What is a supported OSR game?

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Come to think of it, maybe we could just get one of the big Uncle Moneybags types to host in their doomsday bunker. Those seem to be popular these days. I'll bring the chips.

Not sure about whether pizza delivery goes to doomsday bunkers, though.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
By this I mean, has adventures/modules.

Like i love Shadowdark but it's "adventures" are small 5 room dungeons. Kelsey has teased a big adventure might be coming down the pike but that's later.

Does Castles and Crusades have any? I know they are doing to old Gygax stuff that's "coming". I eagerly await those.

Only one that pops to mind might be OSE. Yes? Any good ones?

I've come to realize I hate trying to make a story campaign. I'm fine make a village with a dungeon nearby and making the dungeon and wilderness bigger and bigger but when it comes to story... meh. I'd rather just run a premade adventure.
I'd rather just not do a story campaign. All sandbox here. I only use adventure content piecemeal to help me create points of interest.


DCC is my favorite with the best adventures. You have different flavors for DCC as well with Lankhmar filling the more AD&D1e style adventures, less gonzo, very evocative of Lieber's early to middle period Lankhmar materials. Dying Earth fills that odd, Vancian approach to pre-apocalyptic, end of the world without doom style stories. Empire of the East fills a similar niche but is more dark fantasy. Then there is Shudder Mountains, an adventure/setting that is very folkish, mountain people and a lot like where I grew up in Pt. Pleasant West Virginia (across the river actually) and into the mountains of Appalachia. Purple Planet for Barsoomian takes.

Of course DCC also has the barely setting of The Known World and the city of Punjar, which is Lankhmar with the numbers filled off but where the majority of their material "takes place". Why the ""? Because it isn't setting but a small, small suggestion of ideas. Shudder Mountains and Purple Planet are part of this meta-setting but, for example, no map, no real details of the Known World. There was a 3e era boxed set, quite lovely, but the DCC RPG era of adventures contradicts it enough that it is moot. There was a 4e era Punjar book, again, largely moot.

DCC has a reputation for gonzo but I think it is more weird fantasy ala Moorcock with a dash of Anderson (dwarves are andersonian, elves are thinly veiled Melniboneans with Andersonian tropes) and Lieber for high adventure. It supports a broad range of gaming styles, including vanilla fantasy and easily jumps to the high weirdness like Intrigue at the Court of Chaos and Imprisoned in the God Skull.

It is EASILY my favorite RPG.


DCC is my favorite with the best adventures. You have different flavors for DCC as well with Lankhmar filling the more AD&D1e style adventures, less gonzo, very evocative of Lieber's early to middle period Lankhmar materials. Dying Earth fills that odd, Vancian approach to pre-apocalyptic, end of the world without doom style stories. Empire of the East fills a similar niche but is more dark fantasy. Then there is Shudder Mountains, an adventure/setting that is very folkish, mountain people and a lot like where I grew up in Pt. Pleasant West Virginia (across the river actually) and into the mountains of Appalachia. Purple Planet for Barsoomian takes.

Of course DCC also has the barely setting of The Known World and the city of Punjar, which is Lankhmar with the numbers filled off but where the majority of their material "takes place". Why the ""? Because it isn't setting but a small, small suggestion of ideas. Shudder Mountains and Purple Planet are part of this meta-setting but, for example, no map, no real details of the Known World. There was a 3e era boxed set, quite lovely, but the DCC RPG era of adventures contradicts it enough that it is moot. There was a 4e era Punjar book, again, largely moot.

DCC has a reputation for gonzo but I think it is more weird fantasy ala Moorcock with a dash of Anderson (dwarves are andersonian, elves are thinly veiled Melniboneans with Andersonian tropes) and Lieber for high adventure. It supports a broad range of gaming styles, including vanilla fantasy and easily jumps to the high weirdness like Intrigue at the Court of Chaos and Imprisoned in the God Skull.

It is EASILY my favorite RPG.
If I played OSR, it would be DCC. So many great adventure ideas that I'm itching to try.

Voidrunner's Codex

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