What Core Races have you played?

I have/have not played:

  • I have played a Human

    Votes: 263 95.6%
  • I have never played a Human

    Votes: 9 3.3%
  • I have played a Dwarf

    Votes: 203 73.8%
  • I have never played a Dwarf

    Votes: 61 22.2%
  • I have played an Elf

    Votes: 212 77.1%
  • I have never played an Elf

    Votes: 50 18.2%
  • I have played a Half-Elf

    Votes: 161 58.5%
  • I have never played a Half-Elf

    Votes: 100 36.4%
  • I have played a Half-Orc

    Votes: 120 43.6%
  • I have never played a Half-Orc

    Votes: 127 46.2%
  • I have played a Halfling

    Votes: 172 62.5%
  • I have never played a Halfling

    Votes: 89 32.4%


First Post
Driddle said:
Gnome isn't included in this poll. Ruins any legitimate comparison you may have wanted to make.

It also would have been good to identify which edition you're asking about. Necesary information.

And be sure to account in your margin of error elements including (1.) players who don't visit this board, (2.) respondents who answer dishonestly, and (3.) people who will never see your poll because they've put you on their ignore list.
What the...

Someones in a ***** mood this morning.

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First Post
I have never played a half-elf or half-orc.

Driddle said:
And be sure to account in your margin of error elements including (1.) players who don't visit this board, (2.) respondents who answer dishonestly, and (3.) people who will never see your poll because they've put you on their ignore list.
"Account in your margin of error"? What? Dude, it's an internet poll - it's entirely flawed from the beginning. (Oh, wait. Maybe you were joking. Never mind!)
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First Post
Darkwolf71 said:
What the...

Someones in a ***** mood this morning.

Nah. It's merely a reflection of the intent that spawned this poll. Someone was trying to justify gnome hate in another thread, and a poll comparing gnomes with other races seemed like a good argument. ... And maybe this could have been a good idea used to justify gnome hate IF it had been built with gnomes.

Otherwise it's a only poll about six other races. And that's fine, as long as that's what you're looking for.


Driddle said:
Nah. It's merely a reflection of the intent that spawned this poll. Someone was trying to justify gnome hate in another thread, and a poll comparing gnomes with other races seemed like a good argument. ... And maybe this could have been a good idea used to justify gnome hate IF it had been built with gnomes.

Otherwise it's a only poll about six other races. And that's fine, as long as that's what you're looking for.

Dude, not trying to justify any hate. I'm definitely in the Meh category AND I ACTUALLY PLAY A GNOME.

Your own poll showed that half of the people who responded had NEVER played a gnome.

I'm just curious if other races have roughly the same level of being ignored. See, now, here we see that 90 some percent of the gamers who have responded have played a human. So, it would make sense to include humans in the next edition.

OTOH, half-elves aren't getting much loving. So, maybe half-elves should have been axed rather than gnomes. (I could certainly live with that.)

What I was simply responding to was the idea that there is this huge demand out there for gnomes. When asked, half of the respondents in your poll had never played a gnome. And that's in a thread SPECIFICALLY targetting gnome players. If we widened the poll, such as what we have here, I wonder if the numbers would be even worse.


First Post
Hussar said:
What I was simply responding to was the idea that there is this huge demand out there for gnomes. When asked, half of the respondents in your poll had never played a gnome. And that's in a thread SPECIFICALLY targetting gnome players. If we widened the poll, such as what we have here, I wonder if the numbers would be even worse.

First, Dude, and perhaps most imporantly, the link you have in your OP goes to a poll by TerraDave. Please stop attributing it to me. I have nothing against TD, but we are totally not the same person.

Second, and key to your question (above) "I wonder if the numbers would be even worse," I was merely pointing out potential bias in an incomplete poll and its comparison to an unrelateed poll with (as I mentioned earlier) a different time frame, different population sample and different presentation among other things. If you really want something approaching intelligent discussion about the race comparisons, you've got to start as evenly as possible ... otherwise you'll never really have a legitimate basis to suggest "the numbers would be even worse."
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OK, since the edition question was answered, I can say that I have played at least one character of all these races and gnomes too. I've only been a DM for 3.x, so I really haven't played that edition, but if I were, gnomes are high on my list.
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Doug McCrae

Looks like WotC are bang on the money about which races are the least popular - half-orcs and gnomes. Almost as if they've done market research on the subject.


First Post
Doug McCrae said:
Looks like WotC are bang on the money about which races are the least popular - half-orcs and gnomes. Almost as if they've done market research on the subject.

That's your conclusion from only 117 survey respondents in a very limited and possibly-skewed population sample?!

I give up. This is my last post on the issue.
You folks win.

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