Felix said:
Certainly you are entitled to an opinion. So is a 5-year-old child. His entitlement does not mean his opinion is well founded, however.
You are very abbrasive. I take high offence to this. No you dont have to agree with my opinion. But this is just a ridiculous statement!
And to insult my opinion because its not "well founded"? Thats overly ignorant! You may not have liked second edition, but there were a lot of things I liked about it, and there are a lot of things I like about third!. How can you tell me my preference for playing one or another however, is unfounded?
You are making many assumptions about my opinion that you are not entitled to make. I dont like what hasbro is doing to dnd, So what?. Who are you to suggest that my opinion is not well founded when it is entirely based on what I find more entertaining to me?.
I Like some things from third, namely the "Streamlined" combat system (bab instead of thaco was a godsend!). But there are lots of things i dont like (prestige classes). I liked what tsr did, and your right, it was in the 90's, and the game has evolved since then. And now I probably wouldnt go back to second (without adding bab and overhauling some things), But I would like to see someone other than hasbro take a crack at it. Tsr was a suggestion, simply because I would have liked to see what they would have done with the current system in updating it. I didnt say I want second edition back.
They created many staples for roleplaying that are now found in third. Most of the spells for example!. While the actual combat system is nicer for third. A lot of the new things they have created (again prestige classes!) I dont like.
Another example, ebberon and its robots!
My point being. Hasbro did do the game a service, making it easier to understand and play. But that was not the whole appeal of the game for me. Ease of use was not my main concern. And NOW that the system is streamlined, easy to use, and nice, im simply implying i'd like to see what the creators of the system 3rd was based on could come up with to add to it.
All in all...... Perhaps a fresh perspective on the current edition from someone other than hasbro might bring a little more to it. Im quite tired of all the splatbooks and multitudes of prc's. And i think another edition by them will just be fixes and more of the same.
And if i didnt like it then, like i've stated earlier, I wouldnt have to buy it.