D&D 4E What Rules Do You Want to See in 4E?

bestone said:
Sure, you didnt have to like what they [TSR] did, I did however.

When you refer to "what they did", do you mean the 90's when there was a glut of campaign setting and poorly designed splatbook material flooding the market with poor production quality?

I dont like the corporate sell sell sellness of hasbro

Because if you are refering to the 90's, I don't understand how they could not be viewed as anything but years of "sell sell sellness". They were known as T$R, after all.

At the very least, Hasbro produces well-made books that won't fall apart after a year's use.

And frankly insulting my opinion is pointless, as its my opinion and im entitled to it. You dont have to agree. And you're not going to change my pov.
Certainly you are entitled to an opinion. So is a 5-year-old child. His entitlement does not mean his opinion is well founded, however.

Which is why I am mystified by someone who complains about Hasbro's marketing strategy and simultaneously wishes to give the franchise back to TSR, a company who drove DnD into the ground with the same attitude you decry.

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Hypersmurf said:
Supply and demand.

Who can sell a 20 pound ladder these days? Nobody wants them.

A 10 foot pole, on the other hand - the adventurer's staple! They'll pay a lot more than 5cp to ensure they're properly equipped, let me tell you!
I see a business opportunity! Buy a 10 ft ladder, use cheap labour to strip the rungs off and sell the rest as two 10-foot poles! :D

Mmmm, now to find a market for all the ladder rungs.... maybe sell them back to the ladder manufacturers....

I want to do away with immediate actions. I just don't like this mechanic in a turn based system. In the few cases where they are acceptable (such as Feather Fall), they should work more like Contingency.

Swift actions are okay, within reason. Many swift action spells are not reasonable.

Things I would like to see:

1) Free multi classing. The exp. point penalty should be gone.
2) Do away with the current concept of alignment, and all spells and abilities that detect it. Even evil things are sometimes good, and even good things are sometimes evil, and it takes away from the role playing when you can simply detect which is which with certainty. I'd rather instead see tendencies, and no ability to detect the variations magically.
3) I'd like to see a clear section on how to interpret the rules when an issue comes up. By now they know that the rules will never be perfect, no matter how careful they are. So I would like to see a well-written set of guidelines on how to interpret the rules, such as a hierarchy of sources, instructions on what role the intent of the author plays, an online journal keeping track of intent for the rules as they are written and evolve, the role that the sage advice and articles and FAQ and errata and custserve are supposed to play, how to deal with rules context and rules analogies, etc..

Felix said:
Certainly you are entitled to an opinion. So is a 5-year-old child. His entitlement does not mean his opinion is well founded, however.

You are very abbrasive. I take high offence to this. No you dont have to agree with my opinion. But this is just a ridiculous statement!

And to insult my opinion because its not "well founded"? Thats overly ignorant! You may not have liked second edition, but there were a lot of things I liked about it, and there are a lot of things I like about third!. How can you tell me my preference for playing one or another however, is unfounded?

You are making many assumptions about my opinion that you are not entitled to make. I dont like what hasbro is doing to dnd, So what?. Who are you to suggest that my opinion is not well founded when it is entirely based on what I find more entertaining to me?.

I Like some things from third, namely the "Streamlined" combat system (bab instead of thaco was a godsend!). But there are lots of things i dont like (prestige classes). I liked what tsr did, and your right, it was in the 90's, and the game has evolved since then. And now I probably wouldnt go back to second (without adding bab and overhauling some things), But I would like to see someone other than hasbro take a crack at it. Tsr was a suggestion, simply because I would have liked to see what they would have done with the current system in updating it. I didnt say I want second edition back.

They created many staples for roleplaying that are now found in third. Most of the spells for example!. While the actual combat system is nicer for third. A lot of the new things they have created (again prestige classes!) I dont like.

Another example, ebberon and its robots!

My point being. Hasbro did do the game a service, making it easier to understand and play. But that was not the whole appeal of the game for me. Ease of use was not my main concern. And NOW that the system is streamlined, easy to use, and nice, im simply implying i'd like to see what the creators of the system 3rd was based on could come up with to add to it.

All in all...... Perhaps a fresh perspective on the current edition from someone other than hasbro might bring a little more to it. Im quite tired of all the splatbooks and multitudes of prc's. And i think another edition by them will just be fixes and more of the same.

And if i didnt like it then, like i've stated earlier, I wouldnt have to buy it.
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Unarmed strike vs Natural attack.

No Prestige Classes but more multiclass feats (perhaps different ones for the same class combinations).

More feats/talents versatility.

Ya know, a lot of the stuff people are mentioning could be fixed by expanding and unifying the skill system, bringing in more of the disparate systems in play and making them skills.

For instance, caster level. Let's kill it and make it a skill, roll it into concentration. Whenever you cast a spell, you roll your concentration skill to determine how awesome the effects are. Since it's the same skill, it stacks between classes.

While we're at it, kill the BAB and turn it into a set of separate skills for a handful of weapon groups. Most or all weapon skills are cross-class for the wizard, several are class for the rogue, and all are class + a class bonus for fighter types. Obviously this requires some balancing and testing, at the very least fighters are going to need more skill points to cover a range of weaponry as needed.

Possibly even a dodge and toughness AC bonus could be granted by skills, perhaps rolled at initiative once per combat, in place of the flat DEX to AC that's currently in place, allowing defense to more easily keep pace with offense simply because they both work off exactly the same system, skills.

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