Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana Presents The Cleric's Order Domain

1) I'm glad those archetype designs appear on UA, most of them are wildly exotic and the concept behind them is real interesting. 2) This domain is probably one of the first cleric domain to actually interests me. I love the cleric class chassis, but most of the domain dont inspire me much (maybe the knowledge domain, but since I play with a bunch of murderhobbos, the features are useless)...

1) I'm glad those archetype designs appear on UA, most of them are wildly exotic and the concept behind them is real interesting.
2) This domain is probably one of the first cleric domain to actually interests me. I love the cleric class chassis, but most of the domain dont inspire me much (maybe the knowledge domain, but since I play with a bunch of murderhobbos, the features are useless). Order Domain may be the one that convinces me to play one.

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What immediately strikes me is that it has abilities that are equally useful in combat and noncombat situations: I’m thinking of the mass command and prone power in particular. That’s great in a battle (or fleeing a losing battle), of course, but it’s also useful in a heated social situation where you suddenly need (for example) to diffuse a growing mob without hurting anyone.

Like many subclasses, it strikes me as one that needs one more edit before it shows up in a book, but it already passes the smell test as a good concept with a good suite of abilities (fen if they might need some tuning) to support it.


Possibly a Idiot.
What a strange thing - the Order Cleric's greatest ally is the rogue. You'll spend all your time spamming the rogue to attack. You might just spam Heroism and bless every turn to turn your slots into those extra reaction attacks for your GWF allies...

The high level Order Cleric's best friend is the Shepard Druid. Think of all the summons getting that bonus force damage.

Li Shenron

It's an ok subclass, nothing particularly original but soundd usable by many deities and fairly balanced.

I just don't understand why after the great bunch of subclasses from Xanathar’s they are still spending time designing more... why don't they try and do something else instead? Like, finalizing one of those long-standing open items such as alternate class features or mass combat rules?


It's an ok subclass, nothing particularly original but soundd usable by many deities and fairly balanced.

I just don't understand why after the great bunch of subclasses from Xanathar’s they are still spending time designing more... why don't they try and do something else instead? Like, finalizing one of those long-standing open items such as alternate class features or mass combat rules?
Low effort, design-wise.


The high level Order Cleric's best friend is the Shepard Druid. Think of all the summons getting that bonus force damage.
Animate Ojbect works well.

Plus, command (flee) can make the enemy provoke an OA from you. So you get a chance to hit, triggering the bonus force damage while it runs though your wizards gauntlet of floating knives.


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
Man, casting bless on the whole party, getting a refunded spell slot and granting an attack for doing so is pretty damn nice at lower levels.


Bless with Voice of Authority is my main thought here. Really good use of an action.

Order's Dominion is interesting but I don't think it's busted. You only gain slots when casting an enchantment spell, which might not be the best option in a lot of scenarios. This and Voice of Authority do encourage you to use more spells at lower levels, possibly even casting spells you might not normally use such as Shield of Faith. I think in most cases, Order's Dominion will be icing rather than the cake itself. I'm sure someone will find a way to bust it, though.

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