Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana October 2017: Fiendish Options

So a bunch of fiendish subraces but only a point of ABS besides Charisma moved to other skills and some Legacy spells swaps, plus some cult spells and features. It doesn't do much for my game.

So a bunch of fiendish subraces but only a point of ABS besides Charisma moved to other skills and some Legacy spells swaps, plus some cult spells and features.

It doesn't do much for my game.


And yet, were they to release new Tiefling options next year without anyone getting a chance to see/playtest them first, there'd be a heap of complaints about it.

I mean, we STILL get people complaining that they never got to playtest or check out the newer versions of the Warlock or Sorcerer after the first versions they threw to us and it's been three fricking years since they've been released. So now they give us things they're looking at adding so we have a chance to comment and people are complaining about that too because they aren't "important enough" to be these mythical UAs.

It's almost as though people need or expect these UAs to just be the Ranger, Artificer, and Mystic on a tri-monthly loop of updates... because if a UA isn't the size of a full 20-level class then obviously it's a complete waste of everyone's time.

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Lord of the Hidden Layer
Since I'm writing a "Fight the Demons" campaign travelling along FR's Great Dale (ending in Impiltur), the cultists' powers will be interesting to me.


They are 99% meant for NPCs and monsters, but I think they make a great fall back to give to players when they make deals with dark forces.

In which case it is important to consider and write up some appropriate consequences.

I guess, buy I'm fine if the 1% who want to use it that way have to create their own consequences. I guess you know what to comment in your feedvack :)

Now, I wouldn't mind if they do add consequences, depending on what else would have to be cut to include them.


As for the tieflings/cults, I guess I think of Asmodeus as more fear/control, with fire as secondary, whereas Mephisto (oops, wrong devil) and Fierna are more fire with other stuff secondary, so I probably would have made the PHB tiefling the default one for Mephy, and a more tyrannical one for Assy.

I think that makes sense. That stood out to me too (Asmodeus as the default).


And yet, were they to release new Tiefling options next year without anyone getting a chance to see/playtest them first, there'd be a heap of complaints about it.

I mean, we STILL get people complaining that they never got to playtest or check out the newer versions of the Warlock or Sorcerer after the first versions they threw to us and it's been three fricking years since they've been released. So now they give us things they're looking at adding so we have a chance to comment and people are complaining about that too because they aren't "important enough" to be these mythical UAs.

It's almost as though people need or expect these UAs to just be the Ranger, Artificer, and Mystic on a tri-monthly loop of updates... because if a UA isn't the size of a full 20-level class then obviously it's a complete waste of everyone's time.

I am not seeing this at all. I'm seeing players commenting on what they like and dislike about the options, which is the point. It seems like a pretty even mix of positive and negative. Game designers actively seek constructive criticism, as "cheerleading" alone does wonders for the ego, but doesn't help their game. Confused about your comment that people are wanting full blown classes exclusively. Is this in another thread?
An informal discussion, on a site like this, is going to have its share of less than helpful comments,(it's a conversation, after all, not formal playtest feedback), but this particular thread seems to be going along pretty well so far.
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And yet, were they to release new Tiefling options next year without anyone getting a chance to see/playtest them first, there'd be a heap of complaints about it.
If WotC does anything at all--or doesn't do it--there will be a heap of complaints about it. That is the nature of a large and passionate fanbase. Ain't no pleasing everybody.

For my part, I don't see any need for large-scale playtesting of "swap out the tiefling's spells and secondary stat bonuses." All of the spells in question have already been playtested, and none of them is being given any unusual mechanics (warlock-style recovery on a short rest, casting earlier than a spellcaster would have access to them, etc.) that would warrant review. WotC's internal playtest process is more than sufficient for something like that.

I expect this UA is more about judging the fan reaction, and this fan's reaction is "That's all you got?"

(This is speaking only about the tiefling subrace section. The cultist section is seriously awesome stuff.)


I expect this UA is more about judging the fan reaction, and this fan's reaction is "That's all you got?"

Okay then answer me this: What other parts of the Tiefling race needed to be changed for this sub-race to be substantial to you?

Hellish Resistance

Besides the ability score increases and the three spells of Infernal Legacy... that's all you've got to change. What do you feel was missing that would have made the UA worthwhile? Was it Hellish Resistance? Had they given a resistance to a different energy type for each archduke then the UA would have gone from eye-rolling to good? Or if not that then, what else? How many parts of the base tiefling would they have had to make variants on for you to have been okay with it?

Elon Tusk

Okay then answer me this: What other parts of the Tiefling race needed to be changed for this sub-race to be substantial to you?

Swapping out abilities and spells is simple; any DM I have ever seen could do the re-skins with little effort.
I look for something more substantially unique in these articles.
For this one, I would have settled for some differences in appearance among the sub-races (horn, tail, skin-color, etc.) but would really have liked a new feature for most.


Book-Friend, he/him
Swapping out abilities and spells is simple; any DM I have ever seen could do the re-skins with little effort.
I look for something more substantially unique in these articles.
For this one, I would have settled for some differences in appearance among the sub-races (horn, tail, skin-color, etc.) but would really have liked a new feature for most.
The differences in appearance don't really need playtesting, and are more or less set by the established aesthetic of the given Devil types, I would think.

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