Unearthed Arcana UA feats, are they trying to allow people to not have to multiclass to get class abilities?

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I would have thought an extra ki feat would have been very popular.
You would need to tie it to a monk ability made sense for non-monks to learn, and preferably wasn't automatic for a monk.

Looking through, I think the best way to do it would be to raid the 4E subclass.

Ki Adept. Your can use your Wisdom score instead of Strength for attack and damage rolls when making an unarmed strike. Your can roll 1d4 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strikes. You gain 2 ki points. Choose one Elemental Discipline. If the Elemental Discipline has a prerequisite you may choose that discipline only if you are a monk and only if you meet the prerequisite. You may swap your elemental discipline for a different one when you level up.
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The High Aldwin
I must have missed an update on the statistics of the player experience.

Can you link the source for those percentages? Last I saw, feats were much lower than 80%.
If you want to go digging for it, you can, but I started two polls here and IIRC, multiclassing was used in over 50% of tables, but many of them did not involve "heavy"-style MCing.

The poll on feats showed something like 90% or more tables (it might have been as high as 95%) of tables used feats.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
If you want to go digging for it, you can, but I started two polls here and IIRC, multiclassing was used in over 50% of tables, but many of them did not involve "heavy"-style MCing.

The poll on feats showed something like 90% or more tables (it might have been as high as 95%) of tables used feats.
Oh, it’s a reference to polls taken here?

All due respect to the good folks here...we aren’t a useful sample of the D&D community.


The High Aldwin
Oh, it’s a reference to polls taken here?

All due respect to the good folks here...we aren’t a useful sample of the D&D community.
LOL no problem, it was just the only information available. Others might have other sources, but that was mine. ;)

FWIW, I've never met or played at a table in either 3E or 5E that doesn't use both feat and MCing to one point or another. I've heard about tables, but never experienced it myself.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
LOL no problem, it was just the only information available. Others might have other sources, but that was mine. ;)

FWIW, I've never met or played at a table in either 3E or 5E that doesn't use both feat and MCing to one point or another. I've heard about tables, but never experienced it myself.
I have met them, though I think they’re strange. Then again, I think ever picking an ASI is kinda odd, so what do I know.

edit: okay that isn’t true. My level 13 rogue/fighter might pick an ASI at fighter4 (character level 15), or maybe the next feat after that, because he has all the feats he really needs at this point and I don’t wanna add any more widgets after getting manuevers at fighter3.

Of course, this set of feats makes me wonder if maybe fighter MC was unnecessary to begin with...but no, Second Wind and Action Surge are awesome.
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