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What pre-3E D&D book are you using most in your 3.X game?


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I have 2 pre-3E WotC products sitting on my gaming table at this very moment! They are two 2nd edition guides to Greyhawk printed around 1999/2000: "The Player's Guide to Greyhawk" and "Greyhawk: The Adventure Begins". I am using them both to help provide background for my Age of Worms campaign.

I use the "Player's Guide" for its comprehensive list of deities (with their alignments and portfolios) and for the well-done geopolitical map of the Flanaess (which is *far* superior to the one that came with the Greyhawk Gazetteer).

I use the "Adventure Begins" book mostly for its breakdown of the Greyhawk calendar and lunar cycles as well as its random weather tables.

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Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
Most-Used Pre-3E Books

1st Edition DMG is great for reference material: herbs, gems, gambling games, room furnishings, traps, etc. Whenever I am building a stronghold/dungeon, I keep it open.

Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog is great fun.

Forgotten Realms Adventures has some stuff in it that hasn't made it to 3/3.5 yet, especially towns and cities.


None at the moment. I'm running an Eberron campaign, so there aren't any pre-3e sourcebooks for that, plus I have most of my 2e stuff in storage.

If/when I get around to running a Forgotten Realms campaign (I think that after the Eberron campaign, I'll run Red Hand of Doom), I'll definitely be using the 2e god books. Imagine having information that's actually useful in a campaign rather than a one-page statblock for each god!


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Dungeon Magazine adventures
Dragon Magazine's Baba Yaga adventure from Roger Moore
Iuz the Evil
The Scarlet Brotherhood
Vecna Lives!

Oh, and $15 for NPC Designer to near-instantly convert to 3.5 stats for most of the encounters.



Bits and pieces here and there.

2e Monstrous Manual out of the CD for monster descriptions is the most used.

Rest depend on specific campaigns

1e Manual of Planes, Planescape, Outlands, Planes of Law, Role Aids Dwarves, Outer Planes Monstrous Compendium Appendix, Book of Hell, 1e MM & MMII,

Dragonlance Adventures, Dragonlance anniversary supermodule, Dwarven Kingdoms of Krynn, Book of Lairs Dragonlance one, Under Illefarn,

FR 2e god books, that 1e FR Dwarven Halls book, Waterdeep, 2e Druid and dwarf complete books.

Ravenloft CS, Legends and Lore, Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga, House of Strahd,


Voidrunner's Codex

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