What will you do with the Economy Boost money?


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Umbran said:
Nothing much on the immediate timescale, no. In a couple years, when our savings is built up to the point where we'll feel comfortable spending a big purse on a huge TV, or a really cool vacation, then the money will stimulate the economy.

True enough, but the entire purpose of this payment is to stimulate the economy now, because they're concerned that we're in (or heading into) a recession now.

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kenobi65 said:
True enough, but the entire purpose of this payment is to stimulate the economy now, because they're concerned that we're in (or heading into) a recession now.

Yeah, they want people to spend, which is one of the main reasons why our economy sucks to begin with. People overspend what they can afford and default on loans, etc. Great way to encourage fiscal responsibility. I'd rather the government keep the money and pay off the national debt and try to get the dollar's value out of the crapper.


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GlassJaw said:
I'd rather the government keep the money and pay off the national debt and try to get the dollar's value out of the crapper.

Yeah, but compared to putting a $500 check in people's hands, which strategy do you think wins elections?

(Note to moderators: sorry if I just veered past the "no politics" barrier.)


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kenobi65 said:
Interesting that many of you are going to use it to pay down debt, or squirrel it away.

...neither paying down debt... ...do much, if anything, to stimulate the economy. The former is just paying off the debt service on purchase you've already made...

As far as paying down debt goes, look at it this way...

If I use the $1800 the U.S. government is giving me, to pay off a credit card bill, then that'll equate to more than $150 per month for the next year that I get to use to stimulate the economy on a slow and steady basis, instead of throwing it away on credit card payments. Or, for a lot of people, it means a credit card that now has $1800 worth of space on it that can be used to buy something.

Either way, it stimulates the economy, it simply depends on what rate the consumer is applying that stimulation.

I'm going to spend mine on stuff... which is what they want me to do with it. I have no real debt, to speak of, so this is one hundred percent bonus money, for me.



Mod Squad
Staff member
kenobi65 said:
True enough, but the entire purpose of this payment is to stimulate the economy now, because they're concerned that we're in (or heading into) a recession now.

Yes, but then they should give me the money in a form that I need to use now, or not at all (say, a $600 Visa gift card with a one-month expiration date).

And, honestly - my wife and I have pumped hundreds of thousands of dollars into the economy when we bought a house this year. My obligation to stimulate should darn well be considered met. :)


First Post
Pbartender said:
Either way, it stimulates the economy, it simply depends on what rate the consumer is applying that stimulation.


Mine's going toward my credit card. Not only will it reduce my interest payments (and, honestly, get it just about paid off anyway), but it means the bank has that much more money back to lend out.



Umbran said:
...The other way to look at is that some of us have spent quite a bit already stimulating the economy. We're already ahead of the game :)

This is what I was going to do with it... but it looks like I will be paying for a decent Kindergarten education for my third child since //poorly disguised edit of my feelings toward the government's failure of all public school systems//.


First Post
Back eight years ago I was hurt. To save our home, we got a second (an Equity Account), so that we could make payment, pay for doctors, etc. That was run up to over a hundred thousand dollars over the course of three years.

My settlement came and did little to dent that.

Work was hard to find, but I managed to cut it nearly in half.

Our daughter came and I am staying home to raise her, but as we found back eight years ago, the wife makes a lot but she can not keep up afloat. The equity account is once again saving us and strangling us. The promised check will be little more then a monthly payment.

Sure wish there was a way for parents to make it financially without having the put the kid in someone else's care (and thus be raised by strangers) in the modern age.

Oh, well...

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