What Core Races have you played?

I have/have not played:

  • I have played a Human

    Votes: 263 95.6%
  • I have never played a Human

    Votes: 9 3.3%
  • I have played a Dwarf

    Votes: 203 73.8%
  • I have never played a Dwarf

    Votes: 61 22.2%
  • I have played an Elf

    Votes: 212 77.1%
  • I have never played an Elf

    Votes: 50 18.2%
  • I have played a Half-Elf

    Votes: 161 58.5%
  • I have never played a Half-Elf

    Votes: 100 36.4%
  • I have played a Half-Orc

    Votes: 120 43.6%
  • I have never played a Half-Orc

    Votes: 127 46.2%
  • I have played a Halfling

    Votes: 172 62.5%
  • I have never played a Halfling

    Votes: 89 32.4%


First Post
I've played an elf, half-elf and a dwarf (for one session, woo). And I thought I never played a human until after I voted, so there's one vote for the never-played-humans that doesn't count. And I'm still playing a gnome.

Phaeryx said:
I wonder if the fact that the gnome and the half-orc are the least favorite has any bearing, psychologically, on the fact that they are two of the "ugliest" of the core races.

This is arguable, but based solely on 3.5 depictions, these 2 races are physically less attractive than the others.

I don't know, I find gnomes pretty cute :p. But I think I may be one of the few people to think that, they aren't 'standard' pretty.

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First Post
Nearly as many people in this "poll" claim they haven't played a halfling as haven't played a half-elf. More than a third.

Hmmm. That's .... Well, that's pretty worthless information. Doesn't really mean anything without context.

Still, though. There ya go.


Driddle said:
Nearly as many people in this "poll" claim they haven't played a halfling as haven't played a half-elf. More than a third.

Hmmm. That's .... Well, that's pretty worthless information. Doesn't really mean anything without context.

Still, though. There ya go.

Buh? I add up the numbers and get 195 votes for half elf, and 194 for halfling. That's pretty close to the 200ish votes we've currently got.

Driddle, what really bugs you? It pretty much shows that gnomes are not that terribly popular. And half orcs as well. Gee kinda makes you see why those two races got the axe. Certainly not definitive. But it fits nicely doesn't it?

And, for the fourth time.


Bongo Bigguns

First Post
I think I screwed up when I put a mark next to playing and not playing the same races. (I really wish I could have picked gnome. Gnomes are great. :) )

We took a survey like this once in orchestra/band. There were very few people who said they played oboe and tuba. Next season they were swapped out with some new, cooler, experimental instruments.


Phaeryx said:
I wonder if the fact that the gnome and the half-orc are the least favorite has any bearing, psychologically, on the fact that they are two of the "ugliest" of the core races.

I think it's definitely got something to do with it. Dwarves aren't ugly--at least male dwarves aren't. And how many female dwarf PCs have you seen? I know I haven't seen any. And do the male dwarves you've met ever carouse with female dwarves?

Gnomes, on the other hand, look either like weird goofy halflings or nerdy dwarves. Neither look is particularly compelling. They certainly lack in the "coolness" factor by looks alone.

I prefer the crafty-information-broker style gnomes, the literate-thug gnomes, the no-words-for-lie-but-four-thousand-words-for-truth gnomes. Suddenly, their blue eyes, large noses, goatees, small stature, and whimsical nature look considerably more like this:


upping the coolness factor considerably.

And the large-head, large-eyed, small-stocky-body look usually results in an odd-looking woman when female gnomes are depicted. Yet, once again, I think the artists have just missed their mark. I think the female gnome looks more like this:


So, if gnomes looked more like this, would you be interested in playing them?

(Incidentally, Arthaus also thought so for the Ravenloft line)



I assumed this was edition-wide, like the Gnome poll. I'm pretty sure I've never played a 1/2 orc, but I have tried every other race (except gnome).

Bongo Bigguns

First Post
Hey, how do we account for the people who have never played a particular race and also never never played that race?

What I mean is that when you add up the numbers and percentages of "play" and "not play" on any particular race on this poll, they don't add up to the total number of respondents or 100 percent.

Exmaple: As I type these words, there are 225 people who participated in this poll so far. But there are only 133 people who have played halflings and 81 people who have never played a halfling, or 214 total. That means there are 11 people here who ... ummm ... they have and haven't played halflings at the same time??? Either you have or you haven't. There is no middle ground.

And 209 voters have played and not played half-elves, leaving 16 people who ... ??? Are they in limbo? This doesn't make sense. Unless they're quanta packets of energy states or something weird like that.

(P.S. I still don't see gnome on this poll. I thought the OP was going to edit that problem.)
Last edited:


Bongo Bigguns said:
Hey, how do we account for the people who have never played a particular race and also never never played that race?

What I mean is that when you add up the numbers and percentages of "play" and "not play" on any particular race on this poll, they don't add up to the total number of respondents or 100 percent.

Exmaple: As I type these words, there are 225 people who participated in this poll so far. But there are only 133 people who have played halflings and 81 people who have never played a halfling, or 214 total. That means there are 11 people here who ... ummm ... they have and haven't played halflings at the same time??? Either you have or you haven't. There is no middle ground.

And 209 voters have played and not played half-elves, leaving 16 people who ... ??? Are they in limbo? This doesn't make sense. Unless they're quanta packets of energy states or something weird like that.

(P.S. I still don't see gnome on this poll. I thought the OP was going to edit that problem.)

:D :p

The joys of internet polling. Apparently 16 people didn't click the link. I'm not looking for rock hard numbers here. But, you gotta admit, this does follow fairly nicely what WOTC said: Gnomes and half orcs just don't get that much loving. And elves do. Elves are the number 2 race after humans. Makes sense that you'd give elves as much loving as you give humans in the game.

Me, I'm absolutely shocked that people would think that elves weren't the number 2 race.

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