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Ultimate Thunderbolts - IC


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The overly-large man stepped onto the craft and looked around with wide, though blank white, eyes. His smile was broad as he slowly moved towards a seat and almost didn't hear the other man talk to him.

"You bet, Ca--er, Twister! Right?" He shot the other guy a smile as he remember the name.

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Keia said:
"Very well," Professional replied with a slight sigh, "This interior seems somewhat odd . . . anything significant?"
Citizen V makes a few adjustments to the control panel before answering. "No, just some eccentric designers." He points to a side bank of controls. "Adjust that knob over there to 2.9, that should keep the fuel-air mixture optimum."

Professional - [sblock]"No, just some eccentric designers." - Lie. It's tough to say through a mask. And Citizen V is obviously a skilled man with a silver tongue. But you've watched and emulated some of the world's best liars. Few untruths get past you. This one didn't. (Nice roll there - natural 20)[/sblock]
ooc: I'm flying out of town tomorrow to... well Canton Ohio, oddly enough. For about six days. I'm not sure of my internet access, but I *should* be fine. But if you don't see me, you know why. And hey - where's that comic book place that I should visit, Nuke/Keia? :)


The Storm Chaser lifts off effortlessly. As it does so, a clothlike harness snakes out from the countoured chairs and gently secures those who are sitting. An experimental tug on them shows a surprising strength. Some type of space-age material, no doubt. There is an unusual silver disk set into the center of the harness, most likely a release mechanism.

Through the cockpit window you see your headquarters and the surrounding warehouses drop away. You feel almost no sensation of movement as the ship begins to move forward, and the lights of lower New York fly past you. It is a peaceful way of travelling - the only sounds are Citizen V and the Professional quietly going over the controls.

Almost too quickly, Citizen V calls back to the rest of you. "We're coming up on the base now. I expect that they will atta-" Citizen V whips his head around to the controls as it emits a small beep. "No! They have already begun! They must have adjusted their timetable!"

The front of the Storm Chaser dips slightly as Citizen V begins to aim the ship directly at the heart of what looks to be a growing conflict. Through the infrared cockpit, you can see a thick cloud of smoke rising from a huge warehouse. Six military-grade transport vehicles are parked just in front of it. A number of shapes can be seen moving, primarily on the ground. Even as you watch, an explosion rocks the front entrance of the warehouse, and the Storm Chaser craft wobbles slightly as the shockwave hits it. You can see a multitude of tiny muzzle-flashes as the forces of the Rat Pack fire upon the covert S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers.

Professional - [sblock]Though Citizen V only went over the object detection indicator once, you instantly recognize that there is a single object hovering on the other side of the warehouse. You glance over at Citizen V, but he is intent on trying to pilot the ship in. Your finger punches the glowing object on the radar, and a small window appears, giving a tactical readout. It appears to be a Bell 206-B Helicopter. Commonly used by corporate companies or the media.[/sblock]OOC: It appears that Citizen V intends upon landing in the middle of the conflict, hoping to give the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents some cover as all of you rush out to attack. If you wish a different type of landing, now's the time to let him know.


I aim to misbehave
The Professional

Anthony didn't like this craft . . . there was something about it that bothered him. He shook his head as the straps bound him to the chair. It wasn't that he was belted in . . . more that it was automatic that bothered him.

Citizen V said:
"We're coming up on the base now. I expect that they will atta-" Citizen V whips his head around to the controls as it emits a small beep. "No! They have already begun! They must have adjusted their timetable!"

"We've got a Bell chopper on the radar," the Professional offered. "Most likely the media . . . odd . . . unless . . . ."

"Set us down before both sides are firing on us," Professional called out. "Those of you that can fly, get going. Stick with ranged attacks on the scrappers and get up close with those that are blasting. Area attack anywhere there are Six pack scrubs running around."

The Professional went over his battle preparations in his head, preparing himself for the upcoming conflict. "Let's see what these boys can do . . . ."


First Post
Fracture(Deckard); 1 HP

Citizen V said:
The Storm Chaser lifts off effortlessly. As it does so, a clothlike harness snakes out from the countoured chairs and gently secures those who are sitting. An experimental tug on them shows a surprising strength. Some type of space-age material, no doubt. There is an unusual silver disk set into the center of the harness, most likely a release mechanism.

