What Systems Have You Had Long Term Campaigns With?


Last was a Mongoose 1e Traveller game of 4 1/2 years. Over time, there has been AD&D, Classic Traveller, Twilight 2000, Call of Cthulhu, Rifts; all starting in '79. Right now I am running an M-Space game and another Classic Traveller game, however not playing anything, which makes me sad. :(

Some game systems really don't promote long term games, such as Paranoia.

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Jacob Lewis

Ye Olde GM


I am DMing 99% of the time, so bear that in mind.

My longest campaigns were with AD&D2E (multiple settings), Call of Cthulhu, WEG Star Wars and Conan D20.

I also had pretty decent length campaigns using Earthdawn, WFRPG and D&D3E/3.5 (Forgotten Realms).


David Jose
Year long+ campaigns? I think only AD&D, 3.5, and maybe 4th Ed. I might have taken part in a GURPS campaign for longer than a year, but regardless, it ran for about 4 years before I showed up, and I'm sure it continued on in my absence.

I think that even during my RPG glory days, a "successful" campaign was anything that lasted longer than a semester. Those would have been Call of Cthulhu and Delta Green, Rifts (ugh), 90s era World of Darkness, Gurps, Big Eyes Small Mouth, and I guess maybe Talislanta and TMNT.


I have run long term games in:
AD&D 1e
AD&D 2e
and I am 3 sessions into a 5e campaign.

I have also played in longterm campaigns of
4e D&D
Vampire the Masquerade 1e, 2e and V20
d20 Modern
Shadowrun 1e
Shadowrun 2e
Shadowrun 4e
A homebrew rules lite d20 system.
Palladium RPG
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1e.

Year long campaigns that I have run

  1. Middle Earth Roleplaying -- became Rolemaster
  2. Rolemaster / Everway (alternating systems and characters)
  3. Just Rolemaster
  4. Big Eyes Small Mouth (2nd ed)
  5. D&D 3.0 which became D&D 3.5 which became D&D 4E
  6. Call of Cthulu (2 different campaigns)
  7. Trail of Chulhu (GUMSHOE)
  8. Night's Black Agents (GUMSHOE)
  9. Deadlands Classic (one completed, one I am running is 6 months in)
  10. Alternity
  11. Spacemaster

And I've played in a few other year+ campaigns: Ghostbusters, Deadlands, Supernatural, Savage Worlds

Either run or played in, off the top of my head:

Call of Cthulhu
Twilight 2000
Warhammer FRP
Hero Wars
Legend of the Five Rings
Burning Wheel
Apocalypse World

Viking Bastard

Askur Yggdrasils
AD&D 2e
Star Wars d6
Cyberpunk 2020
Vampire: TM
Werewolf: TA
Mage: TA (although not the setting)
D&D 3e
D&D 4e
D&D 5e

I think this is somewhat exhaustive list of systems I've run or played in for long term campaigns.

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