Ukraine invasion

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Speaking of which....

It's a bundle of a little of everything they tend to offer. There is less than 6 days left on it.
Im surprised thats WHFRPG 2E and not 4E.
Not that this is bad, 2E is the best edition


Staff member
Yup I've seen that but filed it in the rumors category.

There's a book floating around that explains their doctrine.

The head if the convoy is setting up a FOB it's 17 kilometers from Kiev.

But their artillery has a range of 24 lm iirc.

To us it looks like Hur dur their army sucks but they're apparently running it pretty much by the book. Their book anyway.

And their army is a bit more willing to soak some casualties as well vs a western one.

Unless their army routs, collapses or Ukraine can counter attack they're still winning.

I'm watching CNN, MSNBC, France 24 and DW. A bit if footage they're using went up on Reddit days ago so there's also that.

Our perception may also be a bit skewed because of it.
Dug a little more- the guy who started that thread discussion isn’t just some dude on the internet. He’s a US military logistics specialist. Not saying he’s RIGHT, but he’sworking from a more informed POV than most “experts”.



Dug a little more- the guy who started that thread discussion isn’t just some dude on the internet. He’s a US military logistics specialist. Not saying he’s RIGHT, but he’sworking from a more informed POV than most “experts”.

Yes but the courage is skewed is more the main point.

A video emerged of rations with expiry date of 2015. But they never authenticated the video but we've had 3 weeks starving Russian troops.

Then again there's eating MRE's genre on YouTube always wondered how you can buy Russian rations online. Think we know why now.

I think plan A was probably shock and awe Ukraine collapse. Plan B is what they're doing. Same playbook as Aleppo, Grozny or even WW2. Call up the arty and let her rip.

The news also sanitizes the blood and guts not really showing Ukrainian lost equipment or dead (except civilians).

Russian army was gonna run out of oomph in 10 days. That was reported 7 days ago. They're also pushing the Putin is mad/regime change angle. He's a ruthless evil bastard but he said point blank what he's gonna do.

Reddit has the videos and pictures they don't show on the news.

Dug a little more- the guy who started that thread discussion isn’t just some dude on the internet. He’s a US military logistics specialist. Not saying he’s RIGHT, but he’sworking from a more informed POV than most “experts”.

He's making a point I've heard before, and which seems pretty accurate. If you have a regime that is basically a kleptocracy, then corruption runs all the way to the top. At every stage where maintenance of military gear had to be done, someone somewhere accepts a few bills under the table to do that job cheap and poorly. And then once it comes to actual fighting, that is when you see it all break down.


I am the mysterious professor.
I'd like to recommend the Prevail podcast with Greg Olear. Right now he's focusing more on Russia. The podcast is mostly about Russia's connection to our former president and way to political to discuss here. I just thought it might be interesting to some of you though.


I found time to drop an update. I brought the cake and a plan to work and my boss okayed it. A local tv station came and interviewed us for the evening news the second day we were running things. After that we have been making 6 cakes a day each day I am at work. We were backed up a week for call in orders at one point. Things have started to slow down now. We made about 1875 pieces of cake so far and raised about $4700 for Voices of Children so far. It has been an experience and I have learned a good bit about myself and the community. Overall, I am pleased with how things have turned out.
Hope any of you who tried the recipe enjoyed it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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