D&D 5E Where Does The Multiversal Vecna: Eve of Ruin Visit?

Includes Ravenloft, Greyhawk, Dragonlance, and Eberron.


Evernight rises above the molten ground in the Shadowfell.​

Dungeons & Dragons designer Amanda Hamon has revealed some of the locations that Vecna: Eve of Ruin visits.
  • Evernight, a Shadowfell version of Neverwinter
  • Spelljammer's Astra Sea
  • Eberron's Mournlands
  • Ravenloft's Death House
  • Dragonlance's Three Moons Vault
  • Greyhawk's tom of Acererak
  • The Nine Hells

A pair of adventurers outside the Three Moons Vault, a complex on Krynn where allies of Lord Soth await them. Art by Jedd Chevrier.


Over 30 new monsters from around the multiverse arrive in Vecna: Eve of Ruin. Here we see a deathwolf from Krynn and a hertilod from the Astral Sea. Art by Brian Valeza.


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How far are your players planning on traveling? You can Google it. WotC aren't going to try and sell you things you can get for free on the internet.
Possibly the length and breadth of the Flaeness. But even if it were only in one region, it wouldn't matter. There is a lot of pleasure in pouring over a gorgeous fold-out map and thumbing through a beautifully illustrated setting book. But that might be an old school way of thinking. I'm probably alone in that thought. Perhaps you are right, google is the way it's done now.

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There is a lot of pleasure in pouring over a gorgeous fold-out map and thumbing through a beautifully illustrated setting book.
True, that is something that some people get pleasure from, and a lot of 2nd and 3rd edition stuff was designed to be read, not played. But currently WotC are very much focused on designing a game to be played, not creating imaginary worlds.

There is art of Strahd holding one of the Rod Pieces so I assume taking it from him will be part of the adventure. Strahd and Ravenloft will probably be one of the early parts of the adventure. It’s a 10 - 20 adventure and Strahd is pretty weak in comparison to the other likely villains.

There is art of Strahd holding one of the Rod Pieces so I assume taking it from him will be part of the adventure. Strahd and Ravenloft will probably be one of the early parts of the adventure. It’s a 10 - 20 adventure and Strahd is pretty weak in comparison to the other likely villains.
If it was simply a matter of taking it from Strahd, the party would go to the castle, not the death house. It’s more likely that Strahd will detect the party searching Barovia for something, follow them, and grab it.

It would be nice to see campaign setting books come out for some of these locations: Greyhawk, Dragonlance, Eberron, etc. Why would you tease these locations and not follow up with some basic material to start a campaign?

Or is the assumption folks can just buy pdfs of older product or unofficial 3rd party 5E setting updates on dmsguild?
It seems pretty clear that this is the basic approach by WotC. They want to introduce a setting, but let those who are interested dive to the history themselves.


Book-Friend, he/him
Oh, yep. I missed the Eberrron book. Thanks for bringing to my attention. Does Shadows of the Dragon Queen and Ghosts of Saltmarsh provide everything to start a campaign in Dragonlance/Greyhawk or are they just adventures?
Adventures with sufficient information to run the Settings.


Book-Friend, he/him
WotC will def try to sell you things you could find for free.
Oh, they will if they can, but they have stayed their primary competition at this point us Google searches (like, straight up said that), so one of the central goals of their product design the past decade is to offer something you can't get that way.


Book-Friend, he/him
Possibly the length and breadth of the Flaeness. But even if it were only in one region, it wouldn't matter. There is a lot of pleasure in pouring over a gorgeous fold-out map and thumbing through a beautifully illustrated setting book. But that might be an old school way of thinking. I'm probably alone in that thought. Perhaps you are right, google is the way it's done now.
True, that is something that some people get pleasure from, and a lot of 2nd and 3rd edition stuff was designed to be read, not played. But currently WotC are very much focused on designing a game to be played, not creating imaginary worlds.
Well, on the other hand, the new DMG has a chapter and a fold-out map of some Swtting as an example (Greyhawk being the likely candidate).

But currently WotC are very much focused on designing a game to be played, not creating imaginary worlds.

I agree and it's great, but the one thing that they could do to benefit play is put out actual sandbox setting material. A book dedicated to a small area filled with adventure sites devoid of plot other than rumors to spur the party.

Starring town with a smattering of big and small spots for folks to explore and rumours about each. Lost Mines and Icespire sort of do this, but it would great to see a full product with DM sidebars on how to build and run.

Show another way to play that isn't the mega adventure path plot driven style.

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