D&D 5E What big thing is supposed to be next week?

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CES is next week. Perhaps the announcement is that 5e will electronic in nature, distributed solely for the iPad via iTunes.

:: ducks ::


Well, that was fun
Staff member
You'll find out tomorrow morning. Or afternoon, my time. Or yesterday if you live in the future like those Australians.

That's it. Ask an Australian. They'll already know!

El Mahdi

Muad'Dib of the Anauroch
You'll find out tomorrow morning. Or afternoon, my time. Or yesterday if you live in the future like those Australians.

That's it. Ask an Australian. They'll already know!

It's due to the high level of Chromium deposits throughout the continent.

The deposits aid in flux dispersal.


Edition Wars Episodes 1-6

Working titles:

The Pathfinder Menace
Attack of the Retro Clones
Revenge of the Grognard
4e Strikes Back
Return of the Powergamer

Actually you could end w/the fake name Lucas used for Jedi Revenge of the Jedi, so Star Wars comes back at D&D in retribution for its license not being renewed :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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