Warrior Queen

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First Post
It was alright. British film. No major actors.

I thought they did a very good job.

Druids, Warriors, Romans, Slave takers, politics and warfare.

Reg Dword said:
Did anyone catch this on PBS last night? I forgot all about it and missed it. Was it any good?

Ranger REG

It was a decent TV-movie, just not exciting. Alex Kingston, known for her roles such as the titular Moll Flander (one of few R-rated Masterpiece Theater movies) and ER's Doctor Corday, portrayed Queen Boudica.

Now if only someone would be willing to make it an epic film in the same style as Braveheart...

Null Boundry

First Post
I saw some of it a couple of weeks ago when it was shown in the UK.

So bad its wasn't even funny. I ended up doing my ironing for the week instead it was so bad.

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