Anyone else watch season 4 of Westworld? I watched the finale last night. Still trying to process what it all means ...
On the one hand, it was a bit of a downer, but on the other, it kind of felt like it was setting things up for a final season, and I know that the showrunners had always envisioned doing five seasons, so maybe? But I note HBO hasn't renewed the show yet ...
This season definitely left me feeling a bit more confused than the previous seasons did.
So many questions!
On the one hand, it was a bit of a downer, but on the other, it kind of felt like it was setting things up for a final season, and I know that the showrunners had always envisioned doing five seasons, so maybe? But I note HBO hasn't renewed the show yet ...
This season definitely left me feeling a bit more confused than the previous seasons did.
- Why did Bernard open the door to the Sublime? Couldn't Halores have uploaded Chrilores without the door being opened?
- If the humans are all going to die out, what was the point of including Frankie? Unless Dolores is mistaken, and Frankie and the other outliers will survive and keep the species from going extinct.
- If the humans (and the hosts) all die out in the physical world, who will maintain the server farm at the Hoover Dam to ensure that the Sublime doesn't go offline too?
- What was up with the guy who killed himself because Chrilores was messing up his story? Was he a real person in the real world (and if so, how did he see her?) or was he a virtual person in the virtual world? If the latter, was he a host in virtual form?
So many questions!