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Ultimate Thunderbolts - IC


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Fracture, 1 hp

Fracture quickly scans the running Rats for the one who was shouting orders. A quick flick of his wrist and a bone spear flies through the air towards his target.

OOC:If I can find leader man, he is target. If I can't then I will hold my attack to see what the rear guard does. Accurate Attack for 2, and All-out-Attack for 2. Making an attack of +14 and dmg of +6.

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Corvus Coronoides

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lissilambe said:

The huge man will move towards those holding the line for their partners, growling menacingly. Then he will open his mouth wide and release a gout of radioactive energy that tears across the asphalt just deliberately before them, following with, "Drop your weapons and give up now! Or I can't promise you'll survive this!" The atomic steam slipping out between his lips after the terrible blast.

::Moves toward the firing soldiers, and then fires his blast in front of them to intimidate them into dropping their weapons and surrendering; will deduct three points from his defense to add to his attack to make sure he doesn't hit them directly::

Verdant's arm reaches out toward Kaiju, his massive hand on Kaiju's chest, "holding" his comrade back.

He prompts the stragglers from the Rat Pack - "I'd do what the man says - He's a devil when his temper's up"

OOC: Maintaining the Pin on the Rat Packer that Verdant's grappled, and "acting out" holding Kaiju back - If anything, an aid another on the intimidation attempt. Kaiju would be able to obviusly tell that Verdant's play-acting - there's no force behind the hand "restraining" him.


I aim to misbehave
The Professional

Just as the battle starts winding down, Professional spins surveying the scene. He real intention is to find Citizen V and see what he is doing. He is also scouting nearby buildings for spotters for the Rat Pack or leader types.

The obejctive achieved, Professional doesn't pursue any enemies.

OOC: full round spot, unless attacked.


As the Rat Pack begin to disperse, Fracture stops for a moment and cocks his head, as if listening for something. His eyes narrow at the back of one of the retreating soldiers, and suddenly a bone spear in hurtling through the air. But the soldier seems to sense the attack. He triggers some type of metallic device that pops out the back of his uniform. Twin jets of flame shoot out, propelling the soldier into the air. "Missed, punk!" says the soldier, who must be none other than the mysterious Soldier One. Fracture curses, and spins around, looking for Twister. He can fly, and could probably catch up to Soldier one without a problem.

Except he's busy.

Fracture sees Twister, hovering just next to the helicopter that has been watching the entire fight. A cameraman seems to be leaning out, trying to frame a shot of the flying mutant. Just barely over the distance and roar of the helicopter, Twister's voice can be heard.

"So... Want an interview with a real hero?"

Fracture looks back at the fleeing leader of the Rat Pack, but all he can see is fading trail of flame. Any chance to catch him has passed. Doing a Notice check for Fracture to spot Soldier One. -2 for intermittent darkness, -2 for range, and -5 for distraction (fighting). A close success (1d20+4=14) vs. Soldier One's pitiful stealth roll. Fracture makes an attack roll, and uhhh... well... rolls a 1 (1d20+14=15). GM Fiat to have Soldier One flee, Fracture gets a Hero Point. The rest of the Rat Pack, who are quite adept at fleeing, do so, giving the group a Hero Point. Now let's see how you handle Twister. :)

Verdant pauses, and watches Kaiju as he begins moving towards the four remaining Rat Pack soldiers. Delaying for Kaiju, who I'll wrap with as soon as I get a clarification on his move (see ooc thread).


Kaiju steps towards the four remaining soldiers. One of them targets him with a burst, but the bullets ping off of Kaiju's skin without any visible effect. In response, Kaiju opens his mouth wide and releases a gout of radioactive energy that tears across the ground in front of them. The asphalt literally seems to liquify from the blast. The soldiers take a step back, their weapons all but forgotten.

"Drop your weapons and give up now! Or I can't promise you'll survive this!", shouts Kaiju. Wisps of atomic steam slip from between his lips after the terrible blast.

Verdant, still with one hand wrapped around a struggling Rat Pack soldier, steps forward. "I'd do what the man says - He's a devil when his temper's up." he says, while placing his other hand on Kaiju.

The soldiers look to one another, then back at Kaiju. With an audible sigh, one of them throws his MP5 at his feet. The other two quickly follow and immediately raise their hands in the air. Verdant tries an Aid Another for Intimidating, but fails (1d20+1=6). They're too busy staring at Kaiju, apparently. Kaiju gets a +2 for a violent act, +2 for his size, but a -2 because they're a group. I'm also throwing in a +2 because - well, they've been demolished. Kaiju rolls well (1d20+15=29). They roll well too, but fail (1d20+1=20).

Slowly, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents advance, their weapons out and shouting orders at the Rat Pack soldiers, who instantly comply. The Agents appear wary of your group, apparently waiting for someone in authority to speak with you. Citizen V walks over to Kaiju and Verdant, his sword sheathed.

"Well done. Well done! They have fled like the dogs they are." Citizen V says. "Verdant, could you bring the one you're holding over here? I'd like to have a few 'words' with him."

