Takhisis' (& Soth's) favorite
If you were going to sit down and play "D&D" but not actual D&D, which would you pick of these? What do you think of each? Pros Cons?
The White Box. Probably the best $5 you can spend on an OSR IMO.
Basic Fantasy. Again super cheap buy in.
Osric, making 1E readable.
For Gold and Glory making 2E more readable
Shadowdark, i love it for it's simplicity odl school edge with modern gameplay
Castles and Crusades, I have yet to play it but want to. I hear only good things. I have the starter box
OSE I have never played this but again hear good things but i already own so many OSR games
The White Box. Probably the best $5 you can spend on an OSR IMO.
Basic Fantasy. Again super cheap buy in.
Osric, making 1E readable.
For Gold and Glory making 2E more readable
Shadowdark, i love it for it's simplicity odl school edge with modern gameplay
Castles and Crusades, I have yet to play it but want to. I hear only good things. I have the starter box
OSE I have never played this but again hear good things but i already own so many OSR games