Trapped! You *&#)$ idiot! Callisto taught you better!

Fracture begins to sprout large white bone spurs and flailing around the seat. But almost as quick as he starts he settles down.

Wait for it. He has one holding him down too.

As they decend into the battle Fracture begins to rearrange the bone plates to maximize the protection over exposed spots.

"Are we playing for keeps and is this a team game?"


Rogue Warrior

Twister hit the clasp in the center of his harness and moved forward for a better look out the window. He glanced at the monitors but could not decipher much from there either. At the Professional's mention of flyers doing just that, a grin suddenly appeared on Twister's face.

"Show time? Oh yeah, let's do this!" David made his way for the hatch, his old theme music from the UCW playing through his head.


I aim to misbehave
Professional (HP:1)

Fracture said:
"Are we playing for keeps and is this a team game?"
"Disable the six pack and their crew, Fracture. No fatalities - we're big damn heroes, remember?" Professional reminded after waiting to see if Citizn V would speak up on the subject.


Fracture's spines pierce his chair quite easily. He struggles for a bit, shredding part of the chair and the restraint system. With an almost disappointed sounding beep, it retracts back into the lower part of the chair.

"Are we playing for keeps and is this a team game?" asks Fracture. Citizen V doesn't respond, so intent is he on piloting Storm Chaser. Professional glances at V, and then back at the group. "Disable the Rat Pack and their crew, Fracture. No fatalities - we're big damn heroes, remember?"

Suddenly, the dull pinging sound of gunfire on the hull on the ship can be heard. Citizen V hits a button, and the back hatch begins to lower. Now outside sounds can be heard much more clearer - it sounds like World War II. Gunfire, screamed orders, and the cries of the wounded.

"Show time? Oh yeah, let's do this!" David made his way for the hatch, his old theme music from the UCW playing through his head.

The Storm Chaser is in between the two sides - the Rat Pack and S.H.I.E.L.D. The Rat Pack is scattered to the west approximately 30' away, although some range as far as 60' (there are app. 15-20 soldiers). They are using their transport vehicles as cover, although one is currently on fire. The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are 50' away, taking cover in a small security hut (there are only 5 agents still functioning). Remember that it is night, and visibility is limited. Currently, the Storm Chaser is 20' above the ground, but will land on initiative count 5 (so those who want to hold and wait can do so). Initiatives are:

Professional rolls a 17 (+9) = 26
Rat Pack rolls a 14 (+1) = 15
Fracture rolls a 2 (+11) = 13
Verdant rolls a 11 (+2) = 13
Twister rolls a 10 (+1) = 11
SHIELD Agents rolls a 3 (+1) = 4
Kaiju rolls a 1 (+1) = 2

For combat - please try to be specific on your moves, but flexible. I'll be doing the rolls through Invisible Castle ( http://invisiblecastle.com/index.py ). You can roll, or I can. I ask that if you do roll, you do it under the name of "Dayspire - Professional" or "Dayspire - Verdant" (or whatever your name is). I'll roll saves and initiative, etc. If you're curious, you can see the initiative rolls at "Dayspire - Initiative". Let me know if you wish to use a Hero Point, of course. Any questions?


I aim to misbehave
The Professional

The Professional unbuckled from his seat and moved to the exit of the ship, waiting for it to touch down. As he did, he adjusted his nightvision goggles prepping for the conditions. Profession used the door for some cover and scanned over the pack participants.

OOC: Stand, move to door, put on or activate nightvision goggles.

Corvus Coronoides

First Post

Verdant looks out the window, taking note of the various locations of members of the Rat Pack.

"Those two ... right ..... There", he mutters to himself, thinking out loud.

He takes note of a couple of "bad guys" who aren't too far apart from each other.

"Should be able to reach them right quick, and then pin them both if I "reach" far enough"

Verdant then hits the release on the safety harness, and moves towards the Storm Chasrer's access ramp, ready to move out towards the Rat Pack members he's targetted.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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