D&D 5E What do you about dead levels in multiclassing?

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Full Moon Storyteller
A Paladin + Ranger multiclass has a dead level when the second one hits fifth. A few other variants have similar, as Extra Attack only allows 3+ attacks if you are a Fighter.

Channel Divinity is half dead, in that you can more options, but not more uses.

What do you do in these circumstances?

I'm considering allowing the martial double dippers to get a combat feat (DnD Beyond allows that in the filter field).

For the Divinity dippers I have no solution

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I am a multiclasser. In 5E I have only played one single class character past level 2.

I think the benefits and synergies of multiclassing give a TON of benefits, especially with Sorcerer, Cleric, Ranger, Rogue and Warlock Dips in specific give a crap ton of abilities on 1-level dip

With that in mind it is only right to have dead levels to make up for the "live" levels.

Finally levels are rarely actually "dead". For example the 5th level fighter/4th level Paladin who levels up to 5 in Paladin doesn't get any more attacks, but she does get 2nd level spells and smites that she did not have at level 4. Same with a Fighter-Ranger. A fighter-Barbarian gets fast movement.

I agree with the posters that said multi-classing is in itself a benefit. I would not provide additional perks to characters that double dip for class features.

That said, at my table gaining a HD is a huge benefit as it can (based on a table) be used to fuel class features and abilities beyond the standard. So there is never a "dead" level so to speak.


A Paladin + Ranger multiclass has a dead level when the second one hits fifth. A few other variants have similar, as Extra Attack only allows 3+ attacks if you are a Fighter.
I never knew that extra attack did not stack in multiclassing. It never came up in my games after 10 years. Thank you


A Paladin + Ranger multiclass has a dead level when the second one hits fifth. A few other variants have similar, as Extra Attack only allows 3+ attacks if you are a Fighter.

Channel Divinity is half dead, in that you can more options, but not more uses.

What do you do in these circumstances?

I'm considering allowing the martial double dippers to get a combat feat (DnD Beyond allows that in the filter field).

For the Divinity dippers I have no solution
Them's the breaks - multi-classing offers a lot of advantages. but there might be the occasional drawbacks. Something to factor into your decision making, if you are an optimizer.

Also extra attack only offers 3+ attacks if you are a fighter of the appropriate level (i.e. going fighter 5/ranger 6 is not going to net you that 3rd attack).


Trust the Fungus
A Paladin + Ranger multiclass has a dead level when the second one hits fifth. A few other variants have similar, as Extra Attack only allows 3+ attacks if you are a Fighter.

Channel Divinity is half dead, in that you can more options, but not more uses.

What do you do in these circumstances?

For the martial characters, I would suggest houseruling that (sub)classes that grant Extra Attack all stack for the purposes of Extra Attack I. I might even consider that they stack at 1/2 level for the purposes of 11th level combat class features-- so a Fighter 10/Paladin 10 can have +1d8 smite damage and three attacks per round.

Are you familiar with the Star Wars 5e fan project? It's a full conversion of the 5e rules for the Star Wars setting. One of the things it does, that I really like, is that there is a feat that requires 3 levels in one class and 3 levels in another class and then... levels in those classes partially stack for the purposes of specific, named class features.

For Channel Divinity? I would offer nothing. An extra use for your Channel Divinity is already a big benefit; they don't need additional uses as well.

Voidrunner's Codex

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