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Ultimate Thunderbolts - IC


Keia said:
"Not bad, Citizen V, not bad at all . . . or should I compliment the Fixer?" the professional asked.
"Ja, although he shall now be use the appellation 'Techno'. No longer will he sell his inventions to the criminal underworld. Instead, it is herr Techno's genius that will insure the Thunderbolts have the technological edge on our foes."

Professional/Verdant/Whirlwind -[sblock]The Fixer (now Techno) is pretty much like Citizen V describes him. If you ever needed a device to circumvent a complex alarm, he was your man. Supposedly, he also crafted the suit of armor for the criminal known as The Beetle. One thing has remained constant about Fixer though - no one has ever seen him. Ever. He commonly used drop-offs and unknowing third parties for transactions, and he established a trustworthy reputation in the underworld for both his genius and his dependability. He hasn't been seen for six months or so. Perhaps now you know why. [/sblock]
Citizen V turns to Fracture and Kaiju. "Please, look inside. I think you will be pleased." He turns back to his console. "But please hurry, if we are to make our 'debut', we must not tarry. There is a crime to prevent." You cannot help but hear satisfaction in Citizen V's voice.

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I aim to misbehave
The Professional (Anthony Scarpetti)

Citizen V said:
" . . . There is a crime to prevent."
"That's going to take some getting used to . . . prevent crime," the Profession commented from beneath his mask. The voice was distorted a bit, deeper and more commanding beneath the mask.

The Professional made certain his sword and guns were at the ready and easily accessible through his new gear. He loaded his belt pack with numerous little goodies.

"So, what's the caper . . . I mean, who's and where's the threat?" the Professional asked.


First Post

"But I came in my costume," He said, putting his arms up. "Don't you like it? It was tough, I had to have Miss Davenport show me how to sew. That's not fun. But I think it looks neat."

(OOC: see description in my opening post; he didn't wear a costume before, just torn normal clothing)


lissilambe said:
Kaiju"But I came in my costume," He said, putting his arms up. "Don't you like it? It was tough, I had to have Miss Davenport show me how to sew. That's not fun. But I think it looks neat."
Citizen V nods at Kaiju. "Very well then. The only important factor is that you appear different than your former identity as Nuklo - which you do. Indeed, I did not recognize you when you first entered. I am pleased."

ooc: Waiting for Fracture, then Citizen V will talk about tonight's op.


First Post
Fracture(Deckard); 1 HP

Deckard moved over to the cloathes line and found the section set apart for his uniforms.

Well, these first three are a disgusting shade of bright.

Deckard quickly moves past the first set. Holding up a jumpsuit with dark blue fins leading from each hand that join in a collar at the neck. Several folds of cloth hang about the uniform.

No one could fight in this.

Eventually he came to a tight dark green shirt with reniforced shoulders. A matching set of somewhat looser pants with similarly reinforced knees. Finally, a mask much like an upside down U with sharp points sticking up near the eyes finished the costume. It was a darker than some of the other uniforms but managed to carry a sense of nobility with its menace.

Walking back out to the rest of the group.

"Now that we are all dressed up, where's the party?"


Citizen V smiles at Fracture. "I thought you might pick that one. You'll note that it is self-repairing. Rips and tears will grow back within minutes. Useful with your particular talents."

Verdant -[sblock]Interesting. There is a song coming from Fracture's uniform. You listen closer and you hear an unusually ordered symphony - far too structured for normal plant life. You realize that the uniform is not made of typical cloth, but of a still living plant-like organism that is bred to 'stick together'. Very interesting.[/sblock]
"Now, on to business," Citizen V says.

Each of the screens fills up what appear to be military head shots of a variety of different men and women. Some of the photos look fairly old. Intermixed with these pictures are mug shots - some of those very same soldiers lining up with numbers below their profile.

"Two weeks ago, I was contacted by a group that was interested in my... assistance,"
Citizen V says. "They were after a rather interesting score, and thought I might like to partner with them. I rejected their offer and blasted them for their presumption in approaching me. Baron Zemo was never one for common thievery!"

Citizen V turns back to the group, and jerks a thumb at the screen behind him. "They are a mercenary group of thieves, and they call themselves the Rat Pack. All of them are ex-military. They are a mixture of special forces, regular infantry, pilots, etcetera. The only commonality among them is greed. And a decided lack of ethics."

