D&D 5E What are you looking for in Psionics (mechanic structure)

What mechanic structure would you like for Psionics?

  • Use spell slots (to keep things simple)

    Votes: 5 7.2%
  • Use a point-system (such as ki or sorcery)

    Votes: 17 24.6%
  • Use individual powers you select (similar to eldritch invocation selection)

    Votes: 10 14.5%
  • Use feats and psi-feats for more powers

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • Use specific powers and a new mechanic (such as the psi-die)

    Votes: 17 24.6%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 17 24.6%

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As of TCOE, I m a fan of Psi Die and powers like the Psi Warrior and Soul Knife.

Except I would make each power have 3 effects. a weak one at-will, a strong combat power that exhausts a die, and a very strong combat power than drains a die.

Drained die only come back on long rest. Expended dice can be regained as a bonus action but you can only do it once and must take a rest to restore them again.


Steeliest of the dragons
Point system + Individual powers (dictated by discipline/thematic groupings) + Point Recovery & "Overextending/Pushing your Limits" Mechanic.

Done it. It works. It's flavorful.

"Psychics" all draw from the same pool of "Talents." These are minor and/or general "mental powers" that can effect their own minds (mental defenses, attacks, and such), minds of others (psychic or not), and the physical/mental/and-or spirit worlds. These are your only powers until 3rd level when your mental training (or predisposition) leads your powers to focus into a specific type/suite of psychic ability.

Specific powers are decided by...well, I guess the equivalent of a 5e subclass. A Telepath feels/plays different than a Telekinetic, which feels/plays differently than a Clairvoyant or Empath or "Psy-Warrior."


I'm almost entirely relaxed about how they implement psionics. I have only one non-negotiable* requirement: whatever they come up with needs to work reasonably well with the established lore for Dark Sun and the Sarlona continent of Eberron.

* non-negotiable to me, of course. If they fail to deliver that, I'll wish them luck - I'll just have no interest at all in their product. The only time I'd use psionics these days would be for those settings, so if it doesn't work for them, it's not for me.

Voidrunner's Codex

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