Vecna: Eve of Ruin

D&D 5E Vecna: Eve of Ruin Coming May 21st!

assuming they actually give him one and don't just repeat information about vecna that we knew already. coughshatteredobeliskcough

can't be. he's actually doing something about it.
It will almost certainly play off of the Shattered Obelisk stuff, surr. There will also be a motivation: WotC is pretty consistent on that...and not giving it away in the ad copy.

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More than a year ago, a YouTuber demonstrated how easy it was to curb stomp Vecna, so I don't understand the excitement.
That was a statblock that this adventure may or may not be using, in an environment that was weirdly done -- essentially making Vecna rely on melee (?!) in an empty room. It was an extremely silly way to set up a super-genius immortal archmage.

I would be flabbergasted if that's how it played out in this adventure.

Who do you think will be the 11 Legendary figures and will that include the 3 Archmages (my guess is yes)?

I think it will certainly include Drizzt, Minsc, Tasha, Van Richten, Mordenkien, Dalamar, and Elminister. Maybe Fizban. Maybe the Nameless One.

I don't think Volo will be high enough level for this adventure.

I'm not sure who would be chosen from Planescape of its not Morte or Nameless One, Spelljammer, or Eberron (Vi? Who else can even leave Eberron for the wider multiverse? Vol? Lord of Blades?).
I don't think they would do it, but for Planescape they could stat out the Lady of Pain, if only to hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth lol.

For the 11, Elminster, Drizzt, Mordenkainen, and Bigby are virtual certainties, I would think. Tasha as well, although we have her stats and background from Witchlight, but they've reprinted things like that before. Dalamar seems reasonable, since he'll have had an upgrade since the DL advenuture - unless they go one step further and actually pull in Raistlin himself (and maybe other Heroes of the Lance maybe? Is Laurana still around?). As for serious suggestions for Planescape - since Avernus and the Nine Hells seem to be a major focus, it could be that they'll pull in some of the Archdevils - Zariel seems likely, or perhaps Asmodeus himself (then again, perhaps the Archdevils might fall into the "30 powerful foes" section).

OK, 11 Allies? Pretty close to the number of Classes, and there isn't anything saying the Archmages are part of this group. So I think we will see a spread of Classes, with 2 from most of the 6 named Settings (maybe just Van Helsing from Ravenloft?).

Charafrom the cartoon, from novels, from comics seem likely.

More than a year ago, a YouTuber demonstrated how easy it was to curb stomp Vecna, so I don't understand the excitement.
That was a statblock that this adventure may or may not be using, in an environment that was weirdly done -- essentially making Vecna rely on melee (?!) in an empty room. It was an extremely silly way to set up a super-genius immortal archmage.

I would be flabbergasted if that's how it played out in this adventure.
That was a past version of Vecna from before he lost his hand and eye and became a god. I'm assuming God Vecna will be an entirely new stat block around CR 30.

Now that I think on it a bit more, yeah, I'm going to take a guess that the remaining Archdevils get stat blocks in this one as members of the "30 high level foes" club. Since it seems pretty certain that the adventure takes place at least in part in the Nine Hells, it would seem likely they would be directly involved (and Asmodeus would certainly want to counter a threat like Vecna appears to be in the adventure), making this the perfect place to finally update them. I'm also wondering if Primus and the remaining upper level heirarch modrons will get stat blocks as well - maybe we'll get a callback to the Great Modron March module, or that Vecna's plan involves messing with the machinery of the multiverse directly in Mechanus. On the more certain side, I'm sure Kas (and, obviously, Vecna) will get statted out in the book.

EDIT: Oh, didn't they say they had Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul statted out for Descent to Avernus, but had to cut them (both the stats and their extended storyline) for room? Well, this seems to be the perfect place to bring them back in, especially since Bhaal's symbol is on the alt cover (perhaps doing double duty symbolizing both him and Avernus!)
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