What Systems Have You Had Long Term Campaigns With?

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For long term campaigns as a DM that would be BECMI D&D (later Rules Cyclopedia D&D for the pedants who insist that they're different), Marvel Superheroes, Torg (original flavor), D&D 3e, D&D 4e, D&D 5e, and 13th Age. As a player AD&D 1e, 2e, Ars Magica and Mage the Ascension. (I played and DMed a lot more in the 90s when I was in High School/college than I manage these days).

Very few non-D&D games in there, but I think that's because D&D has levels and so everyone thinks you're supposed to run a long campaign with it and expectations of that are baked in. Most of the non-D&D, non-13A games I run/play these days are either one-shots, "long one-shots" designed to run around 4-5 sessions at most as a change of pace, or "linked one-shots" of some game when we're down a person for our regular 13th Age game (Torg Eternity has become the game of choice on that front in the past year).

Jeremy E Grenemyer

The longest campaign I have run lasted about a decade.

We were playing 3.0/3.5 D&D in the Forgotten Realms.

I have participated in 6 month Battletech and Mechwarrior campaigns—really fun and memorable, too.

Our group has seen successful, long term campaigns (say 6 months of regular play), but only in a few systems: AD&D (many years ago), D&D 3.x, Pathfinder, Star Wars (Fantasy Flight), Call of Cthulhu, and D&D 5E.

Me personally?
AD&D 2e
D&D 3e
D&D 3.5e
Star Wars (WEG d6)
Star Wars (WotC d20 Original)
Star Wars (WotC d20 Revised)
d20 Modern
Vampire: The Masquerade
Mage: The Ascension
Werewolf: The Apocalypse


At over 12 months: 1e adnd, 3e dnd, 4e dnd,
BECMI dnd, 5e dnd. Oh, and Pathfinder.

I had pretty substantial PARANOIA and d6 Star Wars campaigns in the late 1980s but not sure if they went over a year.
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Greg K

Meeting on average once per week for four to six hours, I have run campaigns that have lasted at least 1 year (5+ if marked with an asterisk) with the following games:

  • AD&D 1e, 2e
  • Marvel Super Heroes RPG (TSR)
  • Champions 4e
  • DC Heroes 1e, 2e
  • Rolemaster 2e (the campaign lasted 3 years using RM after first using AD&D 2e, Fantasy Hero, and GURPS Fantasy)
  • D&D 3e
  • Mutants & Masterminds 1e, 2e * (this campaign lasted about 9 years using M&M after first going through Marvel Super Heroes (TSR), Villains and Vigilantes, DC Heroes, and Champions 4e, and back to MSH).


Systems I've run or played long campaigns in:

AD&D 2e
D&D 3e/3.5e
D&D 4e
D&D 5e

Systems I've bought but never run or played:

The Battletech RPG (I love Battletech, but I seriously hate that system. I found a way to use the Battletech RPG's RPG skill to Minitaures game gunnery and piloting skills table to use the BtVS system for the actual RPG, and then use the minis game I love for the mech fights).


Mod Squad
Staff member

D&D 1e, 2e, 3e, 5e
Marvel Superheroes (FASERIP)
Shadowrun (several editions)
Word of Darkness (mostly Mage, but some others, several editions)
One entirely homebrew system that never saw publication
Star Wars d20
Classic Deadlands
Ashen Stars

.. And a few others I am forgetting, I think.


The longest campaign would be Marvel Super Heroes RPG (TSR) which has ran for 23 years. The other campaign would a 2nd Ed Dungeons and Dragons that ran for 12 years before all party members drifted off into real life. Other than those two campaigns most of our usually run a 1-2 years before we move on to a new story.

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