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Ultimate Thunderbolts - IC


OOC: Oops, Summon Minion creates them in the closest area next to you. Want to update your move? Or summon them within the Storm Chaser?

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First Post
Fracture; 1 HP

"Ahhh, that's better."

Fracture stretches high into the air with his arms sending a loud cracking sound through the plane. Bone spurs quickly shoot out from his body puncturing holes in the strange material of his uniform.

As the rear hatch begins to slide open, Fracture steps up to the opening and with a practiced ease grabs a long bone spear that had grown from his shoulder, snapped it loose and sent it hurtling towards the burning truck.

OOC: Disarm attempt on one of the Rat Pack near the burning truck. All-out-Attack for 5.


Citizen V sets the Storm Chaser down gracefully between the two opposing forces. There is a brief lull in the gunfire - as if the two sides are waiting to see who comes out of your ship.

"We're down, Thunderbolts. Let us show these vermin who we are!"
Shouts Citizen V.

Moving quickly, The Professional strides towards the ramp. He taps a recessed button on an armored part of his wrist, and you hear a low hum for a moment which soon fades. He takes cover near the exit, trying to get a glimpse of the enemy forces. It is difficult to see from your vantage - the ramp descends pointing to the south, and the forces are to the west and east. Literally, you'd have to exit the Storm Chaser to see the Rat Pack (although you do have a general idea how they're laid out already). Move action to release your restraints, move action towards the exit. You could totally exit the Storm Chaser, but that would expose you to fire. A single 5' movement next round would exit the ship.

Citizen V disengages his harness, and moves towards the exit. He draws his sword. For a brief moment, he closes his eyes, and salutes with his sword. "Verzeihe, mein fuhrer," he seemingly whispers to himself.

Outside, all you can hear are shouted orders back and forth from both sides. No one has fired since your arrival. The aroma of burning fuel and cordite is everywhere, however.

Fracture, his seat restraint already shredded, leaps up and dashes towards the exit. With a crack, he snaps off a piece of bone the size of his forearm, its end jagged and sharp. He literally jumps out of the ship, his arm already throwing towards a target that he can't possibly see. He hits the ground and turns it into a roll, coming to his feet instantly. His eyes are wide with the adrenaline of combat. The bone spur flies through the air, but it is way off the mark. It impacts into the side of the burning transport, penetrating the steel armor. Fracture looks a little stunned at his miss. Move action to exit, standard move to attack. +10 to attack +5 for All Out -4 for Ranged Disarm +2 for Improved Disarm, no range penalty for 25' away, no penalty for concealment and cover due to Precise Shot. You roll a 1! Ugh. First combat roll and it's a 1.

The Rat Pack are well trained, and difficult to surprise. As soon as Fracture attacks, five of the nearby foes open fire on the only target they see. The rest renew their assault on the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and one goes down clasping his eye and shrieking. Bullets fill the air around Fracture. A few miss, some hit the ramp behind him, but one actually strikes the mutant in the chest. There is a dull wet sound, and Fracture takes a step back. He feels a thin trickle of blood seep between two bony plates. The Rat Pack were Readied, but I'm not going to allow them to combine fire this round. They don't know what trouble they're in yet. They roll poorly, however. The single hit that gets through: Toughness save against +4 lethal, and Fracture fails. Not a good day for the former Morlock. He's bruised + injured. Ouch.

Verdant disengages the safety harness, and moves towards the exit. He watches as Fracture takes a solid hit, but doesn't go down. Half move disengage the harness, half move to the exit. Like The Professional, you can take a 5' adjust next round and hop down from where you are, and still have a full move.

A wind roars through the Storm Chaser as Twister activates his power. His lower half is suddenly a twisting vortex of wind, and he flies out of the ship with a roar. He takes a position above the battlefield and looks for targets. "You're lucky, punks! You're witness to the debut of The Twister!" he shouts down to the crouching soldiers.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are taken aback by the appearance of the Thunderbolts. They don't fire on you - they don't know who you are - but they do know that the Rat Pack are enemies. They return fire, and one of the agents activates a shoulder mounted rocket launcher. A streak through the night, and then another explosion that lights up the area. Two members of the Rat Pack are thrown through the air. One of them begins to scream in pain as all that remains of his legs is a crumpled mass of red tissue.
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First Post

The large man races out of the Chaser and sees the firefight around him. He saw the shot that hit his partner and he screws his face up angrily and races towards the nearest craft hiding the attackers.

"Raaahhrr!" He screams as he charges, growing in size on the way. "Face power, little men! Face Kaiju! Shoot at me if you want a target!"

::growing to full height after stepping from the ship, and running as far as possible to the nearest group behind one of their ships; not sure if Growth is still instant, so I'm not sure how far I get :D ::


Kaiju almost rips the safety harness and goes to stand next to the Professional and Verdant. At that same moment, Fracture takes a slug. Without thinking, Kaiju leaps down next to his teammate.

