What are you reading in 2024?


Not sure yet, to be honest. It was a very weird Christmas and possibly the first in my life that resulted in no books (it's ok; my gf was very busy with work and then sick, and is now hellbent on rectifying the matter). I've got to make a list of books I want.

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Book-Friend, he/him
In the middle of "Well of Ascension" by Brandon Sanderson in physical books, and listening to "Stone of Fareeell" by Tad Williams in audiobook.


I'm reading Lisa Jackson's Left to Die, about a killer in rural Montana who shoots out the tires of cars during blizzards, causes them to crash, "rescues" the lone driver (always a woman), gives them remedial medical care to heal them up, and then days later they're found naked, tied to a tree and left to die in the freezing temperatures. He's been leaving a clue at each tree, with their (combined) initials, spaced weirdly so that it looks like he's slowly spelling out a message of some length. The novel has a two-female-detective force trying to solve the mystery of who's been killing these women, as the killer finds a potential fourth victim and makes ready to start the cycle all over again.



I post in the voice of Christopher Walken
As mentioned in the 2023 thread, on the third book of the Legends of Condor Heroes, A Snake Lies Waiting by Jin Yong. Thinking of going through the whole condor heroes trilogy again. Also reading Chinese Market Economy 1000-1500 by William Guanglin Liu. Been reading The Divine Comedy pretty regularly for the past several months (I keep going over chapters again and again because I am trying to study it). Reading tons of classic mummy short stories at the moment as well and a couple of books on Buddhism

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