Dragonlance What Happened To The New DRAGONLANCE Trilogy?

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
It seems to me that WotC's current approach to lore, even in their setting books, is extremely detail-light, very restriction-averse, and also very have-it-both-ways.

So while they certainly would never say, for example, "There are no orcs native to Krynn," they also probably wouldn't add orcs to the setting explicitly. They're more likely just to not talk about orcs at all, so that those who don't know about or don't like orcs' absence from the older Dragonlance lore will just assume orcs exist there (just as, say, gelatinous cubes would be assumed to exist even if the guide doesn't say so), and old-school fans will feel free to exclude them. (This applies generally but is doubly likely in the specific case of orcs, which I imagine WotC probably aren't too keen to foreground at the moment.)

On the other hand, I expect certain elements (e.g., gully dwarves) to be severely retconned. Actually I do expect a full-on timeline reboot to the War of the Lance era, but I also figure the facelift is likely to be limited mostly to sensitivity changes.
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Now I am wondering if the heroes of Dragonlance become very famous, literally legendary, then they could become half-gods, can't they? Was there any warlock pact about legendary heroes? What if Liam of Endor, the son of a famous legendary character, is reincarnated into a dragonborn, or a spellcaler?

Some new PC races could easily added into Krynn after some cosmic event because.... reincarnation spell didn't work totally perfect.

Other matter is if WotC wants to publish more things besided the novels... what about the canon? for example a game-live show as the black dice society.

Other idea if Sithicus is the Dragonlance-Ravenloft crossover, then Witchlight/domain of delight, could enjoy something linked to Krynn.

Dragonlance as multimedia franchise is too linked with the main characters, the heroes of the lance. There is a lot of space for "spin-off", the settings are designed for this, but here the setting is too linked to the novels and this is a double edged sword.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Considering they just made a big deal out of how novels aren't canon anymore, I doubt they plan on tying any new Dragonlance release to the novels at this point.

The fact that the novels aren't canon does not eliminate the fact that releasing a game book in conjunction with the novels is probably still a good marketing move, for both WotC and the authors. Such a book can lay out what is, and is not canon for the game, if they feel a need to specify.


That someone better
There is - a very simple one - space. Why would they bother using space to add an orc culture somewhere when they can just do the same handwave as Theros: "Aside from humans, the races in the Player’s Handbook are unknown on Theros, unless they’re visiting from other worlds."

Oh yes there is that.

But Kyrnn is also just this side of D&D fantasy that they could also just insert a sentence or two here and there in the book with stuff like: "And here is the Halfling settlement", "And such and such NPC is a Tiefling...".

Easy enough to just toss in there. IF they decide to make DL one of the classic setting they bring back...

The other side of the coin:
Don’t hold your breath
There is no indication of any CGI movie or series. There's no indication that Dragonlance will exist beyond the novels.

WOTC and their D&D team making exactly ZERO mentions of the upcoming new trilogy is a set of tea leaves in favor of no book coming out at all.

And I favor this view.

But if they do release a DL setting, then I believe that we will see DL get a major facelift in lots of areas.

Now if they go and release a DL setting with only the bare minimum of bits 'retconned' for WOTC to put their stamp on it: Then I will obviously have been totally out to lunch on my prognostications...

But Kyrnn is also just this side of D&D fantasy that they could also just insert a sentence or two here and there
There is a massive amount of Krynn-specific stuff that needs to be crammed into a single volume (since, unlike earlier editions, there is only ever going to be a single volume). They can't afford "a sentence here ore there" for unnecessary stuff.

There is no indication of any CGI movie or series. There's no indication that Dragonlance will exist beyond the novels.
You are right, but Hasbro has to notice Dragonlance could be a true cash-cow as multimedia franchise. There is no indication but the logic says there should be some plan or project, not necessary in this "phase" but maybe in the future.

The heroes of the lance where in the past the most famous D&D group. If these recover the lost fame, then Hasbro will can sell skins for Fortnite, videogames, action figures, new novels, shirts....

My doubts are about how to find the right balance between keeping the ortodoxy of the canon and allowing the crazy creativity of the fanfiction, for example a story where Sylvia, the female version of Loki (Marvel cinematic universe) discovers a planar gate toward to the Krynn crystal sphere, where she can't be pursued by the TVA, and then she can get ready for her future plans. (I know this is a totally fool idea, but at least I had fun telling it as an example of possible ideas by the fandom. Let's imagine the laughs of a comic strip where she is "trolled" by a curious and daredevil kender with a mouth). Or a "isekai" story about a female mutant from Gamma World who is "reincarnated" as a character within Dragonlance (her favorite books), but not the original timeline, but a special demiplane, an "akashic realm", an uchrony or parallel timeline created by the collective memory (allowing a canon altered version but the original canon isn't affected at all).


The fact that the novels aren't canon does not eliminate the fact that releasing a game book in conjunction with the novels is probably still a good marketing move, for both WotC and the authors. Such a book can lay out what is, and is not canon for the game, if they feel a need to specify.
Tying the novel and RPG releases together would (quite reasonably) create the expectation of the two being set in the same world, at least for any buyer who doesn't read blog posts from Wizards (which is going to be most of them). If there are noticeable differences, it would complicate the novels' value as a promotional tool, especially if the new novels reference material Wizards is trying to leave behind.

That said, you have a point, such differences haven't stopped similar tie-ins from other companies when a brand is rebooted. A screen adaptation of a novel can be radically different from the original, but it still won't stop the inevitable re-release of the novel with a photo from the film on the cover... so they might do it anyway. Suppose we'll see in 2022.

Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
Tying the novel and RPG releases together would (quite reasonably) create the expectation of the two being set in the same world, at least for any buyer who doesn't read blog posts from Wizards (which is going to be most of them). If there are noticeable differences, it would complicate the novels' value as a promotional tool, especially if the new novels reference material Wizards is trying to leave behind.

That said, you have a point, such differences haven't stopped similar tie-ins from other companies when a brand is rebooted. A screen adaptation of a novel can be radically different from the original, but it still won't stop the inevitable re-release of the novel with a photo from the film on the cover... so they might do it anyway. Suppose we'll see in 2022.

I'll add, 95% of readership probably don't follow what is canon or not. It is after all put up on a blog post on the D&D site, it's not exactly projected out like a huge press release.


I think I didn't hear it. But how long have I been waiting for this trilogy. And I will be pleased if it comes out in 2022. Because I have already found a couple of characters on dndguide.net, I'll play it with them. And I hope that my patience will be enough and I will wait. And so I think I'll take a couple of other companies with my friends while waiting for the release. And yes, please tell me if you know when the exact date of publication will be approximate. Since I didn't find anything on this discussion on the Internet. But I'm still happy at least that it will be released in 2022. And I really hope that this will be an exciting company.
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