Vecna: Eve of Ruin

D&D 5E Vecna: Eve of Ruin Coming May 21st!

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
If it were me, I'd frame it where the archmages have to stay in one spot powering a big "Slow down Vecna's scheme to the speed of plot" ritual, and they can only just spare the magic for portals to send the PCs across the multiverse hunting for the Rod of Seven Parts. But I'm not a professional adventure designer, so I rather hope the actual gimmick is something more clever.
"Look at how tough Vecna is for killing these pregens you played for 30 seconds" was hack even in 1990, so I sure hope that whatever they're doing this time is much, much more interesting.

Even the goofy guy with a hand for his head was more interesting than "WOW, he just killed NPCs we've never heard of before!"
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for one, oscars mean nothing to me at this point, but for another, yeah, of course you can do multiverses well. but often they're really, really not.
Isn't the true of everything? Sturgeon's Law and all that. I means sure, you could argue that some tropes have a higher or lower minimum execution threshold to not suck. I personally find time travel to be very rarely done well, though I admit that's a subjective opinion. But "you can do [blank] well but it very often isn't" seems like it would apply universally.


Isn't the true of everything? Sturgeon's Law and all that. I means sure, you could argue that some tropes have a higher or lower minimum execution threshold to not suck. I personally find time travel to be very rarely done well, though I admit that's a subjective opinion. But "you can do [blank] well but it very often isn't" seems like it would apply universally.
I hate time travel stories, too (with few exceptions, like Doctor Who). It's Star Trek that soured me on the trope.

Isn't the true of everything? Sturgeon's Law and all that. I means sure, you could argue that some tropes have a higher or lower minimum execution threshold to not suck.
multiverses are (from what i've seen) a very common common corporate tool to shove together properties that really don't need to be shoved together. hell, we've been seeing this with DND and magic the gathering lately (e.g. BG3 characters as commanders in magic, magic settings in DND). you might like the results of some of that intermingling, and more power to you if you do, but it's very obviously fishing for sales by mixing the properties together.

that's what my mind jumps to when i see "multiverse" in the wild. using the concept to shove together properties for profit (often lazily). so, "corporate slop".
I personally find time travel to be very rarely done well, though I admit that's a subjective opinion.
...i was responding to a question about what gen z'ers (like myself) think about something. that's inherently asking for an opinion.
But "you can do [blank] well but it very often isn't" seems like it would apply universally.
i gave an opinion. someone tried to counter with a single example. i was pointing out that it was only one example and that plenty of other properties don't do multiverses well.

you do have a point, though. a lot of mainstream media sucks these days, even media which tries to invoke what should be fairly easy to pull off tropes. there's a reason i tend to go with indie/AA products.

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