Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana Takes on Modern Magic

This month's edition of Unearthed Arcana from WotC's Dan Helmick takes on the topic of Modern Magic! Following on from an earlier column about d20 Modern items using 5E rules, this article "presents new rules for expanding the repertoire of spellcasting characters in a modern setting."

This month's edition of Unearthed Arcana from WotC's Dan Helmick takes on the topic of Modern Magic! Following on from an earlier column about d20 Modern items using 5E rules, this article "presents new rules for expanding the repertoire of spellcasting characters in a modern setting."

"A few months ago, Daniel Helmick described his adaptation for d20 Modern in a Behind the Screens article. He expanded on the rules for using firearms and explosives in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. Now, what if we extended the D&D rules to cover a campaign not only touched by, but actually set in a modern era? The newest iteration of D&D features various archetypes, traditions, domains, and other options for the base classes, all of which present opportunities for customization. With that in mind, this article presents new rules for expanding the repertoire of spellcasting characters in a modern setting."

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Interesting stuff. I could really see it working well in a city themed eberron campaign and reskinning the cyber technology to arcanepunk technology.


I don't think, I will ever need it, but it all sounds interesting. Perhaps it is about time for an new D&D setting mixing some sci-fi with hacking and magic...


Interesting. Weird there no tech sorcerer. Missed opportunity right there. But spellbook tablet made me laugh.

However I'm no fan of tech magic. I like my magic and tech separate pieces of a whole if not incompatible or preferably outright hostile.

Well I'm gonna sit here and wait for the urban ranger.


First Post
I opened the link being skeptical that this would interest me at all... but I must admit, they got my attention with "Ghost in the Machine" and the Cleric linked with the city.


Interesting. Weird there no tech sorcerer. Missed opportunity right there. But spellbook tablet made me laugh.

However I'm no fan of tech magic. I like my magic and tech separate pieces of a whole if not incompatible or preferably outright hostile.

Well I'm gonna sit here and wait for the urban ranger.

Hah, no bard mention at all either, but paladin?? How odd.


First Post
This is absolutely fantastic. d20 Modern is one of my favorite settings of all time—I'd love to see a new edition based on the 5E rules.

Brian Seligman

First Post
Awesome! I run meodern and future adventures from time to time and this looks really useful. :)

The only thing I would add is a Rotate Spell, to perform the mechanical work.


Awesome. For the Modern setting, I want to be able to use traditional classes - Wizard, Cleric, Rogue, Fighter, Psion, Paladin, etcetera - in Modern ways.
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