As you watch, Kaiju's form seems to shimmer with heat. Suddenly he grows to 12' tall, the top of his head just brushing the underside of the 'Chaser. His sudden size and the scowl on his face is enough to make several of the nearby soldiers blanch.

"Raaahhrr!" He screams as he charges, continuing to grow in size on the way. "Face power, little men! Face Kaiju! Shoot at me if you want a target!" Half move remove harness, half move to exit the ship.


I aim to misbehave
Professional (HP:1)

In a single motion the Professional stepped from the plane and toward the nearest Rat Pack foe. As he moved he drew his katana in his hand and struck once he arrived. He didn't speak, it wasn't necessary at the moment. 'Let's see what I can use on this one,' Anthony thought.

OOC: Move 30'. Free actions Draw weapon (from Quick Draw), Nemesis. Attack foe with Katana. If he's not close enough, draw pistols instead and snap off a shot at the nearest, staying near cover.


Now that you are closer to the Rat Pack, you can get a better idea of what they look like. Their uniform is predominately gray, with the sleeves and legs a gray camoflage. Their faces are covered by a high-tech mask that seems to offer both protection and most likely night vision. The entire uniform appears to be made of some type of kevlar or ceramic variant, offering protection from low caliber rounds. Their own weapons appear to be modified MP5's.

The Professional moves quickly towards the nearest Rat Pack soldier, drawing his katana from across his back with a *schtuk*. Here, in the dark, the eyes on his skull-like mask glow red. It is not surprising that the hardened soldiers of the Rat Pack begin to back up even as they raise their weapons. But before they do, The Professional is among them. His sword slashes once, and a soldier's arm drops to the ground. Blood pumps from his forearm, and the soldier screams while trying feebly to staunch the flow. Before he can his eyes roll into the back of his head, and he slumps face-first into the asphalt. The Professional does a one-handed cartwheel over to another soldier, and uses the momentum of the move to cleanly plant the katana into the mans' chest. The man looks down at the imbedded steel and croaks out something unintelligible. There's a sucking sound as the Professional withdraws the blade. He flicks it once with his wrist, and a spatter of blood paints the door on a nearby transport. The soldier is hurt, but he's not out. Argh. This Nemesis power is tougher than I imagined, especially since you have virtually all the combat feats as it is! I just gave you another level of Takedown Attack. Suggestions for each time you use it are are welcome. :) +12 Attack, no concealment penalty for darkness due to goggles. Soldier #1: You roll a 5, but still hit. #1 rolls poorly as well on his toughness. Unconscious+dying. Solider #2: You hit with a 14. He rolls ok on his toughness roll. He's stunned+bruised+injured. If there were another nearby you'd be able to attack again, but there's not. Nearby you can see two others within 15'. You believe there are approximately 5 others competely behind cover (the transports) that are further away, perhaps 30'. You are in the 'safe zone' where the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are not firing into due to the 'Chaser.

An amplified voice can be heard from behind a transport to the north. "RAT PACK - PRIMES ON INITIAL, REMAINDER ON ADDS!"

You hear the shuffle of feet, as some of the soldiers begin to shift targets. But most get into position to fire upon your group first.

(saving this space for in the morning, feel free to post your moves. There are enough of the Rat Pack around for anyone to be able to move 30' and hit *someone*. Most of them are taking cover behind the transports. The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are firing on the mass of soldiers to the north and south of your current position. Any questions?)

Corvus Coronoides

First Post

Verdant moves purposefully, his already woody skin toughening and becoming rougher ...

"Right. Lets get this show on the road."

He moves towards the Rat Pack. As he closes, his left arm reaches out, extending far beyond what a normal arm should. His gnarled, woody fist attempts to envelop one of the mercenaries, pushing him to the ground.

OOC: Move out, close toward the Rat Pack, reach out towards a target using Elongation, and Grapple them one-handed (improved Grapple).


First Post
Fracture; 1 HP

Fracture doesn't stay standing still for long. Getting shot always sucks. But getting shot some more while you stand around is worse. As he charges towards the man who shot him, Fracture can see the Prof got to work.

"I thought you said we weren't playing for keeps, champ?"

As he passes by his giant radio active buddy he smiles back "Thanks for caring big man."

Fracture completes his run by leaping through the air at the soldier who thought to shoot him. Gauntlets of terrible bone blades erupt from Fractures forearms and hands mixing his blood with that of his victim.

OOC: Charge and Power Attack for 2.


I aim to misbehave
The Professional

Fracture said:
"I thought you said we weren't playing for keeps, champ?"
"He'll live . . . assuming they care enough about him to try and stabilize him before he bleeds out. Should occupy someone for a bit - if not . . . ," Professional replied.

Voidrunner's Codex

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