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Ultimate SECRET WAR "Issue #0, Prelude to WAR"

Kevin Perrine

First Post
the X-Men (Colossus, Nightcrawler, Rogue, Angel, Wolverine & Storm)

As Kurt turns to toward the large windows looking out onto the Quad, each X-man within (Nightcrawler, Angel, Colossus & Rogue) can see the grounds lit up suddenly by News Helicopters and flood lights...
then suddenly......
A wheeled armored tank/truck smashes through the exterior wall of the campus gates some 200' away!!!
Captain America is atop the tank, his shield raised high in the air as he barks orders - so powerful a GOD follows him!!

"... Kuuuurt.... ugnnhhh... hey you fuzzy elf..." Kitty confirms that she's okay if not a little shaken by the mental barrage...
"what... what's going on.... I was.... upstairs and now.... OH-MY-GOSH, WHAT'S GOING ON?!!?!"

He immediately springs to action, ordering everyone out of the room and into the basement. He yells at the top of his lungs for the Professor.

Piotr grabs the X-men still hobbled on the ground, to keep them safe. He begins to move instinctively toward the lower levels...

"Ahhh Piotr, I am so glad you are alright... I will go to get the professor and meet you in the basement." **BAMF**

As Kurt arrives in Professor Xaviers room he finds only a quickly scrawled note... and a locked window... even Kurt can smell the twinge of ozone in the room, and a cold scortch mark crusts the area where Xaviers wheelchair last fell!!
and on the paper...
It calls me... as a moth to the flame... I must go. The park, in the center of Manhattan... I cannot stop it... cannot stop it ... alone...

Rogue pushes herself of the floor and weakly tries to get her legs back under herself.
"What am I doing down here? And what's all this noise?"

ANGEL[/b ]
As Angel shakes off the image of the feathers melting from off his bhack, he looks at the TV and ses the massing forces outside and can hear the annoucments from outside....
"Great now we are not just the hunted , we are the trapped. Where is the professor and Logan, we are going to need them"
He looks across to the other members of his team to see how they are recovering...

Warren sees the television room... freshly popped popcorn is strewn across the floor and couches. As Colossus picks Kitty from the floor, Kurt glances up to Piotr then to Warren and *BAMFS* out...
Rogue still confused on the floor - looks up to question the ender X-man.

Just out the window Wolverine rushes across the quad, bullets straifing the surrounding ground as he runs criss-cross through the yard toward you.
The Television ECHOES what's going on just outside...
and then
a blast of air and fire as if from a jet engine burns and blows the grass and leaves in front of the elder X-man... and a golden Ultimate decends from the sky cutting Logan off from your position!!

"that's far enough 'Wolverine', you go no further..."IRON MAN says as he holds out his two palms ......
kkkshhhhshshshh - dzuuuurrrrr
and a blast of super-heated energy encircles the X-man, as nothing but bone laced with metal collapses to the ground...

"anyone else have issues?!!"
IRON MAN smirks as he turns to the mansion, at the same time extending his audio in and through the mansion's televisions and radio recievers...

"X-men, by federal mandate you will come out with your hands on your heads and face your sentence..."

'Strange bunch o' mumbo jumbo,' Logan muttered on hearing Xavier's call. 'Could be cover for an attack though, especially if they targetted Chuck first - with his 'illness''
As the images cleared from his mind, the scent of lilacs lingered. He snorted in annoyance and made his way across the lawn alert for any impending trouble, occasionally zigzagging to get cover where it was available.
Logan considered this a military op, briefly wondering if Fury's psi-corp was having the same problems - or was causing the problems. Then again, the psi-corp was probably just something Fury cooked up to keep Chuck on his toes.
All of his senses strained at their limit, looking for trouble from any source - including his teammates.

the large plate glass revealed the entire X-man team's position. The sound and scent of Wagner teleporting drew Logan's eyes up. and there he could see the X-man known as Nightcrawler, distraught and reading something looking down at the absence of the Professor.
Colossus was doing his responsible thing - getting Kitty and Rogue to their senses... Angel and the others kept glancing to his position in the quad. He could easily see that they HAD been brainwashed with the images that had flooded their minds.

and as Wolverine blew through the illusionary image of IronMan that the others could see, he could also sense the change in barimetric pressure... Ororo was back and if he guessed right - somewhere descending now.

