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What fun thing have you done this year with D&D?

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Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
I ran several sessions of Pathfinder for my ex-girlfriend's kids, ages 8 and 12. They had been wanting to play D&D for years, apparently.

I also ran White Plume Mountain old-school style, for a group of friends who had never played it before--despite being Gamers of a Certain Age.™


First Post
D&D? Not so much.

I've played (and run) a fair bit of Pathfinder Society. Right now, I'm in the process of running "The Dragon's Demand." Despite a recent move, some of my good friends still travel to play PFS with me, and I really cherish our time together. Man, that was sappy.

I also wrapped up playing in an excellent game of The One Ring. We played through the introductory adventure and all of "Tales from Wilderland." I think everyone who partook had a blast. We got some rules wrong as I am learning by now running this game for another group, but it did not hinder our fun.

Finally, I also wrapped up playing in a very fun game of Edge of Empire. At present, I am running The One Ring for this group. We are all dedicated to trying a variety of games. So, I'm looking forward to Numenera, some of the FFG WH40K stuff, and an eventual return to Star Wars.

Sadly, I was unable to attend Winter Fantasy and missed the conclusion of the LFR campaign that I enjoyed so much. I was able to attend AnCon where I mostly played PFS. Now, I am looking forward to Origins and GenCon.


I played/ran two adventures that immediately became my two favorite adventures ever: Ravenloft and White Plume Mountain. That one encounter from WPM is still legendary in that group of friends.

I bet everyone who's played WPM has their own "that one encounter."


First Post
Oh man. Freshman year of college = best year of D&D yet.

Ran a year-long campaign in 4E which looks poised to continue into the next three years (albeit with 5E)? Check.

Played in my roommate's year-long 5E game (also looks like a long runner) as an Enchanter wizard with a greatsword? Check.

Organized and ran two campus-wide "Introduction to Roleplaying" events? Check.

Elected president of the campus gaming club? Check.

Invited into the 5E closed playtest? Check.

Finished off the year with an amazing Vault of the Dracolich event? Check.


First Post
Finished up (with a bang) my 3 year run of Epic 4E.

Started up a 13th Age campaign where I threw possibility stars into the players and gave them the power to rewrite reality, just to see what would happen.


Alas, no D&D so far this year, which is unusual. But it's more a pattern of "very little gaming at all." This isn't as bad as it sounds, as the time is being filled with things that make me equally happy, but still...no D&D.
The year is young however.


i ran a session of OD&D(1974) at GaryCon for a mixture of veterans, mediums, and acolytes. :D

also still running the campaign as listed in the Gamers seeking gamers forum.


The absolutely most fun thing I've done with D&D this year has been during the Camp NC Gameday first of this month -- Using Basic D&D I ran an abbreviated version of Horror on the Hill for several folks, including Psion, Rel, and PCat, with the most shallow of plot threads, scores of broken and bloody PCs, and the summoning of a demon-god who played hotel doorman for a set of unopenable doors. Tons of fun were had by all, and practically no stereotype of adventuring was left untouched.

So much fun, too many favorite moments, but some I can recall are:

-The return of Sesquip the Poxy Elf and his pack mule;
-my favorite adventurer greeting, "Why, Hello! You look like a trustworthy sort, come join our band! We've just had an opening..."
-A dwarf with a 3 charisma who was convinced he should be party leader;
-and a 1 hit point cleric who survived almost to the end of the session -- until he drunk a potion for the XP and it turned out to be poison.
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