You have to crew a Federation starship. You must fill each position, and may use any Starfleet characters from the prime universe (including Enterprise). You can only use each character once. What’s your crew?
First Officer
Science Officer
Medical Officer
Chief Engineer
Security Officer
You can optionally add additional roles like counsellor, security chief, etc. but the above must all be filled.
Assume that tech level is irrelevant—older characters are just as familiar with the latest Trek tech as more recent characters (and vice versa) due to magic handwavium.
Added personal constraint, no series can be used more than once. Characters from multiple series are only considered from their starting series (So Seven of Nine is from Voyager, despite her appearances in Picard).
Captain - Chris Rios (Star Trek Picard)
First Officer - Saru (Star Trek Discovery)
Science Officer - Spock (Star Trek The Original Series)
Chief Engineer - Charles "Trip" Tucker (Star Trek Enterprise)
Helm - Erica Ortegas (Star Trek Strange New Worlds)
Navigation/Ops - Data (Star Trek The Next Generation)
Tactical - Tuvok (Star Trek Voyager)
Security - Shax (Star Trek Lower Decks)
Chief Medical Officer - Julian Bashir (Star Trek Deep Space Nine)
I haven't watched Prodigy yet, so can't add a character yet, and The Animated Series is mostly a continuation of TOS, and I haven't watched it.