Ororo flew with purpose towards the mansion, not understanding the strange weather, that was usually her domain. Her long, pure white hair flowed in the wind as sailed towards her home. Hopefully the others weren't in trouble...
Approaching the mansion, the dark-skinned African-American girl, dressed in her X-uniform, scanned the grounds with her pupiless, pure white eyes. Spotting Logan, she thinks, "Oh, man, there must be trouble."

She flies in, making sure to come in upwind so he knows who it is, and calls to him. "Logan? Hey, what's going on? Where's everyone else?"

As Ororo and Logan close on the Mansion, and inside the others organize - a blast... similar to the one from earlier in the night but this time harder, stronger, more directed.
followed by a white noise - the sound of a silent room full of computer equipment... a blur of nothing noise...
and then......
a sharp commanding thought rings out, echoing across the great grounds of the Xavier Institute!

ATTENTION my X-men! This is Professor Xavier calling! REPEAT: this is Professor X! You are ordered to appear at once! Class is now in session! Tardiness will be punished!

and before you know if you each find yourself organizing... the Blackbird begins dusting off and finally your senses return with all the others around you...
Yes... this was likely some sort of ellaborate trap - but there could be no doubt, Xavier was in need!
the controls guided them toward Mid-Manhattan... Central Park...

Never within the memory of man was there a "class" such as this! Never was there a "teacher" such as Professor X! and never were there "students" such as the ... X-MEN
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Kevin Perrine

First Post
Daredevil & STONEHENGE

DralonXitz said:
At the sound of the hammer pulling back, Matt jumps high into the air, firing his hook up at a 12 Ft. High Light Post trying to get out of range(Init Roll=*20*( No lie)+8=28)

Perching above we look down on the scene with Matt the rain soaked streets form a grid like the very streets that criss-cross Manhattan... the man having just been saved by the very devil himself swings about "blindly" looking before he attempts anything. His fat form and balding head reveal his plans before he moves...
He didn't want any of this...
He just wanted to go home. and the sad thing is - Matt could guess, this wouldn't stop here. The guy... this victim... would still be in danger. Daredevil stopped his death now but what of tomorrow......
Fisk would never stop!
and then again (to lesser men) maybe THAT was okay... as the man clumsily crawled from his knees up to his feet, dropping the gun, stumbling over the unconcious Sammy Silke (who'd nearly took his life a second before). and then he ran..... alive, for now...

All of the sudden, some kind of mental storm overtakes Matt's head...
and under his rain soaked mask Daredevil hears...
"Hell's Kitchen is Mine lawyer..."
this DEVIL has INVOKED yet another bloated devil...
the rain pouring down on him.
Three figures... beyond the fat man... pinned to a wall with spikes.

The huge man stands a center the HUGE doorway to a structure unknown to Murdock... a new structure to the Park...
It radiates HATE, ANGER... FEAR.
and Wilson Fisk - better known as the KINGPIN of CRIME, tosses aside a large unbrella then unbuttons the breast of his designer suit, showing a Desert Eagle handgun.

He smirks, takes two steps backward disappearing into the building...
the massive titanic structure – A bizarre construct with an archways to this modern version of Stonehenge. Seeming benighn – having absolutely no effect on the surrounding grass or trees.

and then from the darkness within - three shots ring out...
1... BLAM!!
2... BLAM!!
3... BLAM!!

and the smell of fresh spilled blood mingles with .......
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First Post
Johnny spins in his wheel-chair... his leg broken from his recent car crash...
Not seeing Jennifer he lets loose another blast of firepower... pushing him and his chair toward the Jade-Giantess and the weight balanced above her head!!

HOLY CRAP!! the Human Torch is about to slam into She-Hulk as she teeters the weight of a 20 ton conductor unit in place for Reed's N-Wave work!!
Torch: 15 total
Reed: 19
Thing: 16
She-Hulk: ??