Professional - [sblock]Oh boy. You realize you've trained quite a few of those grunts. Hell, the Rat Pack even offered you a permanent job. But it just didn't seem to be the job for you.[/sblock]The main screen changes to that of a single man. The picture is blurry, but it appears he is getting into a vehicle. You see black hair and a moustache. "This is their leader, who only goes by the code name One. In fact, the entire 'Pack use number designates for each member. Useful for both anonymity and tactics on the battlefield."

Screens nearest the main fill with a hodge podge of data on One. Criminal charges, supposed sightings, M.O's, etc. You see approximately ten different military records with different names. Apparently One has covered his own tracks quite well.

"One runs an effective unit of brigands. They usually target high-technology firms. Most of this technology - weaponry, mostly - they use or sell. Their estimated worth is somewhere in the $40 million range, based upon my own discrete inquiries. They have been known to target a variety of military branches across the world, but they have never hit S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Until tonight."

The screens change once more. Now they show scenes you're all quite familiar with. The so-called 'Day of Aggression'. The day when the alien race Chitauri invaded, and thousands died. Not just soldiers. But many across the United States died, as the alien ships crashed to the ground when the Ultimates finally overcame them. It was a great tragedy, but one that the Ultimates spin doctors say would have been worse, but for their own heroic actions.

"There is a warehouse, located in a district very similar to this, thirty miles from here. It is owned by Juniper Industries, but - of course - it is but a front for S.H.I.E.L.D. At this rather well-guarded warehouse sits the objective of the Rat Pack."

The main screen fills with the grainy image of a Chitauri warship. It is vaguely cigar shaped, with vanes and weaponry bristling at every angle. In the background you can see one of the Ultimates - Iron Man - destroying another warship by flying through the thing.

"From what I have learned, it is the only functional warship remaining on Earth. And the Rat Pack wants to make it theirs. They will attack this secret S.H.I.E.L.D. base at midnight tonight. They will kill anyone they come across." Citizen V pauses for a moment, then continues. "Not coincidentally, the Ultimates are on the other side of the globe. In Norway, for reasons unknown."

"Gentlemen... We must stop them."


I aim to misbehave
The Professional (Anthony Scarpetti)

Professional looked over the photographs . . . nodding his head as he committed each and every one of them to memory.

Citizen V said:
"They are a mercenary group of thieves, and they call themselves the Rat Pack. All of them are ex-military. They are a mixture of special forces, regular infantry, pilots, etcetera. The only commonality among them is greed. And a decided lack of ethics."
"I've trained a bunch of these boys," Professional offered. "They're talented . . . they have a nice skill set."

Citizen V said:
"From what I have learned, it is the only functional warship remaining on Earth. And the Rat Pack wants to make it theirs. They will attack this secret S.H.I.E.L.D. base at midnight tonight. They will kill anyone they come across." Citizen V pauses for a moment, then continues. "Not coincidentally, the Ultimates are on the other side of the globe. In Norway, for reasons unknown."
"Seems noble enough for our first venture," Professional offered. "So what's the reason we just happen to be in the area tonight for soon to be failed rat pack caper - in case it comes up."


The Professional said:
"Seems noble enough for our first venture," Professional offered. "So what's the reason we just happen to be in the area tonight for soon to be failed rat pack caper - in case it comes up."
"Good question, herr Professional. We could simply chalk it up to 'heard it on the streets' - but I think we need something more... devious." Citizen V looks pointedly at the Professional. "And have I not said that you are a devious man?"

Corvus Coronoides

First Post

Keia said:
"Seems noble enough for our first venture,"

"And lending The Ultimates a hand could never hurt our reputation" Verdant added.

"When do we nick off to this warehouse ? And does anybody have a plan as to how we're going to stop this Rat Pack from getting the spaceship ?"
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First Post
Fracture(Deckard); 1 HP

"Do you really think SHIELD is going to be happy we know about their spaceship? Or is this part of the whole race against time thing?"

Fracture looks over at Citizen V, a half-frown pulling down his features.

Corvus Coronoides said:
And does anybody have a plan as to how we're going to stop this Rat Pack from getting the spaceship ?"

"I'll bet there is going to be violence involved."

Voidrunner's Codex

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