Ultimate Dual Monitor Setup


Okay everyone, I recently hooked up my laptop to my TV using an S-Video cable for displaying images and maps to my players. I've tried a couple of options:

1. Microsoft Powerpoint:
GOOD - Can configure program to show slideshow images (fullscreen) on second monitor
BAD - Too time consuming creating a slide for the images

2. Picasa2 (from Google):
GOOD - Very user friendly and organizes thumbnails well
BAD - No options with slideshow; cannot view on second monitor; slideshow cannot be controlled manually

3. MS Windows Viewer (XP default):
GOOD - Easy to drag window to second monitor
BAD - No option for slideshow on second monitor; cannot control slideshow

4. Infarview:
GOOD - Best thumbnail organizer (tree format); many options to customize
BAD - Drag and drop option does not work on second monitor; cannot configure full-screen on second monitor

So, I wanted to know what programs/tools you use if you have a dual monitor setup in your games. Basically what I want to do is either A) drag an image to the second monitor and image is displayed and/or B) have a program opened on main monitor (laptop) with list of images (thumbnails) and when selected it automatically appears on second monitor (TV) in Full Screen mode.

The program that comes closest to this is Powerpoint, but creating a slide and inserting an image is too time consuming. Also, if during the game I find an image online it takes too long to show players.


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Do you not have the 2nd monitor acting as an extention of the first one? I have no problem using any programs on a 2nd monitor, as I just need to drag the window from my monitor to the other one. In fact, I usually have Photoshop dragged open onto both monitors (so the app is half on one monitor, half on the other). I unfog the map as we play, and then slide it over to the other monitor to show the players.

As for pics, I never considered using a slideshow, but then I'm never sure what order they'll actually see the pics, so I'm not sure I'd want to set it up that way anyway. But, yeah, I use Picasa2. Google is da bomb. ;)


First Post
The GIMP. Free image program, but then again I use it to show layers that I remove to show the map. Not a sludeshow.


I use the full version of ScreenMonkey. It's not free ($32) but you can load any image you want and click the "GM Screen" button to show it on a second monitor. You can also mask pictures (basically put a gray cover on it) and use a pencil tool to "unmask" parts. It's fantastic for dungeon crawls because it's so easy to show the map and uncover pieces at a time. I no longer have to worry about map drawing at the table or worry about the mapper getting things off-scale. For example, I downloaded the hi-res maps from Paizo.com for an adventure I just ran out of Dungeon. Yes, it had numbers on it, but my players didn't really care. :)


First Post
I just checked irfanview. While you can't show fullscreen on the second monitor, you can manually zoom the image and resize the window.

Most apps simply aren't designed with a second monitor in mind, so you might look for an image viewer that *is* designed that way.


XCorvis said:
I just checked irfanview. While you can't show fullscreen on the second monitor, you can manually zoom the image and resize the window.

Most apps simply aren't designed with a second monitor in mind, so you might look for an image viewer that *is* designed that way.

And so far the only program that comes close to that is Powerpoint. :( But I will continue with my search :) Thank you all for your help, and I will try to mess around with irfanview a little more.

Question regarding the full version of ScreenMonkey: When showing an image on the "GM Screen", does it show it "full screen" or are there other "things" on screen, i.e. chat box, NPC box, toolbar, etc.



I am the mysterious professor.
Wow the game is getting high tech. I still haven't started using my laptop during a game but use it between games. Does the tech stuff make it better or is it not needed?


pjrake said:
And so far the only program that comes close to that is Powerpoint. :( But I will continue with my search :) Thank you all for your help, and I will try to mess around with irfanview a little more.

Question regarding the full version of ScreenMonkey: When showing an image on the "GM Screen", does it show it "full screen" or are there other "things" on screen, i.e. chat box, NPC box, toolbar, etc.


It's full screen. The only thing visible is the image.


Aeson said:
Wow the game is getting high tech. I still haven't started using my laptop during a game but use it between games. Does the tech stuff make it better or is it not needed?

Some people say it's better, some people say it's worse. I think it all depends on how people use it. Personally, I love it. :)


Aeson said:
Wow the game is getting high tech. I still haven't started using my laptop during a game but use it between games. Does the tech stuff make it better or is it not needed?

Using a laptop has greatly increased the level of enjoyment in our games. Since I have internet access while playing, if there's an image I need to show players I can quickly find it. Also, to have an arsenal of music at your disposal (I use Rhapsody) to create mood is alone worth it!


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