D&D (2024) UA Ranger (Playtest 6)

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I think they worry that people will reject the idea of a whole volley with a single action without magic, especially if it doesn’t consume a prohibitive amount of ammo.
You can fluff it I think. Something like you grab anything nearby for use as an arrow. Realistically most rangers will not be targeting that many enemies most if the time.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
You can fluff it I think. Something like you grab anything nearby for use as an arrow. Realistically most rangers will not be targeting that many enemies most if the time.
I’m a singer in the choir you’re preaching to. I just think WotC is worried that the broader player base won’t accept such things without magic.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
My point is that WOTC is trying to update the ranger without creating anything despite the fact that they know they screwed up the initial ranger design.

Rather than:
  1. diving into the past history of the ranger of previous editions and recreating updated versions of those iconic features
  2. look into the analogs of rangers of other high magic fantasy games and converting those abolities
  3. think about the ranger parallels in modern media and adapting those elements
They are just reusing what they made in2024 and Tasha's. The ranger had ranged ranged weapon buff spells in older editions. In many video and board games, ranger characters have magic arrows. And in both rangers have a mystical affinity to animals, plants, and earth.

But "Conjure Barrage spell to kill faceless mooks" for every ranger.
Rangers literally already have those other things. You're complaining about the Ranger as if they don't have magic arrow spells, and an affinity with nature and animals.

I told my wife about this argument and she went back to reading Aristophanes...apparently we aren't as entertaining in disagreement as Dionysus and Xanthias.

Anyway, seriously, what is your complaint? Like...the class doesn't get animal friendship as a special class feature? It has the whole Primal spell list!


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Treantmonk has his playtest Ranger video up for Patreon viewers, soon for all viewers. And I, and he, were shocked that his damage calculations for a 13th level Beastmaster were much higher than expected. Second only to a Bezerker Barbarian. Now he makes assumptions, it's just one build at 13th level, and I'd note he never does any calculation for chances to lose concentration on Hunter's Mark - but he also never casts any other spells so maybe he is assuming slots are devoted to Hunter's Mark. Still in all, the damage was surprisingly higher than expected. Slightly over 50 damage per round at 13th level.

On the negative, he bashes choice of terrain and advocates they just get advantage on tracking. He has serious problems with hunters mark and thinks maybe they should get to remove concentration on that at 11th level. And there are some bonus action conflicts. Finally he seems to hate the revised Gloomstalker - not that the Gloomstalker didn't need a nerf (it did) just that this version is weird. Where is the "scary" coming from, why do they now teleport, and the Frightened condition doesn't even function if you're invisible to the target so two of their abilities directly conflict with each other.


Finally he seems to hate the revised Gloomstalker - not that the Gloomstalker didn't need a nerf (it did) just that this version is weird.
Gloomstalker doesnt need a nerf, all other subclasses need a buff.
Gloomstalker was only one that pushed ranger to a little higher tier.
Not equal to full casters or paladins, but close.

Hunter subclass is such a joke that it needs to be a base class feature.

Voidrunner's Codex

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