The Professional -[sblock]You see nothing out of the ordinary (hidden roll). The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are 'arresting' those of the Rat Pack who remain. Citizen V walks over to Kaiju and Verdant, as above. Fracture is staring up at Twister, who seems to be communicating with that helicopter you saw earlier. It appears he's giving an interview.[/sblock]Verdant - [sblock]Your hand begins to throb where you placed it on Kaiju. Looking at it, you can see that some of the barklike material that comprises your flesh seems to have blackened somewhat. He was extremely hot to the touch. Looking at your hand, and over at Kaiju, you feel somewhat... nauseous. An unusual feeling, and one you haven't felt since you joined with the Green. How unusual.[/sblock]


First Post

Fracture stared up at the whirling base of Twister as he began to do his interview. Fracture fumed as a streaming mixture of curses in Wakandan and English stream out. Fracture almost automatically had grown and grabbed a bone spear, ready to let Twister know his displeasure. Cocking his arm back, Fracture stared up at the sky for a long second before pegging the weapon into a piece of garbage on the street.

Play nice, Deck. This ain't your show and for right now you need these losers. Just make sure you don't leave your back open. The diva ain't gonna be any good.

Deckard slowly made his way over to Citizen V and Verdent's captive. Lost that *$&%^#)@*%_ soldier, the rest of the bums got away and not that jerk is busy looking like an idiot.

His anger was still burning strong. Deckard hoped he could help make the soldier speak.

OOC: Does Fracture have 2 or 3 HP? I didn't know if the general Rat Pack escape gave another point to Fracture.


First Post

The giant man shrunk back down to his 'mere' normal height, which was impressive to start. He walked slowly to the melted asphalt and stood in the wispy remnants, almost like soaking it in, and he smiled. His skin looked more tarnished than normal as he watched the others get to work on the follow up.

::Kaiju is using his asborption to swallow back the excess radiation he released from the energy blast; I figure it's not enough to actually help him much, not at all, but he enjoys it, and he realizes it helps clean the area up, which he hopes will make him more acceptable in the long run::


I aim to misbehave
The Professional

The Professional moved to the injured opponents, stabilizing those that he could. If he could not, he pointed out those that were wounded so they could receive attention - what attention he wasn't certain, just attention.


S.H.I.E.L.D. agents continue to swarm over the battlefield, arresting the Rat Pack soldiers whenever they can find them. They are surprisingly few, however. Their retreat was well-planned and orchestrated, probably due to constant training from Soldier One.

The Professional walks through the area as well, giving first aid to the foes that have been brought down. Quite a few have bullet wounds, but more were taken down by the Thunderbolts. As he is applying a tourniquet to a soldier with a missing hand, a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent squats down wordlessly next to the Professional and begins to help. From soldier to soldier they go, trying as best they can to keep the wounded from dying. The Professional's hands move deftly, but not from experience. Sometimes it pays to watch the Surgery Channel. After all is said and done, only one of the Rat Pack dies. Ok, having Jack of All Trades allows the Prof to use Medicine unskilled. Therefore he has +2 from his wisdom. Also, a +2 from the agent if he makes his Aid Another roll. There is a medical kit, so it's not at a -4. The agent assists on 5 out of 7 (1d20+2=8, 1d20+2=5, 1d20+2=15, 1d20+2=19, 1d20+2=12, 1d20+2=19, 1d20+5=15). So that means the Professional is at +4 for those, and +2 for the other two. I'll allow one retry, but after that - they've died due to blood loss. Four out of five make it(1d20+4=16, 1d20+4=17, 1d20+4=17, 1d20+4=12, 1d20+4=17). Retry on #5: Nope. (1d20+4=6) Poor guy. Other two: Nice! (1d20+2=18, 1d20+2=16) Success on both. So The Professional only loses one patient.

As civilian ambulances begin to take away the wounded, the S.H.I.E.L.D. soldier that has been assisting the Professional stands and extends his hand.

"My name is Private David Daniels. You did some good work here today." He looks over at an EMT covering up the one casualty. "A lot more would have died if you guys hadn't shown up. We were pinned down, and probably would have been dog meat before help would have arrived. So... thanks a lot."

During all this, Verdant, Fracture, and Citizen V interrogate a captured Rat Pack soldier. He is held in the huge and gnarled fist of Verdant. He glares at the three of you, but hasn't tried to escape.

Citizen V inclines his head at Verdant. "Thank you. Now let's see what we can learn." He steps toward the soldier. "I see from your uniform you are Number Twenty-Nine. A 'prime', as it were. Now tell us, Twenty-Nine - what were you after here? How did you know this was a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility? Where is your regrouping point?" Citizen V looks over at Fracture, and then back to the soldier. "I suggest you answer. My comrade here is not so friendly as I." The soldier turns and looks at Fracture, his eyes wide.

Kaiju stands nearby, watching this. He feels something akin to a cool breeze as he spreads his arms and absorbs any excess radiation that he may have expelled. Some of the nearby soldiers watch, not entirely sure what he's doing. He is tired, as he always is when he breathes like that. The doctors use to tell him that he was 'reducing his internal radioactive h-plexes' - whatever that means. All he knows is that he can do what Godzilla can do, and that's cool.

Voidrunner's Codex

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