What’s your perfect Star Trek crew?

You have to crew a Federation starship. You must fill each position, and may use any Starfleet characters from the prime universe (including Enterprise). You can only use each character once. What’s your crew?

First Officer
Science Officer
Medical Officer
Chief Engineer
Security Officer

You can optionally add additional roles like counsellor, security chief, etc. but the above must all be filled.

Assume that tech level is irrelevant—older characters are just as familiar with the latest Trek tech as more recent characters (and vice versa) due to magic handwavium.

Added personal constraint, no series can be used more than once. Characters from multiple series are only considered from their starting series (So Seven of Nine is from Voyager, despite her appearances in Picard).

Captain - Chris Rios (Star Trek Picard)
First Officer - Saru (Star Trek Discovery)
Science Officer - Spock (Star Trek The Original Series)
Chief Engineer - Charles "Trip" Tucker (Star Trek Enterprise)
Helm - Erica Ortegas (Star Trek Strange New Worlds)
Navigation/Ops - Data (Star Trek The Next Generation)
Tactical - Tuvok (Star Trek Voyager)
Security - Shax (Star Trek Lower Decks)
Chief Medical Officer - Julian Bashir (Star Trek Deep Space Nine)

I haven't watched Prodigy yet, so can't add a character yet, and The Animated Series is mostly a continuation of TOS, and I haven't watched it.

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Captain; Benjamin Sisko
First Officer: William Riker
Science Officer: Spock
Operations: Data
Medical Officer: Julian Bashir
Chief Engineer: Geordi LaForge
Helm: Tom Paris
Navigation: 7 of 9
Communications: Hoshi Sato
Tactical: Worf
Security Officer: Odo
Councilor: Deanna Troy
Spec Ops: Luther Sloan

I don't have Paramount streaming so I have only seen tos, tng, ds9, enterprise, and voyager so far. From that list here's my picks.

Captain - Picard: This was the easiest pick for me. Picard is what I see when I think of a Starfleet captain. Very intelligent, but more importantly extremely curious. He's always looking at problems with the purpose of truely understanding the deeper implications. He knows when to be decisive and when to hold back and think of a new approach.

First Officer - Riker: Picard and Riker just compliment each other too well. Riker being a little more aggressive and quick to act, but never to the degree that it could undermine Picard.

Science Officer - Spock: Also a front runner for first officer, Spocks Intellect, dedication, and problem solving skills are second to none. He's one of the most important characters in the entire cannon.

Medical Officer - Phlox: This was a difficult one to pick. In the end I went with Phlox because of his intense curiosity of the unknown and sense of adventure. He's also got some of the best beadside manners as well. His personality is extremely comforting.

Chief Engineer - Scotty: In an engineer you want someone that can push the ship in ways it wasn't even designed to do, and Scotty is the perfect example of that. There's no problem involving tech that Scotty can't solve.

Helm (I'm going to assume you meant operations officer) - Data: Another easy pick. Not only is he the best possible at this job, with an almost unlimited ability to multi-task, but he's also the best second pick for any job on the ship. He has an extreme intellect and knowledge. He does have some difficulty thinking outside the box, but if you have someone else on the ship to start a hypothesis, Data is the perfect wingman.

Navigation - Wesley: This isn't really a thing outside the original series, so I initialy thought chekov would win automatically. Then I thought Wesley could also be picked for this role, and why wouldn't you want a super genius possible next stage of human evolution Wesley.

Communications - Uhura: She's a confident officer that could take command if needed, and one of the most gifted linguists in starfleet. Not a lot of competition, but would be a strong pick even with more competition.

Tactical - Tasha Yar: Tasha has been through hell and still came out a good person. She's also the most tenacious officer in Star Trek. Unshakable is something you could say for most Star Trek characters, but Tasha would be top of that list.

Security Officer - Odo: The only time where this was a different job from tactical was DS9, so kind of a default win. Still, a very strong pick. Shapeshifting is a very useful abillity and his dedication to his job is probably unrivaled.

It’s of course worth noting that there are several versions of some characters - both in actors (Spock, Uhura, Kirk, and Scotty have 3 each) but also in portrayals. I’d argue that the older Kirk of the later films is a different person from the younger man of TOS, though they have the same actor. Equally early TNG Picard, later/movie Picard, and retired series Picard are different people in many ways.

I prefer the anguished* Spock of SNW to any of the previous versions because he seems more conscientious and less sexist or smug than they sometimes are, for instance. The Nyota Uhura of SNW is very relatable, someone struggling with work life balance and with running comms in a very complicated workplace with none of the later software to make things easier.

*He’s just gone through a canonical and awful breakup.

Captain - Picard
First Officer - Riker
Science Officer - Spock
Medical Officer - Bashir
Chief Engineer - LaForge
Helm - Sulu
Navigation - Data
Communications - Uhura
Tactical - Dax (why not? they’ve done it all!)
Security Officer - Worf

The captains-only crew:

Captain Christopher Pike (SNW)
First Officer James T Kirk (TOS)
Science Officer Jean-Luc Picard (TNG)
Operations Kathryn Janeway (Voyager)
Chief Engineer Benjamin Sisko (DS9)
Helm Carol Freeman (LD)
Navigation Jonathan Archer (Enterprise)
Tactical Philippa Georgiou (Discovery)

Captain Benjamin Sisko.
First Officer Kira Nerys.
Science Officer Jadzia Dax.
Medical Officer Joseph M’Benga.
Chief Engineer Miles O’Brien.
Helm Hikaru Sulu.
Navigation Data.
Communications Nyota Uhura.
Tactical Worf.
Security Officer Odo.

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