Weird: The Al Yankovic Story

Art Waring
SkyQ isn’t an app, it’s the platform Sky runs on. A set top box.
Oh, that explains it. Wow there are a lot of similar devices to stream on your tv now, we kind of stumbled onto the Firestick by accident so these kind of things pass under the radar for me. Roku, SkyQ, Firestick, I don't even know how many others...

I can help hook up your electronic recording studio, analog and digital, but new technology moves at such a fast pace I don't really know too much about new streaming devices.

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Morkus from Orkus
I've been a Weird Al fan for a long, long time, so I was looking forward to this. It doesn't reach the heights of UHF, but it is okay, in a "Good bits in a mixed bag with very unfunny stuff" kind of way. Radcliffe does an excellent job, but some of the material he's got to work with isn't the best.
I've been a Weird Al fan for a long time as well. The really awesome thing is that my uncle went to grade school with Jon Schwartz and they are still good friends. When my wife and I go to Weird Al concerts, I just let my uncle know and we get to go back stage.

One time we were back stage after a concert where the audio went out a few times. Jon asked is if we noticed that and when we said yes, he said that the audio was fine. Al has developed a knack for making it really seem like the audio has gone out when he forgets what lyric is next, and then picks the song back up when he gets past that spot.


Mod Squad
Staff member
I've been a Weird Al fan for a long time as well. The really awesome thing is that my uncle went to grade school with Jon Schwartz and they are still good friends. When my wife and I go to Weird Al concerts, I just let my uncle know and we get to go back stage.

My wife has an autographed pair of Weird Al's boxer shorts.

They are from some shtick he did one year for, "One More Minute".


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Oh, that explains it. Wow there are a lot of similar devices to stream on your tv now, we kind of stumbled onto the Firestick by accident so these kind of things pass under the radar for me. Roku, SkyQ, Firestick, I don't even know how many others...

I can help hook up your electronic recording studio, analog and digital, but new technology moves at such a fast pace I don't really know too much about new streaming devices.
I think a SkyQ box is the big one. NOW is the free version of it, but they’ve branded it so folks don’t connect it with Sky because in the Liverpool area there’s massive anti-Murdoch sentiment following Hillsborough. Not sure how it differs. Followed by an Amazon stick, then an Apple TV?

Art Waring
Not sure how it differs.
Seems to me that each device attempts to have its own exclusive content, but then it bleeds over into the cross-platform apps. So Roku has their own tv streaming device, but their content ("roku channel") can theoretically be seen on other devices via apps.

Back to Wierd Al: I used to have some on cassette tape, I liked that it wasn't taking life seriously and it was in stark contrast to what I would be listening to at the time.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Oh, that explains it. Wow there are a lot of similar devices to stream on your tv now, we kind of stumbled onto the Firestick by accident so these kind of things pass under the radar for me. Roku, SkyQ, Firestick, I don't even know how many others...

I can help hook up your electronic recording studio, analog and digital, but new technology moves at such a fast pace I don't really know too much about new streaming devices.
Hah! Sky's box has been around (in various iterations) since 2001! We've had one for about 15 years. Sky's a lot of things, but new it ain't!

(SkyQ is just the latest version, think it's a couple of years old?)

Art Waring
Hah! Sky's box has been around (in various iterations) since 2001! We've had one for about 15 years. Sky's a lot of things, but new it ain't!

(SkyQ is just the latest version, think it's a couple of years old?)
Wow, I had never heard of it before, oh dear! I do have some blind spots I guess (not really a tv guy, more into movies).

Voidrunner's Codex

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