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Ultimate SECRET WAR "Issue #0, Prelude to WAR"


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Kevin said:
"Make DDs Initiative roll... also roll a Willpower Save. Go ahead and describe your actions (don't assume you WILL go first just yet, ie. don't think you'll take the guy out before he fires on you) and THEN, (like the X-men/Spidey) you need to describe your Greatest Desire and Greatest Fear for me..."

At the sound of the hammer pulling back, Matt jumps high into the air, firing his hook up at a 12 Ft. High Light Post trying to get out of range(Init Roll=*20*( No lie)+8=28)

All of the sudden, some kind of mental storm overtakes Matt's head(2+7=9 Will Save)

Greatest Desire: Matt opens his eyes, the light and color pouring all around him. He sitting at a table in a very nice restaurant across from a tall, muscled man, a man he knew, Jack the Devil Murdock. His father slides him over a newspaper, the headline reading, "Kingpin Gone for Good, his Crime Empire Ended!". He smiles and says, "Im proud of ya Matt..."

Greatest Fear: Matt lies beaten up and mask-less on the street, the rain pouring down on him. Ahead of him, he sees three figures, The Priest, Foggy, and Karen, all pinned to a wall with spikes, lifeless. As he looks up, he sees Kingpin, with a Desert Eagle handgun in his right hand pointed at Matt's skull.

"Hell's Kitchen is Mine lawyer..."
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Rogue-the X-Men

ooc: will save total 17

Rogue pushes herself of the floor and weakly tries to get her legs back under herself.

"What am I doing down here? And what's all this noise?"



Kevin Perrine said:
ALL X-MEN ... one last Willpower Saving Throw

the DC of the save is 15 ... If you make it... describe your actions based on the ACTIONS happening on TV and afront the mansion. If you FAIL describe your actions as you pull yourself from the floor, you are currently DAZED and cannot take any big agressive actions.
Feel free to talk to one another about what's happened/happening...

ALL the X-men (except Wolverine & Xavier) are currently in the TV room picking yourself off the floor... EVERYONE, even Kitty.

Will Save: 9
Piotr sees the news program and shivers of terror run up his spine. He immediately springs to action, ordering everyone out of the room and into the basement. He yells at the top of his lungs for the Professor.

[OOC: not sure what else would happen. The room's full of people and everyone's doing their own thing. I imagine Piotr is going to do basically what he did in the movie, and grab the younger ones to keep them safe. Where would he go to do this? What's the plan Xavier has in place? I'll start by going to the basement and trying to get Chuck's attention.]


First Post
Your in-flight movie is... sensor data.

Kevin Perrine said:
Spidey, IronMan, Quicksilver and Banner if you or others arrive on scene (Cap, IronMan could get there soon) all ROLL initiative

Trusting in his suit's autonavigational flight system, Iron Man turned to analyzing sensor data. He activated his passive sensors' default "alert" flags and shunted them to low priority. Calling up an overhead map of his route to the Triskelion, he initiated a handful of active scans; his perceptions underwent a subtle shift as a composite of sensor results overlaid themselves across a distorted "tunnel view" of his route to the Triskelion. Tony grinned to himself - the new search routines he'd tweaked were working as well in the field as they had in simulations.

Only a few "hot spots" indicated a second glance, though nothing so dramatic as to require a fly-by. Iron Man initiated an active scan on his destination and on each indicator within 20 miles. As additional details interlaced themselves throughout his view, his local surroundings froze. Iron Man watched as each indicator sequentially updated, reflecting changes in every "hot spot" within 20 miles, dismissing each in turn until he saw the Triskelion. (ESP, rank 6)

A familiar tone alerted Iron Man to an incoming message, but all that followed was a brief, high-pitched buzzing sound. Communication systems cut in with, "Quicksilver: Translating," and replayed the message at a speed he could understand.
Quicksilver said:
"Nice to hear you're on your way. Fury just called a reunion at 22h, usual place. Don't miss it, even Banner will be there."

