D&D 5E Where Does The Multiversal Vecna: Eve of Ruin Visit?


Evernight rises above the molten ground in the Shadowfell.​

Dungeons & Dragons designer Amanda Hamon has revealed some of the locations that Vecna: Eve of Ruin visits.
  • Evernight, a Shadowfell version of Neverwinter
  • Spelljammer's Astra Sea
  • Eberron's Mournlands
  • Ravenloft's Death House
  • Dragonlance's Three Moons Vault
  • Greyhawk's tom of Acererak
  • The Nine Hells

A pair of adventurers outside the Three Moons Vault, a complex on Krynn where allies of Lord Soth await them. Art by Jedd Chevrier.


Over 30 new monsters from around the multiverse arrive in Vecna: Eve of Ruin. Here we see a deathwolf from Krynn and a hertilod from the Astral Sea. Art by Brian Valeza.


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Definitely not just dungeon crawls!

Not sure I like all the ideas, but we'll see....
Like most WotC campaign products, it seems to be a whole pantry of material to take advantage of: probably easier to pick pieces-parts for repurposing than the other high Level Campaign, Dungeon of the Mad Mage.

I knew it! The Astral/Spelljammer part takes place on a dead god.

I wonder if they took inspiration from the part of Pools of Darkness that takes place on the corpse of Moander. The fact that they mention that the god's heart is still beating is what makes me wonder this, since that's a big part of part of the game. They have mentioned using the Gold Box games for inspiration before, using Death Knights of Krynn as inspiration for the adventure that came with the Dragonlance setting.

Has anyone touched on the fact that in the video interview, she talks about how in Krynn
Lord Soth's wizard friend is using a part of the rod to conduct a ritual to prevent local druids+lycanthropes from resisting Soth's war?

Krynn, which specifically does not have lycanthropes?

Has anyone touched on the fact that in the video interview, she talks about how in Krynn
Lord Soth's wizard friend is using a part of the rod to conduct a ritual to prevent local druids+lycanthropes from resisting Soth's war?

Krynn, which specifically does not have lycanthropes?
Krynn also specifically does and does not have druids, and both is and is not part of the Spelljammer setting.

There is no single version of Krynn.

I don't care for this way of dismissing incongruities, but to each their own.
Source for “no lycanthropes”? It’s not mentioned in the original Dragonlance setting book. Reason for “no lycanthropes”? We know that there are no orcs so Dragonlance didn’t look quite so much like an LotR knockoff. And draconians serve as a direct replacement.

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