this much larger brown bear would crave larger game. Deer being much faster afoot, this strange looking group of bipedal things becomes appetizing to it.

The grizzly is every bit twice the height of Taylar and four times his bulk. Raven Elk increases speed with the increase of the bear, when the bear starts to run, Raven Elk realizes his intent is focused and Raven Elk could no longer be targeted; so he lets out a shrill whistle, but it is unnecessary as the bear begins making plenty of noise all on its own.

OOC: Please post reaction and action rolls with stated intentions. The bear, when noticed, is to the party's right at medium bow range and closing fast, Raven Elk's whistle comes from behind the bear and to its left.

OOC: Current Inventory:
  • francs: 121
Animal Parts:
  • Beetle Carapaces: 31
  • Large Beetle Carapaces: 11
  • Fisher Hides: 30% cover
  • Dove Feathers: 10 sets: {Health +1}
  • Rock Pigeon Feathers: 3 sets: {Health +1}
  • Boar Tusk: 2 pair: {Confluence +1}
  • Running Bird Tail Feathers: 6 sets: {Confluence +1}
  • Mourning Bird Tail Feathers: 1 set: {Persona +2}(-Persona x2)
  • Slate: 64: {Thump x2}
  • Flint: 10 {Heat x2}
  • Bloodstone: 1: {Confluence +1}
  • Sunstone: 8: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
  • Heartstone: 5: {Confluence +1}
  • Lodestone: 2 {shock x2}
  • Zinc Ingots: 19: {Health +1, Mend x2}
  • Tin Ingot: 13: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
  • Lead Ingot: 13: {Rend x2}
  • Iron Ingot: 20 {Confluence +1, Mend x2}
  • Chromium Ingot: 1: {Strength +1}
  • Calcium Ingot: 1: {Cohesion +1, Restore x2}
  • Toxic Leaves: 1 measure {Muddle x2}
Unknown Items:
  • Angry Spirit Dust:
[sblock=Character Data]
OOC: Vittero: full health
harnin arrows: 24 (23)
Taylar: full health
Maka: full health
harnin arrows: 26 (25)
Raven Elk: full health
Adisakti: full health
[sblock=Party Discovers]Slate Boulder: 76 stones worth, East Pass
Tin Vein: 43 stones worth, East Pass
Zinc Vein: 61 ingots worth, 7 days north East Pass
Keep of the Rising Sun[/sblock]


Gamer Extraordinaire
Taylar spins with his baton in his hands. He intends to charge at the bear and swing at one of its limbs, hoping to damage it and slow the animal. When his baton connects with the bear, he will manipulate Way to Heat the creature.
OOC: Reaction: 94/74, Action: 64
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Maka will draw his bow and fire, assuming he has a clean shot.
OOC: Reaction Roll: 87 Bowshot: 73

GM: had to remove option about manipulating Way. Maka's current collegiate rank is 5. He will need 10 ranks to be able to manipulate a a distance.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 261: Grizzly

Taylar spins with his baton in his hands. He intends to charge at the bear and swing at one of its limbs, hoping to damage it and slow the animal. When his baton connects with the bear, he will manipulate Way to Heat the creature.
OOC: Reaction: 94/74, Action: 64
Maka will draw his bow and fire, assuming he has a clean shot.
OOC: Reaction Roll: 87 Bowshot: 73
Vittero will knock an arrow, moving to the front of the party, hoping to flank to the bear's left side as he draws and fires.
OOC: Reaction: 48 Action: 71

OOC: Reaction Time: Readiness + Athletic + Clarity + d100 - armor hindrance
Taylar: 28 + 22 + 18 + 94 + 74 = 236 - 146 = 90
Maka: 16 + 27 + 19 + 87 = 149 - 121 = 28
Vittero: 18 + 23 + 22 + 48 = 121 - 102 = 19
Grizzly: 80 + 46 + 0 + 49 = 175

Speed of Action: Reaction Time - hindrance
Grizzly: 175 - 300(movement) = -125
Taylar: 90 - 200(movement) = -110
Maka: 28 - 200 = -172
Vittero: 19 - 200 = -181

GM: The bear is incredibly faster at a dead run than any of the crew could possible have predicted. It has already closed to short bow range to physically assault Taylar, who also closed toward it, before Maka or Vittero can launch their arrows.

OOC: Physical Assault: Attack + Precision + Fury + d100
Taylar: 29 + 22 + 18 + 64 = 133
Grizzly: 80 + 46 + 0 + 40 = 166

Physical Defense: Defend + Preservation + Konokoro + d100 + shield
Grizzly: 80 + 36 + 0 + 40 = 156
Taylar: 28 + 22 + 18 + 64 = 132
Damage: 156 - 132 = 24% * 10 = 2 - 18(deflect), ineffective
Bracer: 20 - 2 = 18
Throw: 156 - 132 = 24 - 22(immovability) = 2%, down

Projectile Assault: launch + precision + clarity + d100 +/- range
Maka: 16 + 27 + 19 + 73 = 135 + 50(short) = 185
Vittero: 18 + 23 + 22 + 71 = 135 + 50(short) = 185

Projectile Avoidance: preservation + konokoro + d100 + cover
Grizzly: 36 + 0 + 40 = 76
Damage: 185 - 76 = 109% * 10 = 11 - 16(deflect), ineffective

GM: As the bear rises to attack its movement deflects the effectiveness of Taylar's attack. The bear, in turn swipes at Taylar catching his bracer in a glancing blow. Though barely touching him the massive force of the bear knocks Taylar from his feet. Before Taylar is knocked down arrows from Maka and Vittero both contact the bear but neither is able to penetrate the long fur and touch skin.