"Fury landed already?" Tony checked his chronometer, but he wasn't running late. "Wait a second... who is Spider-Man fighting? Whomever it is, they've found a way around my satellites." Tony killed his active scans and shunted an extra boost of power to his flight systems, kicking in an extra boost of speed. (Sprinting, Flight, 80 mph) Tony laughed to himself, "First, I'll help the web-crawler; second, I'll find out what they're using to avoid detection; third, I'll patent it! Another win for Stark Enterprises."

Initiative Roll: 1 (die) + 8 (mod) = 9
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First Post
UFF - Mister Fantastic

As usual on these ‘Family Nights’ the members of Reeds fantastic family are scattered throughout the Baxter Building. Reed, as usual, is found tinkering in his lab working on two projects at once both dealing with ‘N-Zone’ energies.

The first, Reed’s on-going project, dealing with finding a way to shift each member of his team back into their proper ‘phase space’ and rid them each of the curse that he has forced upon them, though Reed had to admit he was finding certain benefits to his new hyper-extendable form. As of late he’s actually been considering not shifting himself back when, not if, he finds a way to do it.

“…and, if I can manage to adjust the proportion of N-Waves to the mass of the subject then…no, that won’t work…damn….”

The second project was a pet project of Reed’s. Attempting to use a small, localized, worm hole he is attempting to divert and convert N-Waves, the energy that makes up much of the N-Zone, into a fuel cell to power the new Fantasticar that he has been working on with Ben and Johnny.

“…ah, yeah…the key is an adimantium casing. Because, if I can infuse the adimantium with N-Waves, it can actually increase the density while reducing the mass and therefore making the fuel cell light enough to install in the Fantasitcar…oh wait until I tell the guys…”


Storm - X-Men

Ororo flew with purpose towards the mansion, not understanding the strange weather, that was usually her domain. Her long, pure white hair flowed in the wind as sailed towards her home. Hopefully the others weren't in trouble...

Speaking of trouble, Ororo wondered how much she was in. She and Scott were to be looking into a possible new recruit in Kentucky, but they had gotten into an arguement on the way, (what even started it, she couldn't remember) and Ororo simply left Scott to deal with it himself, flying back to the mansion, taking her time and enjoying the warm summer air...that is, until she realized something might be wrong at the mansion.

Approaching the mansion, the dark-skinned African-American girl, dressed in her X-uniform, scanned the grounds with her pupiless, pure white eyes. Spotting Logan, she thinks, "Oh, man, there must be trouble."

She flies in, making sure to come in upwind so he knows who it is, and calls to him. "Logan? Hey, what's going on? Where's everyone else?"
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First Post

Bihlbo said:
Will Save: 9
Piotr sees the news program and shivers of terror run up his spine. He immediately springs to action, ordering everyone out of the room and into the basement. He yells at the top of his lungs for the Professor.

[OOC: not sure what else would happen. The room's full of people and everyone's doing their own thing. I imagine Piotr is going to do basically what he did in the movie, and grab the younger ones to keep them safe. Where would he go to do this? What's the plan Xavier has in place? I'll start by going to the basement and trying to get Chuck's attention.]
"Ahhh Piotr, I am so glad you are alright... I will go to get the professor and meet you in the basement." **BAMF**

[OOC: Nightcrawler is porting to the professors bedroom to get him and also to explain what is happening outside as he gets to the professor.]
[Roll of 9+10=19 to port to the professors room, roll of 15+10=25 for porting himself and the prof to the basement. not sure about the modifiers you have the sheet I do believe, and that is assuming the prof will come with me or if he is in his room]

UFF: She-Hulk and Mr. Fantastic


“…ah, yeah…the key is an adimantium casing. Because, if I can infuse the adimantium with N-Waves, it can actually increase the density while reducing the mass and therefore making the fuel cell light enough to install in the Fantasitcar…oh wait until I tell the guys…”

"Talking to yourself again Reed? I'm bored waiting for Johnny to take me out. You need any help here?"
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Kevin Perrine

First Post
Fantastic Four (Reed, Ben & Jenn)

"Sticks and Stones and Car Crashes and really fat people, will break my bones but words they will not harm me..."
Johnny taunts as he speeds up rounding the corner toward into Reed Richard's cavernous labratory...

