Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana Takes On Theurgy & War Magic

In the latest Unearthed Arcana from WotC's Mike Mearls and Jeremy Crawford, the wizard gets another look. This week's short two-page PDF includes two Arcane Traditions - Theurgy (wizards with divine patrons) and War Magic (wizards who use evocation and abjuration in combat). "After releasing the 28-page mystic last week, we have a short Unearthed Arcana installment this week: two Arcane Tradition options for the wizard. The Theurgy tradition has appeared in Unearthed Arcana before, but this time we’d like to gather playtest feedback on it. War Magic is an option we’re exploring after reading your feedback on Lore Mastery and seeing interest in a war mage option."

In the latest Unearthed Arcana from WotC's Mike Mearls and Jeremy Crawford, the wizard gets another look. This week's short two-page PDF includes two Arcane Traditions - Theurgy (wizards with divine patrons) and War Magic (wizards who use evocation and abjuration in combat). "After releasing the 28-page mystic last week, we have a short Unearthed Arcana installment this week: two Arcane Tradition options for the wizard. The Theurgy tradition has appeared in Unearthed Arcana before, but this time we’d like to gather playtest feedback on it. War Magic is an option we’re exploring after reading your feedback on Lore Mastery and seeing interest in a war mage option."

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Possibly a Idiot.
You are a priest(ess) of the god X. X is a major diety with temples all over the land. People probably instantly recognize you as a priest(ess) of god X and treat you accordingly.

That's not much different than a Paladin, and Paladins arguably have even more flavor baked into their class. Heck, to a different extent, even Rangers and Druids have this plus a healthy dash of wild seasoning. And now that flavor is going to be diluted between Barbarians, Sorcerers, Wizards, and even Warlocks too.

And note, this isn't just being a Priest (which is covered by backgrounds), this is being a Priest blessed with obviously divine power.

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That's not much different than a Paladin, and Paladins arguably have even more flavor baked into their class. Heck, to a different extent, even Rangers and Druids have this plus a healthy dash of wild seasoning. And now that flavor is going to be diluted between Barbarians, Sorcerers, Wizards, and even Warlocks too.

And note, this isn't just being a Priest (which is covered by backgrounds), this is being a Priest blessed with obviously divine power.

That's not necessarily true in 5e. Paladin's are not necessarily tied to any god. Only one type of paladin is rather explicitly tied to a god, the other two don't even need a god at all. And none of them are tied to any sort of organization.

But, clerics are. Flat out. The idea that clerics lack niche or flavor is to me, completely missing the point of a cleric.


Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
Umm. I'm not the one claiming that clerics have no niche other than healbot. I'm not the one claiming clerics have no identity. I'm not sure why you're having a go at me.

but you are implying that healbot is wrong, disgusting and you don't want it in the game, which also means you think healbot players are wrong defective and you don't want them anywhere near your precious d&D.... (Ok exaggerating here, sorry for that. But you implied being a healbot is wrong and somehow wrecks with the game. I was contesting that)


but you are implying that healbot is wrong, disgusting and you don't want it in the game, which also means you think healbot players are wrong defective and you don't want them anywhere near your precious d&D.... (Ok exaggerating here, sorry for that. But you implied being a healbot is wrong and somehow wrecks with the game. I was contesting that)

Sorry if that was what you were thinking I was implying. I didn't mean to. My point was that thinking that clerics are healbots, nothing more, is a very poor reading of the class. [MENTION=53176]Leatherhead[/MENTION] said that the only point of clerics was to smooth out the healing cycle of the game and that they lacked identity. That was the point I was contesting.

I've got to admit though. I always considered healbot to be pejorative. The idea that my character is so lacking in identity that I'm just a HP vending machine (a healing robot) was never something I would think is a good thing.


Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
Sorry if that was what you were thinking I was implying. I didn't mean to. My point was that thinking that clerics are healbots, nothing more, is a very poor reading of the class. [MENTION=53176]Leatherhead[/MENTION] said that the only point of clerics was to smooth out the healing cycle of the game and that they lacked identity. That was the point I was contesting.

I've got to admit though. I always considered healbot to be pejorative. The idea that my character is so lacking in identity that I'm just a HP vending machine (a healing robot) was never something I would think is a good thing.

i don't doubt it was pejorative, but to me is more descriptive and a point of pride. I mean if the group is better off when somebody does the job, then it shouldn't be seen as a demeaning job. And well I'd be fine if it was the only core of the class, because it is a good core and a needed one. Though I'm weird because I prefer classes to have only as much fluff as needed and no more. The ranger could easily be a member of the rangers of the north lead by a descendant of ancient kings that protect humankind from the supernatural evils of the outsiders that rest in the wilderness, or it could be just the outdoors commando. I prefer the outdoors commando because that way I can have a character that is an individual and not having to jump through hoops to accommodate tons and tons of lore and trappings.

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