D&D 5E What would 5E be like if the playtest's modularity promise was kept?


There were several attempts early to add modular rules to the game: psionics, mass combat, "Grayhawk" initiative, prestige classes. They always got rejected. Even now there is significant pushback to the background feats in Dragonlance. I don't blame WotC for scaling back on optional modular rules to occasional character creation options: the larger D&D community says it wants options but then blanches at every one that doesn't look like the PHB.

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Sweet. I'm gonna bother Chris Perkins until he brings back Hot Mustard sauce for my nuggies
I get tired of this argument. 😞

It's a game. Developed by a company with the goal of selling product. It may be the McDonalds of the TTRPG world or the Honda/Toyota instead of some obscure Indian/Mexican/Asian fusion restaurant that sells sushi tacos with chutney you personally love. It's not a Ferrari that really only makes sense on a race track.

Obviously it works well for millions of people, with more people playing every year for a decade. It is a quality product, if it weren't it wouldn't sell. It may just not work for you.


the larger D&D community says it wants options but then blanches at every one that doesn't look like the PHB.
Which makes perfect sense. If some people really want to play D&D in the style of 2E... why play an edited version of 5E to do it when you could still just play 2E? Everyone else wants to play 5E as-is and thus changing the style of the game seems unnecessary.


There were several attempts early to add modular rules to the game: psionics, mass combat, "Grayhawk" initiative, prestige classes. They always got rejected. Even now there is significant pushback to the background feats in Dragonlance. I don't blame WotC for scaling back on optional modular rules to occasional character creation options: the larger D&D community says it wants options but then blanches at every one that doesn't look like the PHB.

Not even that, just take a look at how much people complain when DMs try to make the game their own. How terrible we are because we don't allow every race or class under the sun. How dare DMs not allow variable racial bonuses. On the other hand variable racial bonuses are definitely ruining the game.

If there were significant demand for more a more modular system, a more modular system than we already have would be developed.


Which makes perfect sense. If some people really want to play D&D in the style of 2E... why play an edited version of 5E to do it when you could still just play 2E?
Which returns us back to Monte's premise.

There was a belief at one point an BECMI elf, a 4e Invoker, and a 3.5 fighter/rogue/barbarian/master duelist was all going to be replicated and able to play at the same table using 5e as a lingua franca. Those people were dreaming of things that cannot be done and even if they could, would cater to a relative minority of players per module.


#1 Enworld Jerk™
I get tired of this argument. 😞

It's a game. Developed by a company with the goal of selling product. It may be the McDonalds of the TTRPG world or the Honda/Toyota instead of some obscure Indian/Mexican/Asian fusion restaurant that sells sushi tacos with chutney you personally love. It's not a Ferrari that really only makes sense on a race track.

Obviously it works well for millions of people, with more people playing every year for a decade. It is a quality product, if it weren't it wouldn't sell. It may just not work for you.

I just want my hot mustard sauce back tho

Which makes perfect sense. If some people really want to play D&D in the style of 2E... why play an edited version of 5E to do it when you could still just play 2E? Everyone else wants to play 5E as-is and thus changing the style of the game seems unnecessary.
nobody wants the style of an older edition updated more modern rules... news to me

I mean just 2e with modern saves and increaseing AC/No Thac0 with a modern updated skill system... that wouldn't be what anyone wants from 2e...

I mean a 4e system with less HP and simpler math (like say bounded accuracy and advantage/disadvantage....

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