Reed - hard at work on something that neither Johnny nor Ben will understand prattles above in lab coat and tools galore...
And the large green-skinned beauty aids holding steady the gizmo the size of a small bus that Reed stretches around as he works to attach it to the quantum-what-cha-ma-callit...

DocHazard said:
As usual on these ‘Family Nights’ the members of Reeds fantastic family are scattered throughout the Baxter Building. Reed, as usual, is found tinkering in his lab working on two projects at once both dealing with ‘N-Zone’ energies.

The first, Reed’s on-going project, dealing with finding a way to shift each member of his team back into their proper ‘phase space’ and rid them each of the curse that he has forced upon them, though Reed had to admit he was finding certain benefits to his new hyper-extendable form. As of late he’s actually been considering not shifting himself back when, not if, he finds a way to do it.

“…and, if I can manage to adjust the proportion of N-Waves to the mass of the subject then…no, that won’t work…damn….”

The second project was a pet project of Reed’s. Attempting to use a small, localized, worm hole he is attempting to divert and convert N-Waves, the energy that makes up much of the N-Zone, into a fuel cell to power the new Fantasticar that he has been working on with Ben and Johnny.

“…ah, yeah…the key is an adimantium casing. Because, if I can infuse the adimantium with N-Waves, it can actually increase the density while reducing the mass and therefore making the fuel cell light enough to install in the Fantasitcar…oh wait until I tell the guys…”

Fearless Leader said:
"Talking to yourself again Reed? I'm bored waiting for Johnny to take me out. You need any help here?"

Johnny spins in his wheel-chair... his leg broken from his recent car crash...
Not seeing Jennifer he lets loose another blast of firepower... pushing him and his chair toward the Jade-Giantess and the weight balanced above her head!!

HOLY CRAP!! the Human Torch is about to slam into She-Hulk as she teeters the weight of a 20 ton conductor unit in place for Reed's N-Wave work!!
Torch: 15 total
Reed: ??
Thing: 16
She-Hulk: ??

both Reed, She-Hulk and Torch look to be in danger, not to mention the sensitive equipment!!
Check you initiative and say WHAT you do?

As the accident amid the laberatory faulters... the crash of lightning flashes, lighting up several energy and tracking systems in place within the Baxter Buildings central lab.
and then as if pre-determined a small diagnostic at the control deck of Reed's base science station picks up the ver thing he has been theorizing on!!!

A small, localized, worm hole devouring the proto-matter and collecting N-Waves into a funneling pattern of energy that makes up much of the N-Zone, an anomoly of the EXACT ‘phase space’ shift that twisted the Fantastic Four's atoms into their current configuration.
with a glance to the data stack, Reed and quickly decipher something.... other...
Susan's lab station, her work with bio-genetics she'd been looking into. The formations of inconsistencies that have CHANGED between the physical results of each member of the Four only a year ago......... it was all there. The abnormality...
the coordinates concluded that the same energy signiture was recollecting at...

Latitude 40°47'N, Longitude 73°57'W...Place Status (Type) park
Location Manhattan Island, New York, United States, North America
Place Name Central Park
(1.3 sq mi/3.4 sq km), the largest park in Manhattan, N.Y. city; bordered by 59th St. on the S, Fifth Ave. on the E, 110th St. on the N, and Central Park W. The park has rolling terrain with lakes and ponds, greeneries, bridle paths, walks, and park drives. There are many playgrounds and other recreational facilities, including the Wollman Skating Rink. The Metropolitan Mus. of Art stands in the park on Fifth Ave.; other points of interest include a formal garden, a zoo, an Egyptian obelisk popularly called “Cleopatra's Needle,” a N.Y. city reservoir, and the Mall. In the open-air Delacorte Theater, Shakespearian dramas and other plays are presented free of charge during the summer. The private Central Park Conservancy works with N.Y. city to preserve and improve the park.

but that wasn't all...
Sue's results were coniciding with those of the original four, placing them at the coordinates EXACTLY as the day they first became "imaginauts" ... the very day they were reborn to their fantastic powers...
Back then it had displaced them individually.
It had displaced not four ... but FIVE.
and now...
that fifth signature had returned!!!
He's alive?!!!!