Stretching his neck towards the console and the rest of his body across the room like a net in order to catch Johnny before he collides with the Jade Giantess, Reed bellows

Johnny!!! This will be the last time that I tell you that I will NOT put up with your RAMPENT FRIVOLITY in MY lab!! If this happens again, I will be foced to...

but that wasn't all...
Sue's results were coniciding with those of the original four, placing them at the coordinates EXACTLY as the day they first became "imaginauts" ... the very day they were reborn to their fantastic powers...
Back then it had displaced them individually.
It had displaced not four ... but FIVE.
and now...
that fifth signature had returned!!!
He's alive?!!!!

...waitaminitwhat’s this?...It can’t be..Victor?

Kevin Perrine

First Post
DocHazard said:
Stretching his neck towards the console and the rest of his body across the room like a net in order to catch Johnny before he collides with the Jade Giantess, Reed bellows

Johnny!!! This will be the last time that I tell you that I will NOT put up with your RAMPENT FRIVOLITY in MY lab!! If this happens again, I will be foced to...

Back then it had displaced them individually.
It had displaced not four ... but FIVE.
and now...
that fifth signature had returned!!!
He's alive?!!!!

...waitaminitwhat’s this?...It can’t be..Victor?

Truly it could not be!!!
but it HAD to be... if his calculations were correct the DNA signature was that of Victor Von Damme!!
And he was at the center of the first naturally occuring singularity of N-waves within the hemisphere... And beyond the thought of his old friend being alive Reed KNEW that if not held in check this worm hole could destroy much of Manhattan Island!!

Only two men in the entire world might be able to contain the energy within - given time to study it on-site... ONE of them was at the center of the flux, the other has a 20 ton piece of machinery looming to fall over him!!

there surely would be no time to waste!



Kevin Perrine said:
But before Sue Storm can even look up with a response the crackle of thunder overhead dampens the mood in Mid-town Manhattan, as people start rushing in beneath the many drapes and ledges. Securing a spot from the downpour of rain.
and somewhere above a Thunder God smiles!

as the two rush awkwardly from the conversation with the crowd into the restaraunt - nearing simultaniously alerts appear for each of the heroes in disguise...

first Namor...
"Namor - this is FURY, we have a situation of regional proportion - you'll want to know about this. We'll likely need your involvement if it's what I suspect. Please report to the Triskelion A-sap. and before you decline... Rodgers asked that we pull you in on this one."


and as quickly as they'd came together it looks as though the star-crossed must depart. Perhaps they will see one another again soon...
A fact we all KNOW will be true...For THEY will be two of the recruits for the war that is eminent!!!

stay tuned dear readers!!

Taking one last look at Sue Storm, the Prince of Atlantis sheds the $3,000 suit as if it were on fire. Namor recalls the location of the Triskelion and takes to the air, avoiding the throng of shocked onlookers.

I shall be there within moments, General.

Shooting through the midtown air, Namor dodges through the maze of buildings that form the Manhattan skyline. He thinks he sees someone alse aflight, but dismisses the notion, focusing instead on his journey. It had been a while since Namor had flown through the city, and he had to remember where the Ultimates' base was located.

The building sometimes known as the Triskelion appeared, and Namor hovered there, looking for other members of the Ultimates.


First Post

Warren sees the television room... freshly popped popcorn is strewn across the floor and couches. As Colossus picks Kitty from the floor, Kurt glances up to Piotr then to Warren and *BAMFS* out...
Rogue still confused on the floor - looks up to question the ender X-man.

Just out the window Wolverine rushes across the quad, bullets straifing the surrounding ground as he runs criss-cross through the yard toward you.
The Television ECHOES what's going on just outside...
and then
a blast of air and fire as if from a jet engine burns and blows the grass and leaves in front of the elder X-man... and a golden Ultimate decends from the sky cutting Logan off from your position!!

"that's far enough 'Wolverine', you go no further..."IRON MAN says as he holds out his two palms ......
kkkshhhhshshshh - dzuuuurrrrr
and a blast of super-heated energy encircles the X-man, as nothing but bone laced with metal collapses to the ground...

"anyone else have issues?!!"
IRON MAN smirks as he turns to the mansion, at the same time extending his audio in and through the mansion's televisions and radio recievers...

"X-men, by federal mandate you will come out with your hands on your heads and face your sentence..."

