What should I run? What are YOU going to run? What do WE want to play?


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Fantasy Craft - River of Worlds

The players are sailors, so to embark on a fantastic journey on the River of Worlds. No regular ocean, the River of Worlds connects many far flung and exotic planes. The crew of a erstwhile plane-sailing ship my face unknown dangers in a desperate mission.

The game uses the Fantasy Craft system by Crafty Games.

Oh, yes please.

Oh and Tom - if you run Danger Patrol, I'm there.

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If I get the chance to play, this would be my pick.

Oh, yes please.

Well, that's 3 votes so far; I guess that's the way I'll go.

I'm not dismissive of Diaspora, and I think you can probably pull off the online collaboration ahead of time, if players participate. If I was you, however, I'd be looking at how different is that from your Iron Lords of Jupiter SotC/FATE game, and is it different enough to warrant the amount of work you and your players are going to put into it? I'm not saying it's not, but you might get more bang for your buck with your FantasyCraft idea for the effort put into it.

Our vantage point are slightly different here. You suggest I try something else because its the same as what I've done before. I want to try it because its different than what I've done before (and what I'm doing every week... FC is my home game du juor.) ;)

Yeah, it's FATE, so it has some of the same dynamics. But where my ILOJ was the John Carter & Flash Gordon vibe, Diaspora might scratch my Firefly/Alistair Reynolds/Larry Niven itch in a system that in the past has shown me that it can get the players to invest their creativity.

But then, it seems like I have at least 3 people intrigued in Fantasy Craft, and I figure I might be able to snag Brian and Bill again, so I'll probably lean that way.


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Soooo, are Psion and myself the only ones running afternoon games?
I'll likely run a game in the PM if we don't get some more adds -- probably one I've run before (maybe the League of Extraordinary Pulp, which you've played twice).

If Rel's coming, he usually runs something, so maybe he'll chime in soon, and I expect we'll hear from other folks as well.

John Crichton

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I'll likely run a game in the PM if we don't get some more adds -- probably one I've run before (maybe the League of Extraordinary Pulp, which you've played twice).

If Rel's coming, he usually runs something, so maybe he'll chime in soon, and I expect we'll hear from other folks as well.
I figured Rel would run something although he normally does so in the AM. I'm actually a little surprised more regulars haven't popped their heads in yet. Anywho, I'm sure it'll all work out just fine. :)


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I've posted something in the afternoon, so as to reduce the liklihood of someone feeling obligated to run two sessions if they don't want to.


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After much hemming and hawing, I have decided not to run anything for this particular gameday. I will mark my triumphal return to the GM's chair at either Gen Con or some subsequent gameday. I think I've just got too much going on for this one -- especially since I'm probably leaving town for a few days on the Sunday after the gameday. My apologies to everyone. ;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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