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Welcome to the Cage


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"The Cage" will be opening tonight at sometime between 6 pm and 8 pm US Pacific time.

This is the new "combat tavern" associated with the Great Bazaaar of Sigil. For a preview, this is the internal room description:

Hazy smoke darkens the air and flickering torches only make the shadows deeper. The metal grating creaks underfoot and a sluggish stream of liquid moves beneath. The bar itself is heavy and old, pitted and stained, with razorvine mesh protecting the till, but the tables and chairs look often replaced. Iron chains and cages containing caught demonlings and unpaying patrons swing from the rafters. The irregularly shaped rooms boast a pool table in one area, in another is a silver-barred warded cage for arena-type duels, ten foot on a side (but much bigger on the inside). The cage is for betting on combats, but no one cares if weapons flash and blood flows elsewhere. The sign behind the bar is clear, "Proprietor not responsible for loss of life, limbs, or anything else." Trapdoors in the floor provide easy disposal. Or, there's always the stew. ((NOTE: This is a COMBAT room but other RPing is allowed. The Code of Conduct fully applies otherwise.))

And this is the description of the bot:

The ShivGolem (or, "Shiny") is a mithril metal figure that towers to the imposing height of... 6 feet. Don't ask. If you're taller, hunch down or sit before you order. He spends most of his time obsessively polishing his surface. The crud on the bar, the tables, the seats, and the walls, that's your problem not his. Don't ask for a clean glass. And never, ever ask what's in the stew or you may find out where the "shiv" comes from.

To order, type "/tell shivgolem !order {item}" where (item) can be any part of a listed item, and to see the list of possible items, type "/tell shivgolem !menu"

Now to the nitty-gritty-petty warnings business...

We WILL be checking the logs on this room until we're satisfied that it's not being abused. Other than allowing both regular RPing and combat, the Code of Conduct still covers everything posted on site and, yes, that includes PMs.

The room description and the bot description make it clear that this is a nasty place. That doesn't mean you can start giving "R"-rated horror film descriptions of violence and gore.

This is a combat room. Do not complain if your character is attacked without warning, not unless it becomes a matter of on-going personal harassment. That said, please do others the OOC courtesy of not escalating fights if the other person currently wants to avoid serious combat. But chars that continually avoid combat should NOT be in this room.

Actions that affect the entire population of the room are still forbidden by the Code of Conduct (as "room-disruption"). The place is a warden of connected areas for that reason. A fireball in one area is assumed not to affect other areas. But don't post saying that absolutely everything is engulfed in flames.

Let me know if you have other questions about what is and isn't allowed. Because this is on Sigil, there are no restrictions on types of characters. Anything is allowed, as long as he/she/it pays his/her/its bar tab. Otherwise, it's a cage or the stew for you. :)

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It twas the strangest sight... one might of though they were harmless ginger bread men, but sneaking among the rafters were cracker bread pirates... -Sighting in the Cage

The room is fun and interesting


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Ruthia said:
I had a cracker bread pirate in my boot o_O Beware the Crackers!!!

Its a small world after all.... or multiverse...

The pirates, they spread!

But in all seriousness... I love the Cage... so much in fact, I'll put it in a campaign next to Salty Sailor, or some other tavern near the worf (spelling anyone?)

Though I say make BG jealous and give Shiv something more.


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"wharf" is what you meant? :)

I'm glad people are having fun with it! Which is good, because most of the suggestions for the details came from you guys, lol!


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Just needs one more touch, a body linked to the elemental plane of fire, call him "Ignussius"?

Would be nice, there is a brain who acts like Morte, so it would fit in if it is allowable

Voidrunner's Codex

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