As Angel sees Logan blasted he tenses up his wings, they are still there, he doesnt know weather fight or flight is best here.......

ATTENTION my X-men! This is Professor Xavier calling! REPEAT: this is Professor X! You are ordered to appear at once! Class is now in session! Tardiness will be punished!

Class? How the f@!* can we have a class now , were under attck, Logan is dead, is the proffessor mad!!!

Then his senses start to clear and the professors training started to reassert control
Yes... this was likely some sort of ellaborate trap - but there could be no doubt, Xavier was in need!
the controls guided them toward Mid-Manhattan... Central Park...

Never within the memory of man was there a "class" such as this! Never was there a "teacher" such as Professor X! and never were there "students" such as the ... X-MEN

Thank god , he didnt want to face that maniac in the gold armour, what could he do, feather pillow him to death.....

Before long Angel was on his stool in the Jet, his wings folded as close to his back as they could, his x-Uniform plastered onto his body, he could feel the panel that had to be sealed each time he got into it around his wing joint, wearing anythingn other on his back made him feel really umcomfortable, and flying like this, not natural at all....
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First Post
The Ultimates - Quicksilver

Quicksilver just leavs the scene, as fast as he can and start to search for Banner, looking at the war room, than to any place he would likely find him. After a quick search, he finally find him.

"Change-of-plan-we-meet-at-the-deck-two-minutes-five-seconds-ago." He grab Banner and lift it from the ground (OOC: HP to double my lifting charge if Banner slow me) "You-should-lose-weight"

He rush back to the deck with his pack. When he arrived he puts down Banner. "Anything-else-Fury?"


First Post
Thor - Ultimates

Kevin Perrine said:
a quick inquirey to any control panel shows the issue...
their was a situation on the Med-Flight deck.
Spider-man was creating a problem...

"Play times over, lets get going." Thor says to Captain America as he heads towards the door.

Once out, he will run as quickly as he can towards the Med-Flight deck.

full sprint
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I aim to misbehave
Wolverine - (Logan), unhurt [X-MEN]

Ororo said:
She flies in, making sure to come in upwind so he knows who it is, and calls to him. "Logan? Hey, what's going on? Where's everyone else?"

"Hey yourself," Logan said somewhat gruffly. He continued his approach to the mansion, confident that the young woman could keep up. "Chuck's still mental, and it looks like there's side effects. Mental illusions and the like. Kitty, Kurt, Peter, and Rogue were settling in to watch movies, when . . . ."

Narrator said:
PAIN!!followed by a white noise - the sound of a silent room full of computer equipment . . . a blur of nothing noise . . . and then . . . a sharp commanding thought rings out, echoing across the great grounds of the Xavier Institute!

When Logan's senses cleared he felt nauseous, but he was in his black uniform and sitting in the Blackbird strapped in. He was only dimly aware of the others around him, so taxed was his brain by the apparent overload of his senses.
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Johnny spins in his wheel-chair... his leg broken from his recent car crash...
Not seeing Jennifer he lets loose another blast of firepower... pushing him and his chair toward the Jade-Giantess and the weight balanced above her head!!

HOLY CRAP!! the Human Torch is about to slam into She-Hulk as she teeters the weight of a 20 ton conductor unit in place for Reed's N-Wave work!!
Torch: 15 total
Reed: 19
Thing: 16
She-Hulk: 15 (crouches anticipating the need to toss the equipment forward while leaping over Johnny, then catching it on the other side...)

Stretching his neck towards the console and the rest of his body across the room like a net in order to catch Johnny before he collides with the Jade Giantess, Reed bellows

Johnny!!! This will be the last time that I tell you that I will NOT put up with your RAMPENT FRIVOLITY in MY lab!! If this happens again, I will be foced to...

but that wasn't all...
Sue's results were coniciding with those of the original four, placing them at the coordinates EXACTLY as the day they first became "imaginauts" ... the very day they were reborn to their fantastic powers...
Back then it had displaced them individually.
It had displaced not four ... but FIVE.
and now...
that fifth signature had returned!!!
He's alive?!!!!

...waitaminitwhat’s this?...It can’t be..Victor?

Voidrunner's Codex

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