D&D 5E What armor can druids wear? Is there a way to get a decent AC?

D&D ' s entire combat system has been an abstraction since the beginning. I'm going to need a citation that demonstrates deflection is the only input to AC

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Why not helpful? It makes more sense for Barkskin to stack with a shield than to not. Assuming it's not unbalancing, that should be the primary consideration.
The power is already badly balanced (underpowered) and badly explained.

For rangers the spell is practically useless and they have a limited selection of spells. Normally they have better armor, perhaps for the animal companion but you lose snaring strike or hunters mark.

Then we have the druids, if the shield bonus stack then a druid using armor could have as best case scenario a +4 bonus if they didn't have better armor than hide (really cheap) or dexterity bonus. If the shield bonus doesn't stack the spells is practically useless except when shapechanging. So it's only interesting for one subclass of the 2 classes with access to it.

In any case if there is a sorcerer or mage in the group Mage armor is far better, it gives you AC 13+dex, lasts 8h and doesn't require concentration. Barkskin requires more level, only last 1h and requires concentration, the bonus is very situational depending on your dexterity, armor and perhaps shield.

I don't know if I'm missing something but after two years to see this kind of balance...

If the shield bonus doesn't stack the spells is practically useless except when shapechanging. So it's only interesting for one subclass of the 2 classes with access to it.
A dangerous argument for adding power to the spell.

It is far preferable that those two other subclasses simply do not select the spell, than making it OP for the shapechanging druid, just to make it palatable to other subclasses. Always balance a feature at its extremes.

Assuming the spell really benefits shapechanged druids much more than other druids, you would need to accompany any overall improvement with some language to the effect of "this spell acts like regular equipment in that it disappears into the shapechanging druid and cannot be taken advantage of by the caster in shifted form" etc.

A dangerous argument for adding power to the spell.

It is far preferable that those two other subclasses simply do not select the spell, than making it OP for the shapechanging druid, just to make it palatable to other subclasses. Always balance a feature at its extremes.

Assuming the spell really benefits shapechanged druids much more than other druids, you would need to accompany any overall improvement with some language to the effect of "this spell acts like regular equipment in that it disappears into the shapechanging druid and cannot be taken advantage of by the caster in shifted form" etc.
Well, adding power is interpretable because the spell is badly explained.
The shapechanging druid doesn't care if barkskin stacks with shield because when he is in animal form he can't use shields or armor, if he could then he would face the same problems, diminishing returns.

Ok I suffered through almost all the post and still don't see what the difficulty is as the spell is very simple and easy to under stand. as it stated let me break it down "the target’s skin has a rough, bark-like appearance" this denotes the body of the person "and the target’s AC can’t be less than 16" which means it can be more "regardless of what kind of armor it is wearing" so wearing armor of a AC higher will over ride the lower.

Shields: "Wielding a shield increases your Armor Class by 2". so this means it will increase the armor that the person is physically wearing.

Under the armor and shield header: "Many warriors supplement their armor with a shield". this would denote in addition to physical wearing the armor.

So in closing if you wear armor that is more than 16 then it over rides the barkskin, other wise you use barkskin, any thing that increases armor is still effective for you and is not hindered by this spell at all only "armor it is wearing". You carry a shield like a weapon or any thing else and it improves the ac as it states "increases your Armor Class" and the barkskin does not say it can not be more just not less than 16.

As for mage armor: it would me useless for a druid as the barkskin would be better, mage armor can not be worn with armor because that would end the spell. The reason the mage armor denotes dex but also states this too "creature who isn’t wearing armor" so you can not be waering armor of any kind A shield is not armor its a shield and only increases the armor of the person so can be used with a mage armor spell as well as any thing else that's not armor you wear.

As for mage armor: it would me useless for a druid as the barkskin would be better, mage armor can not be worn with armor because that would end the spell. The reason the mage armor denotes dex but also states this too "creature who isn’t wearing armor" so you can not be waering armor of any kind A shield is not armor its a shield and only increases the armor of the person so can be used with a mage armor spell as well as any thing else that's not armor you wear.
Tell that to a druid with AC 16 or more, or to the one that wants to cast another spell requiring concentration, etc.
The mage on the other hand has always a +3 bonus unless he spends one of their ability upgrades to gain a feat for armor, 8h duration and no concentration, if they are hit they don't lose the bonus and can use other spells with the concentrate tag, if the guy started with +3 dexterity he gets the same AC as with barkskin. Oh, and first level slot. In my opinion is much better the bonus a sorcerer or mage gets with this spell.

Tell that to a druid with AC 16 or more, or to the one that wants to cast another spell requiring concentration, etc.
The mage on the other hand has always a +3 bonus unless he spends one of their ability upgrades to gain a feat for armor, 8h duration and no concentration, if they are hit they don't lose the bonus and can use other spells with the concentrate tag, if the guy started with +3 dexterity he gets the same AC as with barkskin. Oh, and first level slot. In my opinion is much better the bonus a sorcerer or mage gets with this spell.

As per mage armor: "The target’s base AC becomes 13 + its Dexterity modifier". Don't see what you are talking about a +3 bonus it does not state this at all just 13 base. Don't understand what you are talking about armor feat but the war wizard if that is what you mean is a useful and it lets you keep the concentration going even if taking damage. and barkskin as I said works under armor unlike mage armor with will not work as it is gone once you put on or wear armor over it.

As per mage armor: "The target’s base AC becomes 13 + its Dexterity modifier". Don't see what you are talking about a +3 bonus it does not state this at all just 13 base. Don't understand what you are talking about armor feat but the war wizard if that is what you mean is a useful and it lets you keep the concentration going even if taking damage. and barkskin as I said works under armor unlike mage armor with will not work as it is gone once you put on or wear armor over it.
The mage starts with 10+Dex AC, casting this spell he gains a +3 bonus (13-10) and that bonus only goes away if he uses armor (or dispelled), to use armor effectively he needs a feat unless he wants disadvantages and the impossibility of casting spells. If he has +5 dex he get 18 AC, the spells grows up and stacks with dexterity. Has long duration and allows him to cast other buffs or spells with concentration. It's first level.

A druid with AC 16 casting barkskin gains a bonus of +0 (16-16=0), any druid of lvl 1 with dex +2 can have AC 16 or more. The spells gives a flat AC 16 and the potential bonus you get from it diminishes with dexterity, armor and in some people opinions with shields and cover. Needs concentration so he can not cast other buffs or spells with this requirement and if he is hit he can lose it. It is also a second level spell that is gained at higher level.

I see a great difference of fucntionality for each class.

D&D ' s entire combat system has been an abstraction since the beginning. I'm going to need a citation that demonstrates deflection is the only input to AC

Well, I said it was based on deflection, not necessarily the only input, and that was specifically describing AC granted by armor.

But it's implied in the way the rules work. Either you roll high enough to penetrate the armor (AC) or you don't. Penetrate includes a bludgeoning attack that is hard enough to damage through the armor. It doesn't matter if you're wearing padded armor or full plate, nor does it matter what kind of attack is used. Nor do specific types of armor reduce damage against specific types of attacks.

If an armor's AC was based off of absorbing damage, then it would absorb damage. A long sword deals the same range of damage regardless of what type of armor is worn.

An AC bonus granted by Dexterity is based on avoiding the blow, or moving in a way that turns what would have been a hit into a near miss.


I think the varies armor bonuses for every thing has been replaced with the saves for example "if its a touch or deflection as in the old system" its now a dex save. Makes it easy with out tracking all those bonuses and having to have different ac bonuses for every thing as now it just uses the saves as per the abilities.

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