Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana Presents The Cleric's Order Domain

1) I'm glad those archetype designs appear on UA, most of them are wildly exotic and the concept behind them is real interesting. 2) This domain is probably one of the first cleric domain to actually interests me. I love the cleric class chassis, but most of the domain dont inspire me much (maybe the knowledge domain, but since I play with a bunch of murderhobbos, the features are useless)...

1) I'm glad those archetype designs appear on UA, most of them are wildly exotic and the concept behind them is real interesting.
2) This domain is probably one of the first cleric domain to actually interests me. I love the cleric class chassis, but most of the domain dont inspire me much (maybe the knowledge domain, but since I play with a bunch of murderhobbos, the features are useless). Order Domain may be the one that convinces me to play one.

As someone who generally likes playing lawful characters and whose favorite 1e character was a cleric of Tyr, I dig the class. It's nice a flavorful, with some interesting mechanics. Mechanically, it does seem a hair too potent. But I think the lack of strong healing keeps it from being too OP.

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My only thought is if this is a Law domain basically, wouldn't it have some abilities to counteract chaotic things? To me it screams more warlord and less cleric.


My only thought is if this is a Law domain basically, wouldn't it have some abilities to counteract chaotic things? To me it screams more warlord and less cleric.

See, I think (hope?) it was designated as "Order" instead of "Law" (as Law vs Chaos) on purpose.
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Order/law was a cleric domain in previous editions. There are still gaps in that department (Chaos being the obvious counterpart).

Chaos isn't monolithic like Law, and some would argue that Trickery and War already cover some aspects of Chaos, in much the way Life covers some of Good and Death covers some of Evil. But there's room for at least a couple more aspects of Chaos such as Love/Passion or Freedom/Inspiration. I think this edition they want some things to be less obviously alignment tied.


First Post
It's an ok subclass, nothing particularly original but soundd usable by many deities and fairly balanced.

I just don't understand why after the great bunch of subclasses from Xanathar’s they are still spending time designing more... why don't they try and do something else instead? Like, finalizing one of those long-standing open items such as alternate class features or mass combat rules?

This UA comes directly from The Mike Mearls Happy Fun Hour (tm). My thoughts glancing at the comments for those videos is that everyone wants to see their favorite class or character from a previous edition semi-officially appear in 5th.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Something I find funny because of how the theme and existing mechanics interact is that a really good use of your Voice of Authority free attack is to give it to a Rogue. They will get their Sneak Attack damage since it's a different turn.

Player A : Hey, I'm a lawful knight, why does your god keep blessing that shifty nerf-herder of a thief instead of me?"
@lowkey13 : You're a gnome paladin with a rapier. Even my god doesn't like you.
DM : *snicker*


First Post
Something I find funny because of how the theme and existing mechanics interact is that a really good use of your Voice of Authority free attack is to give it to a Rogue. They will get their Sneak Attack damage since it's a different turn.

Player A : Hey, I'm a lawful knight, why does your god keep blessing that shifty nerf-herder of a thief instead of me?"
@lowkey13 : You're a gnome paladin with a rapier. Even my god doesn't like you.
DM : *snicker*

This was explicitly mentioned in the design (https://youtu.be/t4hzZSrbzOI?t=43m3s) Any good inquisitor needs spys.


Expert Long Rester
I was hoping for a UA with more crazy DMing options. I find those interesting even if I decide not to use them.

Another subclass my players will never look at, even if it gets published.

Still it seems like an OK cleric to me. Especially useful in settings where Order vs. Chaos is emphasized.

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