Kevin Perrine

First Post
The Ultimates & Spider-Man (Banner, IronMan, Quicksilver, Hawkeye, Thor, Cap)

*Noticing that Captain America has taken care of most of the foot soliders, he will glide down and land beside him.*

"Friends of yours?"
He asks pointing towards the mass of tanks and men. "I can't believe you do this to relieve stress. Come on Fury is probably here by now, shut the program down and lets get going."

The simulation ends - more abruptly than as expected... PLATO - the Stark-Pym hybrid Artificial Intelligence that controls the defensive systems of the mighty Triskelion siezes control of the base!
RED lights indicate the emergency.
Soldiers and Staff alike break for their posts, dropping money and munchies that they cheered with while watching the Ultimates in training...

a quick inquirey to any control panel shows the issue...
their was a situation on the Med-Flight deck.
Spider-man was creating a problem...

"If these two die, I'm going to beat you so bad that you'll be called the Purple Goblin, Osborn!"
Spider-man leaps towards the edge and shoots a web, trying to snare the falling chopper.

Parker's unnecessary leap and web shot snares the helicopter... To Spider-man the chopper looks as if it will tumble into the river at any moment. to the other's ... Spider-man has gone insane. As the chopper sits harmlessly on deck, Fury walks toward the straining young hero....

"BANNER!!... where the F#$% is Banner?!! Maximoff - get the good Doctor up here! and I MEAN TWO MINUTES AGO!! We gotta plug this boy into his sensor rig before he's done trippin', I think it's contactin' him."
Fury looks steely eyed into the mutant's eyes before the smart-ass mutant has a chance to give him backtalk.
Fury had no powers - he was JUST a flatscan... But then again he knew people... POWERFUL people and that made him powerful. best not to cross him.
He'll shut up eventually...

"What-is-he-doing-here?" Quicksilver questioned...

Trusting in his suit's autonavigational flight system, Iron Man turned to analyzing sensor data. He activated his passive sensors' default "alert" flags and shunted them to low priority. Calling up an overhead map of his route to the Triskelion, he initiated a handful of active scans; his perceptions underwent a subtle shift as a composite of sensor results overlaid themselves across a distorted "tunnel view" of his route to the Triskelion. Tony grinned to himself - the new search routines he'd tweaked were working as well in the field as they had in simulations.

Only a few "hot spots" indicated a second glance, though nothing so dramatic as to require a fly-by. Iron Man initiated an active scan on his destination and on each indicator within 20 miles. As additional details interlaced themselves throughout his view, his local surroundings froze. Iron Man watched as each indicator sequentially updated, reflecting changes in every "hot spot" within 20 miles, dismissing each in turn until he saw the Triskelion.

Beyond the "naturally" occuring thunderstorm (Tony had to chuckle, there was nothing natural about the storm - but the press wouldn't take kindly to Thor messing around with the forcasters of the city), beyond the storm... for a second a displacement blip appeared just southwest - probably around Central Park. An O2 displacement... something moving the air unnaturally, Tony had seen this only once before when recording the disappearance of the X-man codename: Nightcrawler... when he would reappear from his mutant teleportation. A displacement of air on a mass the size of Madison Square Gar......

and then
A familiar tone alerted Iron Man to an incoming message, but all that followed was a brief, high-pitched buzzing sound. Communication systems cut in with, "Quicksilver: Translating," and replayed the message at a speed he could understand.

"Fury landed already?" Tony checked his chronometer, but he wasn't running late. "Wait a second... who is Spider-Man fighting? Whomever it is, they've found a way around my satellites." Tony killed his active scans and shunted an extra boost of power to his flight systems, kicking in an extra boost of speed. (Sprinting, Flight, 80 mph) Tony laughed to himself, "First, I'll help the web-crawler; second, I'll find out what they're using to avoid detection; third, I'll patent it! Another win for Stark Enterprises."

"If these two die, I'm going to beat you so bad that you'll be called the Purple Goblin, Osborn!"
Spider-man leaps towards the edge and shoots a web, trying to snare the falling chopper.

It would be fairly easy for IronMan to disable Spider-Man from his POV, the webslinger hadn't even glanced at him. As Fury motioned to "take him" cautiously!
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