What boardgames are you playing in 2012?

We played a 4-player Game of Thrones 2nd Edition last night, and Baratheon crushed us without needing to attack any other player. The 4-player version is plain broken and unless some of the neutral sites in the south are closed off, it's basically guaranteed that Baratheon will win.

Bummer, because the game itself is really fun.

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Thursday through Saturday managed to yield:

* A game of Sekigahara, which I lost by a solitary point. Very, very good block wargame (and very easy to learn & play)

* A 3-player game of the Mage Knight boardgame, which saw me having the most dominant force I've ever had - conquered two cities very, very easily.

* A 4-player game of Age of Industry, which was very enjoyable. I won it (35-32-29-29) though I thought I was a fair way behind... railways saved me.


Played a couple games of Pandemic w/On The Brink expansion. We didn't use any of the expansion game-styles though, just added the roles. Normal mode.

For some reason in our first game, we got clobbered by outbreaks with 3 epidemics played relatively early. When they get clustered like that early in the game it's crazy.

Second game we wiped the board pretty quickly. Role combination plays a big part, I am guessing.

Next time, I want to play with the variations (though not Bio-Terrorist).

Our usual stable of:
  • Last Night on Earth and its expansions (sometimes blended with Invasion From Outer Space)
  • Dominion and all its expansions
  • Talisman 4th ed and all its expansions
  • Power Grid
  • Agricola

I've got a few more expansions for Thunderstone, but it hasn't made it to the table in quite awhile.

Just got in today, Lords of Waterdeep and Defenders of the Realm, will give a short review on my blog as soon as we play them

Played Lords of Waterdeep and did a little review on my blog: Hal Greenberg, I liked it.

I meet up with 3 others once a month to play 18xx games. Yesterday we played 18Scan, a shorter, newbie friendly version of the game. Played it with 3 players last month and with 4 this month and it sure plays out differently.

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