OOC: Current Inventory:
  • francs: 121
Animal Parts:
  • Beetle Carapaces: 31
  • Large Beetle Carapaces: 11
  • Fisher Hides: 30% cover
  • Dove Feathers: 10 sets: {Health +1}
  • Rock Pigeon Feathers: 3 sets: {Health +1}
  • Boar Tusk: 2 pair: {Confluence +1}
  • Running Bird Tail Feathers: 6 sets: {Confluence +1}
  • Mourning Bird Tail Feathers: 1 set: {Persona +2}(-Persona x2)
  • Slate: 64: {Thump x2}
  • Flint: 10 {Heat x2}
  • Bloodstone: 1: {Confluence +1}
  • Sunstone: 8: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
  • Heartstone: 5: {Confluence +1}
  • Lodestone: 2 {shock x2}
  • Zinc Ingots: 19: {Health +1, Mend x2}
  • Tin Ingot: 13: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
  • Lead Ingot: 13: {Rend x2}
  • Iron Ingot: 20 {Confluence +1, Mend x2}
  • Chromium Ingot: 1: {Strength +1}
  • Calcium Ingot: 1: {Cohesion +1, Restore x2}
  • Toxic Leaves: 1 measure {Muddle x2}
Unknown Items:
  • Angry Spirit Dust:
[sblock=Character Data]
OOC: Vittero: full health
harnin arrows: 23
Taylar: full health, prone
Bracer: 20 - 2 = 18
Maka: full health
harnin arrows: 25
Raven Elk: full health
Adisakti: full health
[sblock=Party Discovers]Slate Boulder: 76 stones worth, East Pass
Tin Vein: 43 stones worth, East Pass
Zinc Vein: 61 ingots worth, 7 days north East Pass
Keep of the Rising Sun[/sblock]
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Raven Elk charges at a dead run behind the rampaging Bear. When he sees the bear come to a halt as it attacks Taylar, Raven Elk lifts his spear in both hands and lunges down with the spear trying to cause a debilitating injury to its haunches in an attempt to slow down and lessen any of its attacks.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 261: Grizzly and Raven Elk

Raven Elk charges at a dead run behind the rampaging Bear. When he sees the bear come to a halt as it attacks Taylar, Raven Elk lifts his spear in both hands and lunges down with the spear trying to cause a debilitating injury to its haunches in an attempt to slow down and lessen any of its attacks.
OOC: Reaction Time: Readiness + Athletic + Clarity + d100 - armor hindrance
Taylar: -110
Maka: -172
Vittero: -181
Grizzly: -125
Raven Elk: 19 + 24 + 24 + 50 = 117 - 136 = -19

Speed of Action: Reaction Time - hindrance
Raven Elk:-19 - 100 = -119

Physical Assault: Attack + Precision + Fury + d100
Raven Elk: 18 + 24 + 24 + 50 = 116

Physical Defense: Defend + Preservation + Konokoro + d100 + shield
Grizzly: 80 + 36 + 0 + 46 = 162 - 100(2nd opponent) = 62
Damage: 116 - 62 = 54% * 20 = 11 - 16(deflect), ineffective

GM: Raven Elk comes up on the bear just after it knocks Taylar to the ground stabbing at its flank with his spear. Despite his added advantage of ganging up on the superior foe, his spear his unable to penetrate the bear's protective coating.

OOC: Current Inventory:
  • francs: 121
Animal Parts:
  • Beetle Carapaces: 31
  • Large Beetle Carapaces: 11
  • Fisher Hides: 30% cover
  • Dove Feathers: 10 sets: {Health +1}
  • Rock Pigeon Feathers: 3 sets: {Health +1}
  • Boar Tusk: 2 pair: {Confluence +1}
  • Running Bird Tail Feathers: 6 sets: {Confluence +1}
  • Mourning Bird Tail Feathers: 1 set: {Persona +2}(-Persona x2)
  • Slate: 64: {Thump x2}
  • Flint: 10 {Heat x2}
  • Bloodstone: 1: {Confluence +1}
  • Sunstone: 8: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
  • Heartstone: 5: {Confluence +1}
  • Lodestone: 2 {shock x2}
  • Zinc Ingots: 19: {Health +1, Mend x2}
  • Tin Ingot: 13: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
  • Lead Ingot: 13: {Rend x2}
  • Iron Ingot: 20 {Confluence +1, Mend x2}
  • Chromium Ingot: 1: {Strength +1}
  • Calcium Ingot: 1: {Cohesion +1, Restore x2}
  • Toxic Leaves: 1 measure {Muddle x2}
Unknown Items:
  • Angry Spirit Dust:
[sblock=Character Data]
OOC: Vittero: full health
harnin arrows: 23
Taylar: full health, prone
Bracer: 20 - 2 = 18
Maka: full health
harnin arrows: 25
Raven Elk: full health
Adisakti: full health
[sblock=Party Discovers]Slate Boulder: 76 stones worth, East Pass
Tin Vein: 43 stones worth, East Pass
Zinc Vein: 61 ingots worth, 7 days north East Pass
Keep of the Rising Sun[/sblock]

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Maka, realizing that weapons are proving to be inadequate, says, "A warrior is nothing if he is not willing to die in pursuit of his goal!"

With that, he drops the bow, and rushes the bear, intending to touch him; it is Maka's intention to Muddle the bear using Way Manipulation.

Touch Attack: 71
Way Manipulation: 80

Voidrunner's Codex

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