What TV series related to the "Matter of Middle-earth" would you prefer to see?


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
This suggestion seems disingenuous considering I've posted in that thread quite recently.

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This suggestion seems disingenuous considering I've posted in that thread quite recently.
I read it as "That thread feels like it was exactly made for what you seem to be trying to discuss... this one doesn't so much."

It would have been clearer if they had included the quote you were responding to as well.


Morkus from Orkus
Episode 6 got intense, bit it wasn't worse than a lot of the violence in Two Towers or Return of the King. If anything, I would say that perhaps it takes the violence more seriously than the Jaxkfilms do, which is appropriately Tolkienien.
Was that the episode where the pyroclastic flow hit the town and should have turned it into Pompei, but bad writing caused everyone in town to have less difficulty with it than a sunburn at the beach?


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
I read it as "That thread feels like it was exactly made for what you seem to be trying to discuss... this one doesn't so much."

It would have been clearer if they had included the quote you were responding to as well.
Sure, that would have been nice, but who made @trappedslider the on-topic police?


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
Well there does seem to be a fair bit of this going on outside of a thread that seemed to be expressly created for that sort of negative commenting on Rings of Power. Do we really need three threads so people can complain about it?
A fair bit of what exactly? That people are expressing their preferences about the recent Tolkien show in a thread about their preferences regarding Tolkien shows in general doesn't seem particularly off topic to me, and I started this thread! You don't need to ghettoize opinions with which you don't agree.

A fair bit of what exactly? That people are expressing their preferences about the recent Tolkien show in a thread about their preferences regarding Tolkien shows in general doesn't seem particularly off topic to me, and I started this thread! You don't need to ghettoize opinions with which you don't agree.
Sorry for thinking this was a general topic (middle earth) thread and not just another thread about the show. :rolleyes:

Another disingenuous reply. Why am I not surprised?
So the title of YOUR thread is "What TV series related to the "Matter of Middle-earth" would you prefer to see? "
However, the last few pages had a number of posts about Rings of Power which has had its own thread 2 of them in fact since the show launched. I know thread drift is a thing but having a thread turn into a copy of another thread..at that point just ask the mods to merge them.

Voidrunner's Codex

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