D&D 5E What armor can druids wear? Is there a way to get a decent AC?

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Heh... re-reading this thread since it popped back up... I find it amusing that at one point the idea of something being considered a "house rule" or not actually mattered to me. The thread also shows me the exact point where my switch got flipped and I stopped caring about whether something was "Ruled As Written" versus a "house rule". It was pretty early in the game's release that I came to that conclusion that it was a waste of time to care one way or the other about it. LOL.

There is also the 2nd level spell barkskin but the spell description is so odd I'm not entirely sure how it works. Does it stack with a shield for example?

In 3e Druids could make use of the Ironwood spell to make armour out of wood, but 5e doesnt have that. It remains to be seen what options and magic items are in the DMG.

It is very odd that Druids are barred from metal armour but "nature" clerics get heavy armour proficiency.

It is a bit odd for severa clerics t oget heavy armor proficiency. For war domain that is obvious, but for all others it seems sometimes very random, without much reasoning. Only thing is nature is also ore and metal so maybe thats the thing. Or maybe to differ them a bit from druids when both are allowed in a campaign.
In my campaigns its either druids or nature clerics mostly (not always)
Druids fit more in an early savage style world whereas nature clerics would rather have a place in worlds withm ore advanced tech level.

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