I bet you need reservations sicne one does not walk inMinas Ithil is a full blown city, so there's bound to be the odd little sidewalk bistro about.
I bet you need reservations sicne one does not walk inMinas Ithil is a full blown city, so there's bound to be the odd little sidewalk bistro about.
I'd definitely have some reservations.I bet you need reservations sicne one does not walk in
"At Chez Shelab we serve the finest web-aged orc, infused with our special venom jus."Minas Ithil is a full blown city, so there's bound to be the odd little sidewalk bistro about.
Love will find a way.The copyright will expire, but they'll still hold the TM on a bunch of things which feel like they'll make some things awkward to navigate.
Quite often, we are contacted by fans who wonder: What is Copyright? Copyright is a legal concept that applies to original work giving the creator of the work exclusive rights to control
So, we get Beren and Luthien done in a truly epic fashion? Excellent!Love will find a way.
It's a crater. And misdirection. But we'll done, since it made either interpretation poss8ble. Also, The Stranger didn't break Largo's goot, necessarily: that was suggested by the editing, but that was probavly again misdirection taking advantage of the "correlation is causation, right?" quirk in human perception.I didn't see anything like the Eye of Sauron with Halbrand. In fact, from his introduction in episode two, the signals were more of the "look foul and feel fair" nature of an Aragorn-like figure, whereas Sauron in the mid-Second Age is supposed to look fair. I'm curious how you got around the Eye of Sauron crater. I mean, it doesn't make a lot of sense either way, but it seemed like such a direct message from the filmmakers.
ETA: The only way I can rationalize the crater looking like the Eye of Sauron is that it's some kind of bizarre coincidence, which is pretty unsatisfying. Another option is that we as audience members aren't supposed to care or notice and that it was intended to operate subliminally, but the inclusion of the image in episode recaps would seem to go against that interpretation. It seems like the show is punishing those who actually engage with its content.
Somebody, somewhere, will eventually be able to use public domain to make an epic Beren and Luthien extension. Probably many people.So, we get Beren and Luthien done in a truly epic fashion? Excellent!
Well no, craters that look pretty much exactly like the Eye of Sauron don't just happen by accident. The show presented an image that was deliberately crafted to strongly resemble the Eye and emphasized that image repeatedly. What meaning the show was trying to convey with that image is hard to say because it ended up being meaningless nonsense when the Stranger was revealed to be Gandalf. There's absolutely no reason for it to have happened. The only possible interpretation is when Gandalf falls from the sky in meteorites, it makes craters that look like the Eye of Sauron.It's a crater. And misdirection. But we'll done, since it made either interpretation poss8ble.
Editing is a form of communication. The show points to the correlation, connecting the breaking of the stick with the breaking of Largo's foot. What's the point of communicating that connection to the audience if it's not meant to be received and accepted as true in the story. Gandalf also broke a tree limb, almost killing a child. The interpretation of these events is that in this version of Gandalf, he's a bungler.Also, The Stranger didn't break Largo's goot, necessarily: that was suggested by the editing, but that was probavly again misdirection taking advantage of the "correlation is causation, right?" quirk in human perception.
I don't understand. Halbrand had only one eye? Did he grow his other eye before his next close up?Halbrand us introduced with Obe Eye in his initial shot, and his musical theme is a mirror of Sauron's, so the twist is musically broadcast blatantly. Also, like the second thing he does after betraying a raft full of people to a sea serpent is demand that Galadriel "bind yourself to me!" in the storm. I thought he wod be the Witch King of Angmar, but he was clearly toxic throughout.
Well no, craters that look pretty much exactly like the Eye of Sauron don't just happen by accident. The show presented an image that was deliberately crafted to strongly resemble the Eye and emphasized that image repeatedly. What meaning the show was trying to convey with that image is hard to say because it ended up being meaningless nonsense when the Stranger was revealed to be Gandalf. There's absolutely no reason for it to have happened. The only possible interpretation is when Gandalf falls from the sky in meteorites, it makes craters that look like the Eye of Sauron.
Editing is a form of communication. The show points to the correlation, connecting the breaking of the stick with the breaking of Largo's foot. What's the point of communicating that connection to the audience if it's not meant to be received and accepted as true in the story. Gandalf also broke a tree limb, almost killing a child. The interpretation of these events is that in this version of Gandalf, he's a bungler.
I don't understand. Halbrand had only one eye? Did he grow his other eye before his next close up?
One episode, I think it was 8, opened with a close up of Galadriel's eye blinking open. Did that mean she might be Sauron too? No, it just means she regained consciousness.
I didn't pick up on the theme. I'll have to pay more attention to the music if I watch it again. I've already watched most of the episodes more than once.
He didn't seem toxic to me. He heroically risked his life to save her from drowning, and who would want to be eaten by a sea serpent?
OK, can I pitch a comedy set in Minas Morgul, based in a restaurant? We can call it, "Two Orcs, a Ghoul, and a Pizza Place." I'm sure Ryan Reynolds would be up for it.I bet you need reservations sicne one does not walk in