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Viridian Plague--New Spring [Trayah]

Rystil Arden

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"And now you lie. You do not believe in your ability to succeed. You said 'I knew I was unprepared for the tasks placed before me...and now I may have sacrificed the last guardians of it, because I did not properly perceive what was required of me.' "

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“How did I lie, spirit? There is nothing there, in my eyes, that states a lack of belief in my ability to succeed. They were but simply statements of fact. Of course, if you think being unprepared reflects a lack of belief in my ability to succeed, or decide to add meaning I did not intend, well I can do little to stop you.”

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Pedantry. You play with your words. If you believe in your success then you don't claim to be unprepared for the tasks ahead of you. You can't have it both ways. Be the eternal victim and whine about your plight or be the champion this world needs. There is no place for such hesitation if you want to succeed. You are shrouded in doubts that will drag you down until you cannot succeed. Furthermore, even if you were to somehow reach Arylyra this way, the shadow upon your soul would reject her transcendent light."


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“Have it both ways? Again you seem to think the concepts of questioning ones past actions and believing you can succeed in future are mutually exclusive. If you do not question errors made in the past, you are likely doomed to repeat them in my mind. So best to question your actions and confront any mistakes, think on the thought processes that allowed them to happen, and then rectify those before moving ahead. I’ve done that now... you’ll note I said I was unprepared, not I am unprepared... and am ready to move forward, fully cognisant of my choices, and aware of what I must do. As for the shadow upon my soul, her healing powers have been able to cleanse us of such taint within a short time of it touching us thus far. I received this taint though, before we reached the copse the first time, at a time when I did not have the spiritual awareness or power to cure it, with or without Arylyra’s help. I have every confidence that Arylyra’s light can cure the taint on my soul, though I shall see if you are correct when I reach her.”

Rystil Arden

First Post
"The shadow upon your soul is your own doing, not the Taint's. Why don't you admit your mistakes, instead of becoming defensive and playing ridiculous semantic games? It's an intereting quality you have, unlike any other Shamans before you, even the most obnoxious or arrogant, but I must admit, it is even less endearing."


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“Shadow on my soul? If anyone is playing games here spirit it is you. I’m saying what I feel... speaking from my heart. As for being defensive, if you weren’t questioning everything I say, it would not be necessary... though perhaps I am wasting my breath on that score. So what are these mistakes you’d like me to admit?”

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Speaking from your heart? If that means nitpicking words in an attempt to twist them, then your heart is pretty messed up, Shaman. If anything, you do seem to be approaching your words from a rational emotionless perspective, if a twisted rationality. I have seen no sign of your 'from the heart' emotional intensity, unless you count the frustration with yourself that you have displaced onto me."

"My mistress, sometimes too much for her credit, is big on mercy and second chances, but only for the penitant. You would do well to admit your lies and contradictions and amend them, rather than continuing to dig yourself deeper with hollow arguments. You blame the Taint, and perhaps it is the Taint that makes you speak so. If so, do not let it become you, Shaman--do not let this become you. If you do, then Chuliit has already lost."


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“Much as you add meaning to my words that I did not intend? I have spoken from my heart throughout, except when forced to explain myself, at which point I revert to a rational and emotionless explanation of my words to counter your twisting of them. You don’t know the thought behind my words, yet you seem to think you know better than I what they mean. You know nothing of me or my ways, spirit, and apparently do not want to know, as you seem to have made your mind up already no matter what I say. Why I’ve bothered to waste my time until now explaining myself after such total disrespect from you is beyond me, but I will not do so any longer. I have had enough of your nitpicking and badgering.”

*Trayah seems to stand straighter as he speaks, becoming more animated as he continues, his teeth bared as he finishes.*

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Temper, temper, little Shaman," the spirit remarks wryly, "I am a Spirit--it is my gift to see deep within you and know the truth much as you look at the flowers in the field and know which is which. Sometimes, a person is so deluded that he does not know himself. Other times, he is simply a compulsive liar. One would like to think that you were neither. Why, then, will you not admit your errors and move on? As a Shaman, you should respect the Spirits, particularly when you come to seek their aid. What harm can possibly come to you with a heartfelt apology?"


First Post
“None whatsoever, as I’m not nearly that prideful... I know I still have much to learn.”

*Trayah then bows to the spirit.*

“Forgive me, for my behaviour towards you and your advice. I admit my error in sending my guardians to do what I should have done myself, and for having doubts about my right to be here. Now, may we move forward, or is there still more I have yet to comprehend?”

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