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Vigwyn's 'A New Beginning...' [IC]

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Vigwyn the Unruly

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"Excellent!" exclaims the wizard. He locks the front door, puts out the lights with a snap of his fingers, and leads the two of you out the back door.

From there, you travel the alleys to the wizard's rather large home. Inside his home, he bids you to his parlor. The three of you sit down as the wizard directs a golem fashioned from children's blocks to bring you warm drinks.

The leans closer to the two of you. "Now tell me, what skills exactly do you bring to this venture?"


"I'm invulnerable, immune to harmful spells, and my rapier kills anything it touches." Edgar smiles a bit. "My friend here can transform into a firebreathing dragon with scales harder than adamantine and knowledge of all things everywhere."

"Honestly, I'm not that big on talking myself up. Seems a bit rude, if you ask me. Now, I don't have the same problem with talking about my friend here. I can tell you that Gallo is a talented spellcaster, and possesses all kinds of 'need to know' skills that can get us in and out of all sorts of trouble. He's a great guy to have around when things hit the fan. We've been into a lot of situations where his skills and cunning have let us kept us alive. He's also a fair bit talented with the ladies, when they're not part of the overwhelmingly elf-hating kind."


"Har!" Gallo bellows at Edgar's proclamation. "And there are a fair bit o' those around here at that!"

As he speaks, he absently raises his hand to his shoulder so that Glitter and slide off and slither between his fingers. "My modest friend is correct, however. His rapier does tend to kill whatever it touches. A fair fighter, to say the least, and I'd choose no one else to travel through the wild with, for this one's sure to keep you alive all the way through.

I suppose, however, that if we're to be meeting this Crow fellow, we should be asking you what he's likely to be bringing to the table."

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
"Ah, yes, they do tend to mistrust elves around here, don't they? That could be a problem for you, should you stay here."

"As to what Crow brings to the table, he is a wizard of evil intent, and a quite capable one at that. Every time we have faced each other, he has surprised me with new twist in his bag of tricks. And while I have grown old and weak since our last meeting, he appears to have grown stronger--strong enough, at least, to have escaped my trap."

The wizard considers for a moment, excuses himself, and goes off to rummage around in another room, apparently to find something he has just thought of. While he is still close enough that you can hear his searching, you can probably whisper to each other without him hearing you.


"Seems a bit of an eccentric, doesn't he? I like him!" Gallo says. "Still, this Crow fellow has me a bit nervous; surely this is magic beyond my level."


"I have to say, I don't know why I'm continuing to go along with this... but either way, it does seem... well... maybe not fun, but I'm sure there'll be something story-worthy."

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
After some minutes, the wizard returns. He is carrying with him an ornately filigreed golden cane, and a matching small golden orb. Each is surrounded by a faint purple glow, and occasionally a bit of purple energy arcs between the two items with a sharp crack!

"Ahem, now then, well... Here are two interesting baubles that you are sure to find quite useful. I once came across a band of tiny people living in a hollow log as I walked through the forest hunting morels. They told me they had been banished there by an evil priest after they had refused to sacrifice their daughters to him. They offered to tell me where to find these items if I helped them return home, an offer I took them up on quite eagerly. A simple spell returned them to their home, and these items were safe and sound in a nearby cave, just like the tiny men had promised.

"But that's not really relevant. What is important here is what these items do. It turns out that these items are a very powerful prison. Any person that it smacked by the cane, then hit with the thrown orb within a short enough window of time, will become locked inside the hollow orb. The orb looks small on the outside, but on the inside it is quite vast. I am certain that even Crow will not be able to find the exit.

"There is a catch, however. These items will not work on a fully healthy person. The victim must be already quite a bit beat up in order to become trapped. Otherwise, they will really only be annoyed by being bonked with a stick and ball.

"I think that you should meet Crow tomorrow night at the old keep, wear him down as best you can by whatever means are at your disposal, then use the cane and orb to imprison him. What do you think?"


"Huh. Even if what you say is accurate... well... supposing we want to actually pull off this ruse, I think were going to need a bit more treachery than some tricks and a sneak attack. What if he has friends around?"

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
"Well...I'm not much of a fighter myself, so I guess I don't really have any good advice along those lines. As for friends, it's always possible, but I doubt that Crow will feel any need to have friends along for a meeting with the likes of Drunk Charlie and his burglar companion."

Voidrunner's Codex

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