D&D 5E What are you looking for in Psionics (mechanic structure)

What mechanic structure would you like for Psionics?

  • Use spell slots (to keep things simple)

    Votes: 5 7.2%
  • Use a point-system (such as ki or sorcery)

    Votes: 17 24.6%
  • Use individual powers you select (similar to eldritch invocation selection)

    Votes: 10 14.5%
  • Use feats and psi-feats for more powers

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • Use specific powers and a new mechanic (such as the psi-die)

    Votes: 17 24.6%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 17 24.6%

It's a shame this isn't a multi-option pole, I would be happy with any of those apart from spell points (to fiddly for my game - if we wanted a fussy rules system we would play 3e or Pathfinder).

I think the whole problem is a "my way or the highway" attitude that isn't prepared to tolerate alternative ideas.

* Other: anything that fits within the KISS design ethos of 5e. (I like the psi die though.)

Although I would be okay with a more complex system for other people - we just wouldn't use it.
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I don't mind if psionics used traditional spell slots. I don't mind if psionics used auto-scaled warlock-like pact powers that recharges on a short rest. I don't mind if psionics used the optional spell point rule in the DMG or with monk ki. I don't mind if psionics mainly used cantrips that they augmented.

Lucas Yew

No Verbal, Somatic, and (at least cheap) Material conponents, ever. Making up thematically functional replacements, like Thought, Emotion, glowing veins or weird buzzes from ionized air shenanigans are very acceptable.

At least have telekinesis, telepathy, teleportation, and clairsentience themed abilities as early as possible.

Otherwise, it's anything goes.


Semipermanent Power scores. Psi points pool, including exhausted rules (dormant/latent including). Well described manifestations of powers (essentially spells) with point costs. Level up skill points (3rd, 6th, etc) to spend on Talents/Spells ( allows specializations and themes). Classes, if any, are package deals (get more skill points on certain Talents).


One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
Psionics ought to be non-magical both narratively and mechanically, the two power sources should not be compatible, anti-magic does not affect psionics, spell slots cannot power psionics.

there can be psionic subclasses for the other classes but there ought to be a dedicated psionic class figured out first.

My choice would be 3, selecting individual powers a-la eldritch invocations but supplemented by 2 and 4, powered and upcast by spending points(each power has a base point cost and spending more to ‘cast’ it can deal more damage/affect more targets/harder saving throw/lasts longer and modifiable with psi-feats(imo preferably as part of the inherent class progression/a specific subclass rather than as either-or getting a regular feat/ASI, functioning more like sorcerer metamagic or the eldritch invocations that effect eldritch blast/pact weapon, being able to target different saves, add additional effects, deal different damage types...)


IMO, using Pact Magic as a base concept would be ideal IMO. Cantrips represent lesser powers, spell slots the greater powers, with Invocations (devotions?) providing "always on" psionic abilities. Short rest spell slot recovery represents the non-linear recovery method psionics used in AD&D, and we already know the structure is balanced via the Warlock (unlike the spell points used in 3.5). Sub-classes would be the primary discipline, and some other benefit can replace the 3rd level pact feature (maybe psionic attack & defense modes).


The High Aldwin

Wow, over two years since the last interest in this thread... I had forgotten I had even started it until I clicked on the OP. :ROFLMAO:


No Verbal, Somatic, and (at least cheap) Material conponents, ever. Making up thematically functional replacements, like Thought, Emotion, glowing veins or weird buzzes from ionized air shenanigans are very acceptable.

At least have telekinesis, telepathy, teleportation, and clairsentience themed abilities as early as possible.

Otherwise, it's anything goes.
I have aberrant mind sorcerer with telekinetic feat and subtle spell metamagic.

fits perfectly.

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